Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

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Freshman Team
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Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

Post by SEOPS »

Please reply here with Sports History and I will update the first post with all findings.

This is for all Sports

Team Record-- Need Year, Record, Head Coach,Conference Finish, starting QB, Key Players that year, anyone move on to play college sports
Stats- All team leading Rusher, Passer, Tackles, Sacks ect for year and overall

Records-- Need Year, Record, Head Coach, Key Players that year, anyone move on to play college sports
Stats- All time leading stats for year and overall

Records-- Need Year, Record, Head Coach, Key Players that year, anyone move on to play college sports
Stats- All time leading stats for year and overall

Records-- Need Year, Record, Head Coach, Key Players that year, anyone move on to play college sports
Stats- All time leading stats for year and overall

Records-- Need Year, Record, Head Coach, Key Players that year, anyone move on to play college sports
Stats- All time leading stats for year and overall

Records-- Need Year, Record, Head Coach, Key Players that year, anyone move on to play college sports
Stats- All time leading stats for year and overall

Feel free to add any more sports

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Re: Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

Post by OSU22 »

O&B here are the updated records for football. Passing, Rushing, Receiving, Team offense and Defense, Special Teams, Records against opponents and Records throughout the years. Let me know if you have any questions.

Orange and Brown
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Re: Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

Post by Orange and Brown »

OSU22 wrote: Tue Apr 17, 2018 4:50 pm

O&B here are the updated records for football. Passing, Rushing, Receiving, Team offense and Defense, Special Teams, Records against opponents and Records throughout the years. Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you!

Championship's are won in the off-season
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Re: Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

Post by Orange and Brown »

I'll start working on posting the records this week! :D

Championship's are won in the off-season
Orange and Brown
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Re: Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

Post by Orange and Brown »

Nelsonville-York football records.
*It will take a little while but I will be adding on to this post several times a week until I get them all posted.*




1. JUSTIN GAIL 2,508 1994
2. DEREK ARNOLD 2,156 2008
3. DUSTIN YOUNG 1,805 2011
4. JUSTIN GAIL 1,781 1993
5. ALEX MOUNT 1,597 2016
6. DEREK ARNOLD 1,563 2009
7. DAVE BOSTON JR 1,505 1980
8. ADAM VANDYKE 1,452 2002
10. ERIK GLASS 1374 1998


1. JUSTIN GAIL 5,210 91-94
2. DEREK ARNOLD 4,830 06-09
3. ALEX MOUNT 4,420 13-16
4. DAVE BOSTON JR 4,017 77-80
5. DUSTIN YOUNG 3,281 08-11
6. MIKE BISHOP 3,183 79-82
7. BRAD WOODSON 2,957 78-81
8. ERIC GLASS 2,198 95-98
9. CASEY NUNGESTER 2,681 89-92
10. NATHAN STALDER 2,511 93-96

Championship's are won in the off-season
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Re: Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

Post by OSU22 »

Receiving yards in a Game
1 Jeremy Warren- 255 Yards vs. River Valley (2014)
2 Trent Gallentin- 213 Yards vs. Miller (1982)
3 David Jolley- 186 Yards vs. East Knox (2005)
4 Eric Mitchell- 165 Yards vs. Wellston (1996))
5 Greg Bookman- 157 Yards. Vs. Logan (1971)
6 Jeremy Warren- 154 Yards vs. Vinton County (2014)
7 Trent Gallentin- 143 Yards vs. West Jeff (1982)
8 Ryan Horrocks- 135 Yards vs. Wellston (2000)
9 Keegan Wilburn- 131 Yards vs. Coal Grove (2017)
10 Chris Cook- 130 Yards vs. River Valley (2017)

Receiving Yards in a Season
1 Jeremy Warren- 964 Yards (2014)
2 Keegan Wilburn- 749 Yards (2017)
3 Ryan Horrocks - 696 Yards (2000)
4 Flynt Smathers- 587 Yards (1998)
5 Daniel Kline- 578 Yards (2011)
6 Chris Cook- 564 Yards (2017)
7 Eric Mitchell- 535 Yards (1996)
8 Blake Kline- 517 Yards (2002)
9 Kyle Freer- 514 Yards (2011)
10 Daniel Kline- 493 Yards (2010)

