baseball16 wrote: Sun Oct 22, 2017 3:42 pm Eventually you run out of "pieces", glue, tape, bubblegum to put the "pieces back together. That is the Problem. IMO.
If I replace a leg of a chair, I betcha I am not going to sit in that chair, I will ask my wife to test it out!! LOL
The problem I see as an outsider, is a community that cannot accept that their team is not living out the 70's, 80's, or 90's. Tough to accept, but probably should!!
Us ol timers dont have a problem accepting it.....this is not our first rodeo on this wagon as we remember the 50s before you had the preps and all you experts telling us what we should do or not it is not tough to accept if you know anything about Ironton and the posters on here trying to act like they know football dont have a clue either.........the community you refer to is much more of a minority rather the majority of Tiger fans........