ohsaa investigation/ Minford

then what
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ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by then what »

I heard that the Falcon program is under investigation for the trip they took down south preseason. Heard they might have to forfeit the season anyone else heard this?

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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by rickoshay »

If you're interested, just call OHSAA, or call the AD at Minford. :idea: ;-)

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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by bron99 »

I have heard some squabbling about this, I truly hope this doesn't happen. Minfords time been a long time coming and they are without a doubt in the catbird seat in the SOC. Good command in the circle, good bats, good defense!
I would have to say they would be very disappointed if their opportunities are squashed if their coaching staff made an error they may cost them for post play opportunities.
I hope there is a resolve for this issue(if it is true) and they can shine in post play.

Good luck to the team.

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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by DragonFan »

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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by Xtoxxviii »

What a Bull $#!+Â¥ rule by OHSAA!
Why is ok to go to another country and play but not another State that is in the United States of America?
Are the rules different for other sports? And if so why?
It seems Ohio has basketball teams playing all over the place and teams
From all over the place coming here to play.

Give the coaches a game suspension, 
make the AD/Athletic Dept. give a couple grand to a local youth "SOFTBALL" diamond. 
Force the Principal to mow the softball field......
But don't take this season away from the young ladies of Minford.

While I'm on my soap box here, what is going to be done by OHSAA to the
Steubenville Football program?
There has been many rule infractions come to light during the case that played out on national tv. A thorough investigation of the living arrangements of all players should happen as well as the coaching staff.
It makes me want to puke to think the young Ladies of Minford could lose the rest of this season
While the Big Red Staff of Steubenville will take the field next fall like nothing is wrong or ever happened. 

It appears Minford Coaching Staff, Athletic Director and Superintendent misinterpreted a rule. Give them a fair and just punishment for their misguidance but don't take a season away from a group of Young Ladies who have worked very hard to play high school softball.

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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by then what »

Thery broke a rule. They should acccept their punishment no matter what it is, right is right wrong is wrong! I would think that the A.D. and coach should know the rules that is what they get paid to do! Know the rules and follow them. I would think the post season ban would be appropriate! They should have thought about the young ladies before breaking the rules!

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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by ManitouDan »

The rules are in place so no one gets an early season advantage . very sad that the innoncent players might be penalized , thats why adults are supposed to look out for them. Minford won some huge early season conference games against teams who MIGHT have been playing at a disadvantage because minford had already played several more games than the others. bad set of circumstances but the rules have to be followed .

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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by Xtoxxviii »

Here is the rule via OHSAA:

Out-of-State Travel
A softball team may travel out of state to compete in contest scrimmages, previews and games in states or provinces in Canada that are contiguous to Ohio regardless of distance to travel. The states include Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The province includes Ontario. Additionally, a softball team may travel ouf of state one time per interscholastic season to compete in states or provinces in Canada that are not contiguous to Ohio provided there is no loss of school time.
“School time” is defined as any time during any day during which the school is in session as stipulated in its Board- adopted school calendar exclusive of contingency days. Penalty for violation: The school shall be ineligible for the OHSAA postseason tournament in the sport in which the out-of-state travel was involved and could be subject to additional penalties as referenced in Bylaw 11.
EXCEPTION: If, because of missed school days due to calamity situations, as otherwise non-school day(s) becomes a school day(s) in order to make-up for the missed school day, the school may compete in a contest(s) outside the state of Ohio provided:
1) The school had contracted for/committed to said trip/contest(s) at least three months prior to the contest(s) in
question and;
2) The school receives written permission from the Commissioner’s office at least one week in advance of the
scheduled event.
A softball team may not travel out of state only to practice. Any contest played in a non-contiguous state must count as a game. No regular season games can be played prior to the official start of the OHSAA season.

Pay close attention to this part:

(Additionally, a softball team may travel ouf of state one time per interscholastic season to compete in states or provinces in Canada that are "not contiguous to Ohio" provided there is no loss of school time.)

if no school time was lost,
If it was during the season,
And the games count as games played
I don't see where they broke the Rule

I say let em PLAY BALL!

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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by danicalifornia »

Ummm, I know of a school who goes to Tennessee each spring during their spring break for scrimmages and has never gotten in trouble for it. And that is because they don't miss any school. Seems like there should be no issue since they didn't miss school.

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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by ManitouDan »

A softball team may not travel out of state only to practice. Any contest played in a non-contiguous state must count as a game. No regular season games can be played prior to the official start of the OHSAA season. --- thats perfectly clear with no ambiguity . For as gray as the OHSSA rules can be ( and they can be so bad a lawyer cant figure them out) there isnt anything hard to understand about that one.

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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by ManitouDan »

from previous threads it appears Minford played 7 games down south. that is coming from a minford follower on here.

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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by then what »

The punishment is clear no post season for the Falcons.....

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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by Gopher »

It is sad that the girls have to suffer for the Coach and AD not knowing the rules, but it is their job to know them and abide by them. There was plenty of talk on other forums about schools NOT going to MB this year because of this rule and when the season started. No excuses for the coaching staff and AD!

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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by Xtoxxviii »

Can somebody clear this up for me?

When was Minford at this tournament?

And what day is the official start date or what is the earliest date an official game can be played according to OSHAA?

Is the official start date of practice the same day an official game can be played?

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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by baseball16 »

March 30 is first date of regular season game. Scrimmages can be feb 25 , up to 4. The issue is, you cannot play a regular season game before 30th. Also, no scrimmages allowed outside of border states. Pretty cut and dry.

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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by Xtoxxviii »

baseball16 wrote:March 30 is first date of regular season game. Scrimmages can be feb 25 , up to 4. The issue is, you cannot play a regular season game before 30th. Also, no scrimmages allowed outside of border states. Pretty cut and dry.

A softball team may not travel out of state only to practice. Any contest played in a non-contiguous state must count as a game. No regular season games can be played prior to the official start of the OHSAA season.

According to this thread:
http://southeasternohiopreps.com/forum/ ... d#p2085235
Minford was playing on the 29th. A day before the official start of the season.

If I have these facts correct it does not look good for Minford.

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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by smurray »

Sad, but I don't know how they get around this one.

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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by Joesouth »

Yep they are screwed.

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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by eagles73Taylor »

I tell my coaches, check with me first before you do something you are not sure of. I email the ohsaa about once a week on questions like this. We cant know every rule, especially as muddy as some can be, so I email and leave a paper trail to follow.

This is the stuff that scares me when it comes to being an AD. I feel for the kids and program, if they indeed get hammered.

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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by smurray »

A clear violation someone should have checked on before making the trip.

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