Receiving Yards in a Career[/b]
1 Jeremy Warren- 1,517 Yards (11-14)
2 Ryan Horrocks- 1,160 Yards (97-00)
3 Daniel Kline- 1,068 Yards (08-11)
4 Chris Cook- 1,051 Yards (14-17)
5 Keegan Wilburn- 1,036 Yards (16-19)+++
6 Blake Kline- 777 Yards (99-02)
7 Trent Galentin- 753 Yards (80-83)
8 Max Pitts- 664 Yards (70-73)
9 Garrett Maiden- 662 (14-17)
10 Greg Smathers- 654 Yards (70-73)

Receiving TD's in a Season
1 Jeremy Warren- 11 TD's (2014)
T-2 Ryan Horrocks- 10 TD's (2000)
T-2 Keegan Wilburn- 10 TD's (2017)
T-3 Jay Kline- 8 TD's (1984)
T-3 Daniel Kline - 8 TD's (2010 & 2011
4 Heath Savage- 7 TD's (1990)
T-5 Eric Mitchell- 6 TD's (1996)
T-5 Chris Cook- 6 TD's (2016)

Receiving TD's in a Career
1 Daniel Kline- 18 TD's (08-11)
2 Keegan Wilburn- 15 TD's (16-19)+++
3 Jeremy Warren- 14 TD's (11-14)
T-4 Ryan Horrocks- 12 TD's (97-00)
T-4 Chris Cook - 12 TD's (14-17)
5 Jay Kline- 10 TD's (83-84)

Receptions in a Season
1 Ryan Horrocks- 52 Receptions (2000)
2 Keegan Wilburn- 40 Receptions (2017)
3 Kyle Freer- 39 Receptions (2011)
4 Ryan Horrocks- 36 Receptions (1999)
T-5 Flynt Smathers- 35 Receptions (1998)
T-5 Jeremy Warren - 35 Receptions (2014)
6 Daniel Kline -34 Receptions (2011)
7 Blake Kline- 33 Receptions (2002)
T-8 Daniel Kline- 32 Receptions (2010)
T-8 Jeremy Warren- 32 Receptions (2013)
9 Eric Mitchell- 30 Receptions (1996)
10 J.D. Shaw- 29 Receptions (1997)

Receptions in a Career
1 Ryan Horrocks- 88 Receptions (97-00)
2 Jeremy Warran- 71 Receptions (11-14)
3 Daniel Kline - 59 Receptions (08-11)
4 Keegan Wilburn- 54 Receptions (16-19)+++
5 Blake Kline- 51 Receptions (99-02)
6 Kyle Freer- 47 Receptions (09-12)
7 Flynt Smathers- 43 Receptions (95-98)
8 Chris Cook - 41 Receptions (14-17)
9 Trent Galentin- 39 Receptions (80-83)
T-10 Dustin Young- 37 Receptions (08-11)
T-10 Garrett Maiden - 37 Receptions (14-17)

Longest Receiving TD's
1 Chris Cook- 96 Yard TD vs. RV (2015)
2 Keegan Wilburn- 94 Yard TD vs. Athens
3 Trent Galentin- 92 Yard TD vs. West Jefferson (1982)
4 Jeremy Warren-85 Yard TD vs. River Valley (2014)
5 Blake Kline-84 Yard TD vs. Logan (2002)
6 Jon Arnold- 82 Yard TD vs. Trimble (1999)
7 Eric Mitchell- 79 Yard TD vs. Wellston (1996)
8 Aron Davis- 78 Yard TD vs. Zane Trace (2016)
9 Garrett Maiden- 75 Yard TD vs. Liberty Center (2016)
10 Chris Cook- 72 Yard TD vs .River Valley (2017)

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Re: Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

Post by OSU22 »

