ohsaa investigation/ Minford

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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by Regulator »

ON THE ROCKS wrote:I can smell a little JEALOUSY!!! out there .. prob a Parent of another school ... if u cant beat them on the field call OHSAA.. really what over 14 innings of ball... I would bet the farm that all schools around start hitting and instruction early ... better watch u could be next ... did the falcons play clay this yr?? :122249 :122249
This is our society in a nut shell. Lets just start turning in others because we got caught. Listen, you (Minford ) broke the rules. Deal with it !!! Accountability has become a tough thing for many to grasp anymore. Not my fault it's his or hers! :(

Pol pot
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Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by Pol pot »

Some of you guys are simply clueless! The violations were posted on a public forum multiple times for all to see, and I believe the Daily Times even mentioned the games in the paper! So it's not like anyone had to "turn anyone in"!!! Anyone who has ever been around athletics knows there are general rules and regulations. And as for the kids being punished, well sorry they were part of the team that broke the rules. Problem here is some of you are mad that you got caught, not that you cheated.

Pol pot
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Joined: Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:11 pm

Re: ohsaa investigation/ Minford

Post by Pol pot »

lightle04 wrote:Lets be real here ! What advantage did Minford gain by playing down there. It's not like they got a sneak peek at a league team so they could game plan for them. What advantage did they gain? It it a rule ? Yes it is and they should be punished "they " being the coach and AD a suspension is warranted for the coach. But to punish the kids is bull !! I know Minfords coach he is a very good coach and constantly credits his girls with there hard work being the reason for the programs recent succses in his time there.. But it is crazy for the OHSAA to punish the kids. Those games they played are no different than if they would have scrimaged local teams no real advantage. It's a shame these girls are being robbed of a post season .
Yeah following rules and expectations is a tough thing huh?

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