Chesapeake Coach

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Chesapeake Coach

Post by ZOLA »

I got to see the Panthers play at the Big E classic and would like to gauge the frustration of the panther fans due to the state of their basketball program? Coach Davis all though IMO a good coach has a sour demeanor when he coaches. I hear there is some decent talent walking the halls at Chesapeake that refuse to play for him because he has no respect for his players. Last year Chesapeake had a losing season and honestly probably more of the same this year. That is not a knock on the kids that are playing they show up and play hard but what can be done differently for the program to get out of the rut it is in? I hate seeing the Panthers down in SEO because they have been a staple of quality basketball for so long.

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Re: Chesapeake Coach

Post by 93Bulldog »

Ha! Coach Davis is one heckuva coach. Watched him for awhile now. Feel free to get rid of him. He'd be hired the next day by about 50 different schools in Ohio.

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Re: Chesapeake Coach

Post by ZOLA »

I’m not from Chesapeake and don’t speak for them, Just want to know how they feel on the situation. Just a SEO basketball fan as whole.

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Re: Chesapeake Coach

Post by 93Bulldog »

If you were to ask any knowledgeable basketball fan who the best 10 coaches are in seo, coach Davis probably makes all their lists.

To even question his program or coaching ability is quite silly, imo.

The fact of the matter is, he just hasn't had the horses to compete at the district level (convo). But it's Chesapeake, they will. Probably sooner than later.

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Re: Chesapeake Coach

Post by ZOLA »

I was told by a Chesapeake Fan that there are 3 kids that are walking the hallways that started in years past that refuse to play now and a handful of other kids that have played before that won’t now. Sorry to be silly

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Re: Chesapeake Coach

Post by wipala »

I would say give those three students a crying towel! Don't play, they have given three young men a chance to play, they are only living up to the perception of, I don'like it so I will show them.
Transfer, play or keep on walking the halls of CHS. Just my opinion.

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Re: Chesapeake Coach

Post by ZOLA »

Wipala, I like that opinion! Kids and Parents have gotten extremely soft throughout the years!

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Re: Chesapeake Coach

Post by ItsMyOpinion »

Davis is a great basketball coach. He is hard-nosed and makes his players accountable. Teaching the game and developing young man are what make a great coach.

There are no kids walking the halls at Chesapeake right now that can play or they would be playing. Playing high school sports take more than running and jumping abilities. It takes dedication, commitment and determination. Students walking the halls might have athletic abilities but not the other things so “NO” they can’t play. They just don’t have it inside.

Davis has accomplished something that no Chesapeake coach has ever done and that is take a team to the Final Four. His coaching abilities are outstanding. If anybody questions Davis’ ability, you have to question all the Chesapeake basketball coaches before him.

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Re: Chesapeake Coach

Post by pfloyd »

Coach Davis fits into ANY & ALL conversations of the best coaches in Southern/Southeastern Ohio ... Coach Davis on the court does what it takes to win - teaches the game from the standpoint of fundamentals first, defense wins games and teaches players "the game" ... that is on the court, off the court Coach Davis has the best for players/students in mind ... teaching the players to become contributing individuals in the community long after their playing days are over ...

... 93bulldog posted it right - Coach Davis would be snatched up as a head man before he was done stopping for a cup of coffee ... having been a regular at the Beasts of the Southeast tourney that Chesapeake puts on annually , talking with the folks in Panther Nation - there is no way those folks would entertain Coach Davis NOT being at Chesapeake imo ...


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Re: Chesapeake Coach

Post by peake71 »

There is not 3 starters walking the halls. They are some who could help. You have to be committed to play. Ryan is a great coach and no one hates to lose more than he does. If people are upset with his yelling at his players check out some the other coaches in the area.

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Re: Chesapeake Coach

Post by Sportsman »

Players not playing is not only at the Peake. Times have changed . It is so much about ME instead of the team. Parents are a lot of the reason kids don't play . In the past you would get kicked in the ass now you should kiss it. What has happened at Peake had happened all over.

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Re: Chesapeake Coach

Post by CGFAN#1 »

Agree that it is hard to argue that Coach Davis is not a good coach but when you don't attend regular Chesapeake games and sit on the away side you are taken back by what seems to be a negative demeaning style of coaching from him. In that regard I see what Zola sees. I am also in agreement that coaches rooted in discipline are missing from today's sports due to complainers like us. I recall from my days that Norm wasn't the most pleasant at times and he has been quite successful but when you are losing that style of coaching may be hard to swollow.

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Re: Chesapeake Coach

Post by Sniper_Fan »

I knew Coach Davis all the way back to his days at Alex as a player. A good man and a good coach. We need more old school kind of coaches like him

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Re: Chesapeake Coach

Post by noreply66 »

Schools have boys /girls not playing basketball that may have played in the past. Some choose to not play basketball to rest from a fall sport or train for a spring sport. There are a number of reasons to not play.

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Re: Chesapeake Coach

Post by burgpirater »

i make you a trade you give us davis from peake we give u ater from burg fair trade all around ater goes home and davis gets talent and less whiners on preps hah come on davis!

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Re: Chesapeake Coach

Post by Hoopie74 »

I was upset when Davis left Peebles some years ago. I thought he was build a good program ,then he left. I think he builds his team with players he sees as the best for the talent he has. I don't think he pays any attention to what people say he needs to do. I like that in a coach. Each team sometimes needs coached different, depends on available talent.

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Re: Chesapeake Coach

Post by thebarlowbandit »

ZOLA wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2017 12:12 pm I’m not from Chesapeake and don’t speak for them, Just want to know how they feel on the situation. Just a SEO basketball fan as whole.
With a whopping 4 post! Definitely an idiot with an axe to grind

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Re: Chesapeake Coach

Post by Dragonfan00 »

This post is ridiculous and someone trying to start crap. Davis is a great person and coach. Peake doesnt have 3 kids running the halls that could start and play for anyone. There are alot of undisciplined kids in every school that just run the halls and make excuses why they dont play for certain coaches. Those usually are the same ones running from the law in a couple of years. Keep up the great work Coach Davis and the rest of the hard nosed disciplinary coaches. Our kids of today need it.

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Re: Chesapeake Coach

Post by golfis4me »

Why is this post ridiculous? Their basketball participation is way down. Their performance is way down. More than a handful of student-athletes over the last few years have explicitly said they didn't play because of Davis' demeaning style. Their is a difference between "hard nosed"/"old school"/"disciplinary" and humiliation. Not showing up to LOI signings. The veneer on that state finals appearance is wearing off.

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Re: Chesapeake Coach

Post by Howard Cosell »

ZOLA wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2017 11:56 am I got to see the Panthers play at the Big E classic and would like to gauge the frustration of the panther fans due to the state of their basketball program? Coach Davis all though IMO a good coach has a sour demeanor when he coaches. I hear there is some decent talent walking the halls at Chesapeake that refuse to play for him because he has no respect for his players. Last year Chesapeake had a losing season and honestly probably more of the same this year. That is not a knock on the kids that are playing they show up and play hard but what can be done differently for the program to get out of the rut it is in? I hate seeing the Panthers down in SEO because they have been a staple of quality basketball for so long.
You are an idiot and a classic example of whats wrong in this great nation. Kids tend towards finding ways to avoid work. Those kids and their parents who are walking the halls and wont play are faceless cowards. And you are one of them. Instead of being part of the problem why dont you try being part of the solution.

This is Howard Cosell. Tellin' it like it is!
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