Most Passing Yards in a Game

1 Garrett Maiden- 340 Yards vs. River Valley (2017)
2 Jay Edwards- 332 Yards vs. East Knox (2005)
3 Ben Robey- 292 Yards vs. Wellston (1996)
4 Hunter Edwards- 276 Yards vs. Zane Trace (2016)
5 Hunter Edwards- 274 Yards vs. VC (2014)
6 Jasper Bateman- 271 Yards vs. Trimble (1999)
7 Hunter Edwards- 255 Yards vs. River Valley (2014)
8 Ben Robey- 246 Yards vs. Meigs
9 Jay Edwards- 241 Yards vs. Crooksville (2005)
T-10 Ben Robey- 238 Yards vs. Alexander (1998)
T-10 Nathan Dean- 238 Yards vs. Portsmouth West (2011)
T-10 Tom Taggart- 238 Yards vs. Miller (1982)

Most Passing Yards in a Season

1 Garrett Maiden- 2,145 Yards (2017)
2 Nathan Dean- 2,012 Yards (2011)
3 Ben Robey- 1,757 Yards (1998
4 Ben Robey- 1,589 Yards (1997)
5 Hunter Edwards- 1,366 Yards (2016)
6 Nathan Dean- 1,300 Yards (2010)
7 Ben Robey- 1,287 Yards (1996)
8 Jason Meade- 1,259 Yards (2001
9 Hunter Edwards- 1,182 Yards (2014)
10 Jason Meade- 1,106 Yards (2002)

Most Passing Yards in a Career

1 Ben Robey- 5,340 Yards (95-98)
2 Nathan Dean- 3,980 Yards (08-11)
3 Hunter Edwards- 3,722 Yards (13-16)
4 Jason Meade- 3,365 Yards (99-02)\
5 Heyes Dean- 3,326 Yards (86-89)
6 Jay Edwards- 3,069 Yards (03-06)
7 Garrett Maiden- 2,306 Yards (14-17)
8 Pete Taggart- 1,732 Yards (79-82)
9 Dave Pritchard- 1512 Yards (70-73)
10 Jasper Bateman- 1,381 Yards (97-00)

Passing TD's in a Season

1 Garrett Maiden- 23 TD's (2017)
2 Hunter Edwards- 19 TD's (2016)
3 Nathan Dean- 17 TD's (2011)
T-4 Dave Pritchard -13 TD's (1973)
T-4 Pete Taggart- 13 TD's (1982)
T-4 Nathan Dean- 13 TDS's (2010)
5 Ben Robey- 12 TD's (1997)
6 Hunter Edwards- 11 TD's (2014)

Passing TD's in a Career

T-1 Ben Robey-39 TD's (95-98)
T-1 Hunter Edwards- 39 TD's (13-16)
2 Nathan Dean- 35 TD's (08-11)
3 Jay Edwards- 31 TD's (03-06)
4 Heyes Dean- 27 TD's (86-89)
5 Garrett Maiden- 26 TD's (14-1)

Highest Completion % in a Season

1 Nathan Dean- .692 (2011)
2 Garrett Maiden- .571 (2017)
3 Jeff Warix- .569 (1992
4 Nathan Dean- .562 (2010
5 Matt Eckels- .559 (1991)
6 Pete Taggart- .542 (1982)

Highest Completion % in a Career

1 Nathan Dean- .592 (08-11)
2 Garrett Maiden- .561 (14-17)
3 Jeff Warix- .522 (90-93)
4 Pete Taggart- .512 (79-82)
5 Jasper Bateman- .495 (98-01)

Longest Passing TD's

1 Hunter Edwards- 96 Yard TD vs. RV (2015)
2 Garrett Maiden- 94 Yard TD vs. Athens (2017)
3 Pete Taggart- 92 Yard TD vs. West Jefferson (1982)
4 Hunter Edwards- 85 Yard TD vs. River Valley (2014)
5 Jason Meade- 84 Yard TD vs. Logan (2002)
6 Jasper Bateman- 82 Yard TD vs. Trimble (1999)
7 Ben Robey- 79 Yard TD vs. Wellston (1996)
8 Hunter Edwards- 78 Yard TD vs. Zane Trace (2016)
9 Hunter Edwards- 75 Yard TD vs. Liberty Center (2016)
10 Garrett Maiden- 72 Yard TD vs. River Valley (2017)

Orange and Brown
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Re: Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

Post by Orange and Brown »

Thanks! I've been pretty busy lately.

