ANOTHER Mass Shooting

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Re: ANOTHER Mass Shooting

Post by cbolt »

Syed Farook.Sounds like a copycat terrorist wannabe

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Re: ANOTHER Mass Shooting

Post by Runner »

Our niece just contacted my wife about 11:30 pm and told her that she was safe and back at her residence.

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Re: ANOTHER Mass Shooting

Post by Valenth »

Runner wrote:Our niece just contacted my wife about 11:30 pm and told her that she was safe and back at her residence.
Very Good News! Thankful she is safe!

These shootings are becoming WAY TOO COMMON...

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Re: ANOTHER Mass Shooting

Post by Runner »

I will tell you one thing. With the other mass shootings that have happened, I have always the news sources off an on during the day with maybe an hour total of viewing time. But with this one where a family member was at the scene....I have been glued to either Fox and CNN on TV, or the live ABC Channel 7 streaming link out of San Bernardino that was supplied by yahoo since 4:30 pm......9 hours total. It sure does make a difference when family is involved.
Last edited by Runner on Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ANOTHER Mass Shooting


cbolt wrote:
TRENCHFOOT wrote:They was having a holiday party Bolt, I heard. Didn't hear about a meeting. What channel you on? They had AK-47'S one channel said I seen. Must have been one heck of a domestic problem then. :shock: Crazy evil if ya ask me.
Just heard on the Kelly show he went right past the first floor party and straight up to the conference room during a county executive meeting and started shooting,very strange for a terrorist attack not to mow all them people down on the first floor first and get the heck out of there,they said they hung around for awhile, very strange.
Ole Mark Fuhrman (spelling?)said terrorists won't be in a hurry, they are cool about it and trained to be smooth and go down with a fight if they have too. Trained and brain washed for that stuff. Heard one guy say, can't remember his name but he said we will cover it up for as long as we can if it was a terrorist act for certain reasons. Lots of investigation going on we wouldn't imagine going on he said. But it's clear to see it was planned for awhile he said, with all the gear they had to play it out. Joint terrorism task force is on it now, so that changes things quit a bit. Have to wait and see. Now they think that guy left angry as a ploy, the attack was pre-planned, full tactical gear was not needed if it wasn't planned. Had extra magazines, pipe bombs in multiple locations, pre-packed bags full of stuff, vests, etc.... They was ready ahead of time. What is a go pro camera bolt? Said they had those too.

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Re: ANOTHER Mass Shooting


Runner wrote:I will tel you one thing. With the other mass shootings that have happened, I have always the news sources off an on during the day with maybe an hour total of viewing time. But with this one where a family member was at the scene....I have been glued to either Fox and CNN on TV, or the live ABC Channel 7 streaming link out of San Bernardino that was supplied by yahoo since 4:30 pm......9 hours total. It sure does make a difference when family is involved.
Don't blame ya Runner, I sure am glad your niece is ok.

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Re: ANOTHER Mass Shooting

Post by Runner »

Some Go Pros are like the body cameras that cops use.

I also tend to think that the IRC was not their only target. The way they were armed, I feel they had bigger plans for the day.

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Re: ANOTHER Mass Shooting

Post by Runner »

The thing my niece said she will never get out of her head, will be when leaving the room that she was barricaded in to get outside.....she had to step over some of the 14 victims that were killed.....That is an image that no one should have to remember.

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Re: ANOTHER Mass Shooting


Runner wrote:The thing my niece said she will never get out of her head, will be when leaving the room that she was barricaded in to get outside.....she had to step over some of the 14 victims that were killed.....That is an image that no one should have to remember.
Poor thing, feel so sorry for her, I bet she was so scared. I hate to hear she had to go through that.

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Re: ANOTHER Mass Shooting


Runner wrote:Some Go Pros are like the body cameras that cops use.

I also tend to think that the IRC was not their only target. The way they were armed, I feel they had bigger plans for the day.
They was sure ready for something. Ba$_tards. Pi$$es me off. Poor innocent people. Cowardly evil predators that has no respect for life.

