New Practice Contact Rules

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New Practice Contact Rules

Post by 4thgoal »

Per the OHSAA notice ... elines.pdf

Practice During the Season (all practices after the first regular‐season game)
Note: the following regulations apply to individual student‐athletes. Position groups, etc., can alternate contact during the
week to adhere to the regulations. Also, contact with soft equipment such as bags, shields, sleds, etc., does not count
toward full contact limitations:
1. Consider limiting full‐contact on consecutive days.
2. A student‐athlete is limited to 30 minutes of full contact in practice per day.
3. A student‐athlete is limited to 60 minutes of full contact in practice per week.
4. A student‐athlete can be involved in full contact in a maximum of two practices in a seven‐day span.
“These regulations are being put into place for the safety of our student‐athletes, and it is incumbent on coaches to
monitor the contact in their practices,” Ross said. “Our coaches are educators and leaders. They want what’s best for kids,
and these regulations are in line with these safety recommendations. As the report also states, these regulations will evolve
and may become more restrictive as additional concussion research emerges.”

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Re: New Practice Contact Rules

Post by Badboy »

Are they playing football?

I understand the logic....less contact less injuries. But marathon runners don't train by running a sprint.

I think this will cause more kids to get hurt on game night because they are not going to be physically prepared to play contact football for 4 quarters. I also think players will tire out quicker during the game from lack of training during the week. Tired players will not be as mentally sharp and that will also lead to more injuries.

Maybe they should start playing in bubble wrap suits? Or would that be too hot?

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Re: New Practice Contact Rules

Post by Old Bulldog »

John Gagliardi former coach at DIII St. John's College in Minnesota had a record 489 wins and 4 national titles. He coached from 1949 to 2012 and had only one losing season. He prohibited tackling during practices, didn't use a whistle or blocking sleds, didn't require weight lifting and limited his practice time to 90 minutes.
Teach Rugby style tackling and save the hitting for game day is the best way to prevent football injuries.
OHSAA is actually headed in the right direction.

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Re: New Practice Contact Rules

Post by Tigercannon71 »

What they are doing is protecting their own pockets from parents who want to sue when little Johnny hurts his pinkie finger while drinking water on the bench. This is getting ridiculous. They are going to legislate football out of existence the way they are going.

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Re: New Practice Contact Rules

Post by C-Bolt »

They will be playing flag football before long :oops:

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Re: New Practice Contact Rules

Post by noreply66 »

I think they should have one guy on defense with a paint ball gun. If he hits the guy with the ball they are down at the hit point..Offense gets 5 more yards if defense shoots the ball carrier in the crotch. Refs will carry a tape measure to make sure it is in the area of 2" - 7"

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Re: New Practice Contact Rules

Post by Westsider1993 »

I agree with it. Our kids beat the tar out of each other for entire practices. Once the season starts I agree with it. After form tacklin drills and scrimmaging each other if you don't have it you just don't. This saves their bodies for the long season. This is coming from a former middle linebacker. I loved contact, but the is no sense in banging kids or not letting them heal once week one starts.

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Re: New Practice Contact Rules

Post by Orange and Brown »

Most coaches don't have their kids hit that much in practice anyways anymore.

If you teach kids how to block and tackle properly, their is no need to have them trying to tear each other's heads off in practice.

Go sit through a few practices of successful programs and you will notice they don't hit that much.

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Re: New Practice Contact Rules

Post by kvnchambers »

I don't think this will be much of anything new for a lot of teams out there. maybe slightly but not a lot.
i think once season starts most teams already follow close to what is listed below.
mondays: film study of last Fridays opponents, and a practice working on your mistakes from previous Friday. this may be full contact for a while. a weight lifting session.
tuesday: film session on upcoming opponet: practice implementing offensive game plan for coming week, light contact: conditioning after practice.
wednesday: practice implementing defensive game plan for week. making sure every one knows there keys reads and assignments light contact along with weight training
thursday: walk thru of offense defense special teams: no pads followed by conditioning work
friday : game day
saturday : off or film study.

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Re: New Practice Contact Rules

Post by Raider6309 »

Orange and Brown wrote:Most coaches don't have their kids hit that much in practice anyways anymore.

If you teach kids how to block and tackle properly, their is no need to have them trying to tear each other's heads off in practice.

Go sit through a few practices of successful programs and you will notice they don't hit that much.
I agree with that. This is for the bad programs that kill it's players by doing useless hitting drills. U win in the winter and not the summer.

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