Championship's are won in the off-season
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Re: Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

Post by OSU22 »

Most Points Scored in a Game

1 69 Points vs. Zane Trace (2016)
T-2 68 Points vs. Alexander (1982)
T-2 68 Points vs. Federal Hocking (1980)
3 65 Points vs. Meigs (1993)
T-4 63 Points vs. Federal Hocking (1982)
T-4 63 Points vs. Alexander (2016)
5 62 Points vs. Berne Union (2012)

Most Points Scored in a Season

1 426 Points- (2011) (12 Pts Scored in Playoffs Not Included)
2 392 Points- (2012) (2012)
3 376 Points- (2017) ( 88 Pts Scored in Playoffs not included)
T-4 372 Points- (1982) (34 Pts Scored in Playoffs Not Included)
T-4 372 Points- (2016) (75 Pts Scored in Playoffs Not Included)
5 369 Points- (1994) (48 Pts Scored in Playoffs Not Included)
6 363 Points- (1981) (62 Pts Scored in Playoffs Not Included)
7 346 Points- (2006) (21 Pts Scored in Playoffs Not Included)
8 342 Points- (1992)
9 336 Points- (1973)
10 317 Points- (1990)

Longest INT for TD

1 Trent Galentin- 100 Yards (1982)
2 Ryan Mitchell- 91 Yards vs. Belpre (1990)
3 John Young- 90 Yards vs. Miller (1986)
4 Steve Blair- 88 Yards vs. Alex (1998)
5 Garrison Breeze- 87 Yards vs. Alex
T-6 Jeremy Polley- 85 Yards vs. Meigs (1993)
T-6 Brian Jolley- 85 Yards vs. Warren (1985)
7 Jay Kline- 83 Yards vs. Alexander (1984)
8 Travis Rosser- 72 Yards vs. Belpre (1994)
9 Ben Robey- 70 Yards vs. Wheelersburg (1997)
10 Jim Monk- 67 Yards vs. Miller (1989)

Longest Interception without a TD

1 Chance Fox- 106 Yards vs. Athens (2008)

Most Interceptions in a single game

T-1 Chad Savage- 3 INT's vs. Trimble (1987)
T-1 Ben Robey- 3 INT's vs. VC (1997)
T-1 Jacob Perkins- 3 INT's vs. Athens (2011)

Most interceptions in a season

1 Jay Kline- 9 INT's (1984)
T-2 Trent Galentin- 8 INT's (1982)
T-2 Justin Gail- 8 INT's (1992)
T-2 Jacob Perkins- 8 INT's (2011)
3 Chad Savage- 7 INT's (1987)
4 Scott Young- 6 INT's (1986)
T-5 Heath Savage- 5 INT's (1989)
T-5 David Jolley- 5 INT's (2005)
T-5 Garrison Breeze- 5 INT's (2011)
T-5 Johnathon Richards- 5TD's (2017)

Most Interceptions in a career

1 Justin Gail- 15 INT's (91-94)
T-2 Jay Kline- 13 INT's (83-84)
T-2 Trent Gallentin- 13 INT's (79-82)
3 Chad Savage- 11 INT'S (84-87)
4 Jacob Perkins- 9 INT's (08-11)
T-5 Ben Robey- 8 INT's (95-98)
T-5 Heath Savage- 8 INT's (86- 89)
T-5 Johnathon Richards- 8 INT's (14-17)
T-6 Jerry Wright - 7 INT's (70-73)
T-6 Garrison Breeze - 7 INT's (08-11)
T-6 Chris Cook - 7 INT's (14-17)

Longest Fumble Recovery for TD

1 Bob McDonald- 95 Yards vs Crooksville (1982)
2 Hunter Edwards- 70 Yards vs. River Valley (2016)
3 Jeremy Sheets- 55 Yards vs. VC (1991)
4 Jacob Blake- 40 Yards vs. Logan (2012)
5 Matt Eckels- 37 Yards vs. Meigs (1989)

Least Amount of Points Allowed in a season (10 Games)