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Re: ANOTHER Mass Shooting

Post by cbolt »

Turns out the go pro thing wasn't even true.More of that misinformation I was telling you about.Said some of them people he killed gave him a baby shower awhile back.He had it made with a good job with perks galore,these kind of people are far more dangerous than international terriosts coming over here.He was on no watch list and I bet there are plenty more just like him already here embedded in society ready to do the same thing.

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Re: ANOTHER Mass Shooting


Too many reporters out in the field is what causes a couple of false miscues in the story. I see where they put the handguns back in the story, had 9mm ammo too, but had trucks loads of other ammo still left in the suv and plenty more at that condo apartment. They was definitely up to something. There isn't no new gun laws going to stop that kinda stuff Mr. Obama. :roll: This wasn't your regular felon/cracked/mind snapped gun buyer that did this. That's very clear to see. :roll:

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Re: ANOTHER Mass Shooting

Post by cbolt »

The gun law that is really stupid is letting people on the watch list obtain guns.Some are pushing to get it fixed while others don't want it fixed :roll:
This time nothing would have worked so there is nothing that can be done about these copycat wannebe terrorists who are already here flying under the radar

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Re: ANOTHER Mass Shooting


Terrorist leaders and organizations will fund and get guns and other harming material to them anyways. This awful event hasn't got anything to be concerned about to be changing gun laws. They better look and dig deeper and change something that's right in front of them.

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Re: ANOTHER Mass Shooting


cbolt wrote:The gun law that is really stupid is letting people on the watch list obtain guns.Some are pushing to get it fixed while others don't want it fixed :roll:
This time nothing would have worked so there is nothing that can be done about these copycat wannebe terrorists who are already here flying under the radar
I don't think this was your regular copycats. Too many obvious things in the picture. One of the big hints is who they were. :roll: This was definitely linked back to a terror group and it was planned. "Very Easy" to see that. Jmo. The writing is all over the wall Bolt. It Can't get any plainer to figure it out. :shock: Gun control :lol: :lol: Obama better wake up. :roll: :roll:
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Re: ANOTHER Mass Shooting

Post by cbolt »

You can't sterotype trench in today's world.Not all middle eastern people are bad.This guy was an American citizen for years who had a good job and was well liked before this.So how do you stop it ? Kick all of them out even if they are citizens and not let anymore come over? That won't happen so there is no way of stopping this kind of situation.This guy was not a known threat before this, so they say.There have been terrorists of all races in this in country,remember Ted Kaczynski and Tim Mcveigh ? There will no doubt be more to come

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Re: ANOTHER Mass Shooting


cbolt wrote:You can't sterotype trench in today's world.Not all middle eastern people are bad.This guy was an American citizen for years who had a good job and was well liked before this.So how do you stop it ? Kick all of them out even if they are citizens and not let anymore come over? That won't happen so there is no way of stopping this kind of situation.This guy was not a known threat before this, so they say.There have been terrorists of all races in this in country,remember Ted Kaczynski and Tim Mcveigh ? There will no doubt be more to come
Who said I was stereo typing??? Not all are bad but all can't be trusted. But we are talking about what happened. Aren't we? Who did he bring back here with him Bolt from SA? What did they find after this happened? I'm sure there's many others that are seeing what I am. I know there is! It can't get any plainer. I'm done with this topic but you watch what comes out of this. You mention Ted and Tim. :lol: :lol: Totally different thing there and different motives. Terroristic and planned, yes, but not planned or related by an overseas middle eastern terror organization.

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Re: ANOTHER Mass Shooting

Post by cbolt »

So just because he met his wife online from SA and brought her back here that automatically means they are terrorists ? She wasn't on no watch list either.I'm quite sure people do that all the time around the world so why would it raise an alarm? They didn't know about any of this stuff until the damage was already done.So I ask you again how do you stop it? The reason I call them copycat wannebe terrorists is because he was born and raised here so he is not an overseas terrorist even though he might have met with them don't mean they planned it for him,he and his wife could have planned it out on there own,since they're dead we will probably never know unless they can find proof on his computer or phone

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Re: ANOTHER Mass Shooting

Post by Valenth »

Regardless...its getting WAY Out of hand..

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Re: ANOTHER Mass Shooting

Post by cbolt »

I agree Val! They just reported they were sympathizers of ISIS, but no evidence of any overseas terrorist organization planning it,looks like another homegrown plot :roll:

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