Can we win at Wahama tonight?

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Can we win at Wahama tonight?

Post by Leave No Doubt »

Tonight we take the destiny ingredients plunge to the WV member of the tvc. I wonder what hand we get dealt and have to overcome in the falcon nest?

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Re: Can we win at Wahama tonight?

Post by PurplePower »

My guess is that it will depend to a certain degree on whether or not some of our players improved upon some personal grooming habits. We need all hands on deck in Mason. If someone needs me to stop for either scissors or a razor, let me know.

Go for 3, coach. Pour it on!
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Re: Can we win at Wahama tonight?

Post by Fonzie »

So I will assume you are referring to a kid quitting because he chose not to abide by the team rules, and was being punished for making that choice. To me, it is rather simple, the rules are clear and defined at the beginning of each season. (yes for 10 years now he has had that same rule). It is a rule that makes a kid be accountable. Is that clean cut rule outlandish, absolutely not. What is ridiculous, however, is adults taking up for the choice to not follow a simple rule. Clean shave and hair off your ears.

If you think Jeff Caldwell is the only coach to have this rule, you are wrong. Did you notice how Trimble was very clean cut? Heard a few comments how that was the best looking, clean cut Trimble team they have had in years. I would have to agree. Why would that be, because the Caldwell on the other side has the same rule for his kids.

Stop making excuses for kids, that is why kids are soft. I have said it before, and I will say it again.

Soft kids are raised by soft parents. This is a result of the "every kid gets a trophy" generation.

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Re: Can we win at Wahama tonight?

Post by Jayski »

Fonzie...GREAT POST!

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Re: Can we win at Wahama tonight?

Post by Fletchlives »

Awesome Fonzie!! I have a rule where I work about how I dress and clean shaven. I do it because its the rule and I can pay my bills. Great Life lesson...which is what high school athletics is about!

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Re: Can we win at Wahama tonight?

Post by Hornetz_Fan32 »

Doesn't seem to have impacted the game any. Must have been a jv player that quit. I believe that rule has been there for close to 40 years. I know it was like that in the late 90's. Easier to complain about something little like that instead of working on your game. And parents always understood that rule also.

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Re: Can we win at Wahama tonight?

Post by Fonzie »

Worst part was the scene the parents made as they stormed out of the gym. Yelling at the AD about the "dumb" rule. Just sad, overall. The simple fact is this, the kid failed to comply with the rule, intentional or accidental, doesn't matter. The rule was broken, so the punishment is sitting that game. Is it the coaches fault that the kid failed to comply with the rule? Although, that seems to be the movement these days, blame someone or something else.

Probably the same crew that say its the guns fault that people get shot, not the person pulling the trigger.

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Re: Can we win at Wahama tonight?

Post by Mike Hawk »

I am just proud that coach Caldwell has the disposition and strength of character to continue coaching in the same manner that his father does at Trimble. That is a class family. Junior following in the footsteps of what has to be a very proud father.

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Re: Can we win at Wahama tonight?

Post by Fonzie »

I am sure his father, Jim, is more than proud of him. I would bet money on that.

If I were a coach of high school basketball, I wouldn't think Coach Howie Caldwell would be a bad person to emulate. I believe he said he has been a part of 4 state finals as a head coach, two as an assistant, and without a doubt, his teams always play hard and battle until the end, no matter the score.

I am just proud that coach Caldwell has the disposition and character to stand for the foundations of his program and to uphold those values no matter who the kid is who fails to meet the standard of his program. The young man that quit is a heck of a ballplayer, hustles, works hard, and is fun to watch. He has had some big moments in varsity games and has also played limited JV time. He will be missed I am sure. Honestly, I couldn't say a bad thing about the young man if I wanted to. Just hate to see the attitude of quitting when things get tough. But that is more of a societal problem has a whole, thanks in large part to babying kids way too much.

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Re: Can we win at Wahama tonight?

Post by Snowflake »

Mike Hawk wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2018 12:08 pm I am just proud that coach Caldwell has the disposition and strength of character to continue coaching in the same manner that his father does at Trimble. That is a class family. Junior following in the footsteps of what has to be a very proud father.
Fonzie wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2018 2:01 pm I am sure his father, Jim, is more than proud of him. I would bet money on that.
I agree with these posts. Howard James, or Howie as he's commonly referred to, raised a fine young man who is a good coach at Racine. It's always fun to see Junior hand his dad his aszz now and then too. I'm sure dad will get him back next year. :mrgreen:

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Re: Can we win at Wahama tonight?

Post by Mike Hawk »

Does anyone know what the record is for games between Howie and his son?

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Re: Can we win at Wahama tonight?

Post by Cut-n-Runner »

Fonzie wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2018 11:47 am Worst part was the scene the parents made as they stormed out of the gym. Yelling at the AD about the "dumb" rule. Just sad, overall. The simple fact is this, the kid failed to comply with the rule, intentional or accidental, doesn't matter. The rule was broken, so the punishment is sitting that game. Is it the coaches fault that the kid failed to comply with the rule? Although, that seems to be the movement these days, blame someone or something else.

Probably the same crew that say its the guns fault that people get shot, not the person pulling the trigger.
My personal opinion is that they need to rethink how they do business in Racine. If this were Athens, we would let the young lad have a few days of selfreflection and then welcome him back to the team. The program overall would benefit.. I am sure the Butcher would off a discount on a haircut and some solid advice if that would help seal the deal.

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Re: Can we win at Wahama tonight?

Post by Snowflake »

Mike Hawk wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2018 2:24 pm Does anyone know what the record is for games between Howie and his son?
I think James has the upper hand on the win loss record, but Jimmie is making it closer each year.

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Re: Can we win at Wahama tonight?

Post by Fletchlives »

Howie and Jeff are cousins as I'm sure you know! Proud of Coach Caldwell for standing for what he believes in!

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Re: Can we win at Wahama tonight?

Post by EagleEye3 »

You can bet all players and parents signed a rules agreement back before the season and facial hair was a part of that. I’m sure the young man was given chances to keep shaved and make it right.

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Re: Can we win at Wahama tonight?

Post by Fonzie »

Does anyone have a score for this one? I wasn't able to make it.

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Re: Can we win at Wahama tonight?

Post by DUNKONE »

Southern stomped a mud hole in their arse but not sure what the score ended up being

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Re: Can we win at Wahama tonight?

Post by celticpride »

61-35. Southern was up 25 at the half.

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