1 28 Points- (1992) (14 PA in Playoffs Not Included)
2 32 Points- (1973)
3 43 Points- (1972)
4 46 Points- (1981) (28 PA in Playoffs Not Included)
5 56 Points- (1989)
6 60 Points- (1982) (25 PA in Playoffs Not included)
7 61 Points- (1997) (53 PA in Playoffs Not Included)
T-8 65 Points- (1974)
T-8 65 Points- (1983)
9 75 Points- (2011) (18 PA in Playoffs Not Included)
10 104 Points- (1995)

Most Shutouts in a season (10 Games)

1 7- (1992)
T-2 6 -(1981) (1 Shutout in Playoffs, not included)
T-2 6- (1973)
T-2 6- (1973)
T-3 5- (1972)
T-3 5- (1989)
T-4 4- (1997)
T-4 4- (2011)
T-4 4- (2016)
T-5 3- (1971)
T-5 3- (1983)
T-5 3- (1986)
T-5 3- (1993)
T-5 3- (2004)

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Re: Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

Post by OSU22 »

Nelsonville-York High School - Football Record vs Team

Opponent - Record
Logan 9--24
Vinton County 43-9
Trimble 32-14-2
Zanesville-Rosecrans 2--4
Fort Frye 21-1-1
Warren Local 9--8
Belpre 23-16
Miller 19-2
North Galia 6--0
Fort Frye 1--4
Alexander 42-2-1
West Muskingum 1--0
Crooksville 4--8
Portsmouth West 2--4
Wellston 35-10
Alliance 0--1
Fairland 1--2
West Jefferson 0--1
Coal Grove 4--0
Wheelersburg 2--3
Otsego 1--0
Athens 22-16
Meigs 23-14
Jackson 1--4
Bishop Ready 3--1
Ironton 0--5
Magnolia 0--1
Coshocton 1--0
Oak Hill 1--1
Bellaire 0--1
Chesapeake 1--1
St. Charles 0--2
F.F. Green 2--0
Ashland Crestview 0--1
Fairfield Union 1--5
Minford 2--2
River Valley 10--2
Monroe Central 0--1
Portsmouth 0--1
Amanda Clearcreak 0--1
East Knox 0--1
Columbus Academy 0--1
Piketon 2--0
Berne Union 6--1
Liberty Union 0--1
Newark Catholic 3--5
St. Clairesville 0--1
Lucasville Valley 1--1
Liberty Center 0--2
Zane Trace 1--0
Gallipolis 0--3
Southern 1--0
Muskingum 0--1
Shadyside 1--0
Fort Frye 2--3
Kirtland 0--1
Waverly 1--0

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Re: Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

Post by OSU22 »

Nelsonville-York High School Football -Win/Loss Record by Year

Year - Record Total
1967 4--5 339-243-4
1968 3--7
1969 0-10
1970 2--8
1971 5--5
1972 7--2
1973 8--1
1974 4--2--3
1975 4--5
1976 8--1
1977 5--5
1978 7--3
1979 6--4
1980 6--4
1981 13--0
1982 11--1
1983 6--3--1
1984 6--4
1985 5--5
1986 4--6
1987 6--4
1988 6--4
1989 7--3
1990 7--3
1991 8--2
1992 10--1
1993 8--2
1994 11--1
1995 6--4
1996 6--4
1997 11--1
1998 10--2
1999 4--6
2000 8--3
2001 4--2
2002 5--5
2003 7--3
2004 7--4
2005 7--4
2006 9--2
2007 6--4
2008 8--3
2009 8--2
2010 8--3
2011 9--2
2012 7--3
2013 4--6
2014 7--4
2015 1--9
2016 9--3
2017 13-1

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Re: Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

Post by OSU22 »

Orange and Brown wrote: Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:53 am Thanks! I've been pretty busy lately.
Not a problem. Had some downtime. Figured I'd help lol

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Re: Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

OSU22 wrote: Mon Apr 30, 2018 12:03 pm Nelsonville-York High School - Football Record vs Team

Opponent - Record
Logan 9--24
Vinton County 43-9
Trimble 32-14-2
Zanesville-Rosecrans 2--4
Fort Frye 21-1-1
Warren Local 9--8
Belpre 23-16
Miller 19-2
North Galia 6--0
Fort Frye 1--4
Alexander 42-2-1
West Muskingum 1--0
Crooksville 4--8
Portsmouth West 2--4
Wellston 35-10
Alliance 0--1
Fairland 1--2
West Jefferson 0--1
Coal Grove 4--0
Wheelersburg 2--3
Otsego 1--0
Athens 22-16
Meigs 23-14
Jackson 1--4
Bishop Ready 3--1
Ironton 0--5
Magnolia 0--1
Coshocton 1--0
Oak Hill 1--1
Bellaire 0--1
Chesapeake 1--1
St. Charles 0--2
F.F. Green 2--0
Ashland Crestview 0--1
Fairfield Union 1--5
Minford 2--2
River Valley 10--2
Monroe Central 0--1
Portsmouth 0--1
Amanda Clearcreak 0--1
East Knox 0--1
Columbus Academy 0--1
Piketon 2--0
Berne Union 6--1
Liberty Union 0--1
Newark Catholic 3--5
St. Clairesville 0--1
Lucasville Valley 1--1
Liberty Center 0--2
Zane Trace 1--0
Gallipolis 0--3
Southern 1--0
Muskingum 0--1
Shadyside 1--0
Fort Frye 2--3
Kirtland 0--1
Waverly 1--0

There are errors in this on some of the teams. I have the results of every game NY has ever played.

Just from spot checking:
"Fort Frye 21-1-1" - NY has only played Fort Frye 5 times. Fort Frye leads 3-2.
"Warren Local 9--8" - NY has played Warren 19 times. NY leads 11-7-1.

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Re: Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Vinton County is wrong too. NY leads 41-9. They did not play in '73 because of the VC Teachers Strike. That is the only season they did not play. The record listed of 43-9, that is one more season than NY has even existed as a school.

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Re: Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Trimble should be NY leads 31-15-2.

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Re: Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Ok, I'm just going to post what I got from researching football scores for hours and hours on microfilm at Alden Library............

1967-2017 = 51 seasons played so far

Alexander 43-2-1
Alliance 0-1
Amanda-Clearcreek 0-1
Ashland Crestview 0-1
Athens 22-16
Bellaire 0-1
Belpre 25-15
Berne Union 6-1
Chesapeake 1-1
Coal Grove 4-0
Columbus Academy 0-1
Columbus Bishop Ready 3-1
Columbus St. Charles 0-2
Coshocton 1-0
Crooksville 6-7
East Knox 0-1
Fairfield Union 1-5
Fairland 1-3
Federal Hocking 22-1
Franklin Furnace Green 2-0
Fort Frye 2-3
Gallia Academy 0-3
Ironton 0-5
Jackson 1-5
Kirtland 0-1
Liberty Center 0-2
Liberty Union 0-1
Logan 9-24
Lucasville Valley 1-1
Magnolia, WV 0-1
Meigs 24-14
Miller 17-2
Minford 2-2
Monroe Central 0-1
Newark Catholic 3-5
North Gallia 4-0
Oak Hill 1-1
Otsego 1-0
Piketon 2-0
Portsmouth 0-1
Portsmouth West 2-4
River Valley 9-2
Shadyside 1-0
Southern 1-0
St. Clairsville 0-1
Trimble 31-15-2
Vinton County 41-9
Warren 11-7-1
Waverly 1-0
Wellston 34-11
West Jefferson 0-1
West Muskingum 1-0
Wheelersburg 2-3
Zanesville Rosecrans 1-3
Zane Trace 1-0

I have the scores to all of these games as well, including the location of where the games were played.

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Re: Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Further proof Warren is wrong in the original post........

1974 was the year NY finished with 3 ties of 0-0. Warren was one of those three 0-0 ties (as were Alexander and Trimble). The original post does not list any NY vs. Warren game ever ending in a tie.

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Re: Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

Post by OSU22 »

NYBuckeye96 wrote: Tue May 01, 2018 1:20 pm Further proof Warren is wrong in the original post........

1974 was the year NY finished with 3 ties of 0-0. Warren was one of those three 0-0 ties (as were Alexander and Trimble). The original post does not list any NY vs. Warren game ever ending in a tie.
When I put this together I had been looking at stat sheets from the game itself and going through yearbooks, not sure if there is always the most accurate information in a yearbook. There were bound to be a few mistakes. Thanks for catching it.

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Re: Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

OSU22 wrote: Tue May 01, 2018 3:46 pm
NYBuckeye96 wrote: Tue May 01, 2018 1:20 pm Further proof Warren is wrong in the original post........

1974 was the year NY finished with 3 ties of 0-0. Warren was one of those three 0-0 ties (as were Alexander and Trimble). The original post does not list any NY vs. Warren game ever ending in a tie.
When I put this together I had been looking at stat sheets from the game itself and going through yearbooks, not sure if there is always the most accurate information in a yearbook. There were bound to be a few mistakes. Thanks for catching it.
That explains it. I wondered why many of these were right and others were wrong. Yearbooks aren't reliable for this type of information. Too many mistakes. One of my yearbooks has us winning a game that we in fact lost. The score was inverted. I originally thought of looking up this information in yearbooks and remembered the mistake from one of mine, so I decided to go look up the old Athens Messenger articles. Granted, it's entirely possible that the Messenger made a typo on a few of the scores, but at least the winning team/loosing team would be accurate. I tried to spot check where I could.........comparing the football score on the overall scores page to the actual score mentioned in the article itself. And then comparing that score if it was mentioned again in the article from the game the following week. But to the best of my knowledge, the scores I have are accurate.

If one of my high school yearbooks didn't have that mistake in it, I honestly would have done what you did and used yearbooks instead of hunting up old Messenger articles on microfilm. I spent hours doing that, but I thought it was interesting and the time flew by. I wouldn't even have thought of doing that had it not been for loganlocos who researched microfilm at the library to get all of the old SEOAL and Logan scores. When I found out that's how he got the information, I knew that's what I would need to do to get the scores.

I didn't even think to research all of the other stats you found like the record holders for passing/receiving, etc.

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Re: Nelsonville-York Sports History, Records and More

Post by OSU22 »

NYBuckeye96 wrote: Tue May 01, 2018 5:25 pm
OSU22 wrote: Tue May 01, 2018 3:46 pm
NYBuckeye96 wrote: Tue May 01, 2018 1:20 pm Further proof Warren is wrong in the original post........

1974 was the year NY finished with 3 ties of 0-0. Warren was one of those three 0-0 ties (as were Alexander and Trimble). The original post does not list any NY vs. Warren game ever ending in a tie.
When I put this together I had been looking at stat sheets from the game itself and going through yearbooks, not sure if there is always the most accurate information in a yearbook. There were bound to be a few mistakes. Thanks for catching it.
That explains it. I wondered why many of these were right and others were wrong. Yearbooks aren't reliable for this type of information. Too many mistakes. One of my yearbooks has us winning a game that we in fact lost. The score was inverted. I originally thought of looking up this information in yearbooks and remembered the mistake from one of mine, so I decided to go look up the old Athens Messenger articles. Granted, it's entirely possible that the Messenger made a typo on a few of the scores, but at least the winning team/loosing team would be accurate. I tried to spot check where I could.........comparing the football score on the overall scores page to the actual score mentioned in the article itself. And then comparing that score if it was mentioned again in the article from the game the following week. But to the best of my knowledge, the scores I have are accurate.

If one of my high school yearbooks didn't have that mistake in it, I honestly would have done what you did and used yearbooks instead of hunting up old Messenger articles on microfilm. I spent hours doing that, but I thought it was interesting and the time flew by. I wouldn't even have thought of doing that had it not been for loganlocos who researched microfilm at the library to get all of the old SEOAL and Logan scores. When I found out that's how he got the information, I knew that's what I would need to do to get the scores.

I didn't even think to research all of the other stats you found like the record holders for passing/receiving, etc.
Yea so there are two members of the community who have almost every newspaper article from 1981-2017 and there were original stat sheets from 1971-1992 at the high school. Took me about 5 months to put it all together. I still do not have anything from 1967-1970 and there are 1 or 2 years in the 80's that didn't have a stat sheet but I know the Nelsonville Library has them that I can go look at. Haven't had time since I put this together though to dedicate myself to that.

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