4-30 Scores

Orange and Brown
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Re: 4-30 Scores

Post by Orange and Brown »

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Re: 4-30 Scores

Post by SEOhio »

Everyone just needs to let the umpires call the game as they see it and quit arguing on this forum like teenage kids. I doubt there has been an interference call on the base paths that resulted in a double play EVER but that is the way they called it. It was a great game by both teams. It is sad that people are bringing up things in the past for excuses or creating multiple accounts to post by to aid in the argument. This is HS sports and people need to remember that. They are suppose to teach these kids good sportsmanship. It wasn't like it was for the SOC conference championship.

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Re: 4-30 Scores

Post by 4thgoal »

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Re: 4-30 Scores

Post by TB12GOAT »

ChappyBlueBird wrote: Tue May 01, 2018 10:07 am
ColdHardTruth wrote: Mon Apr 30, 2018 9:14 pm
TB12GOAT wrote: Mon Apr 30, 2018 9:13 pm I think the ump made the call because you have him an extra $5 on his check, we are losin 3 seniors and will be back next year, maybe next time we will be allowed to cheer during the game
Both umpires agreed on the call. The home plate ump consulted other umpires after the game and confirmed it was the correct ruling, as well.

Cheering was never the problem. During the games last year and the first game between Green and Eastern, Eastern players would beat on the fence and dugout roof and start to scream right when the Green pitcher would start the wind-up in an attempt to distract the pitcher. This is illegal and unsportsmanlike. The umps at Eastern stopped them from beating on the fence and dugout, but not the screaming on the wind-up. I have spoken to several umpires and ALL have stated it is illegal to scream or drastically elevate the volume of the cheer in an attempt to distract the pitcher. So, cheer all you want, but follow the rules and common decency.

Speaking of common decency...one of the Green coaches was actually THREATENED last night by and Eastern fan/parent. All Eastern fans had to be ushered away from the field by Green's athletic director. That's very sad.
We were following the rules on cheering, you should learn them, the umpires we had at Eastern were very good umpires and told the young lady to not beat on the roof of the dugout, she hit it one time, no was was escorted anywhere, yes the AD was there but he just stood there, and as far as the parents threatening a coach, they are related to him and only called him by his name, they didn’t threaten him, this whole thing has been blown way out of proportion so drop it and enjoy the victory

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Re: 4-30 Scores

Post by ChappyBlueBird »

TB12GOAT wrote: Tue May 01, 2018 5:57 pm
ChappyBlueBird wrote: Tue May 01, 2018 10:07 am
ColdHardTruth wrote: Mon Apr 30, 2018 9:14 pm

Both umpires agreed on the call. The home plate ump consulted other umpires after the game and confirmed it was the correct ruling, as well.

Cheering was never the problem. During the games last year and the first game between Green and Eastern, Eastern players would beat on the fence and dugout roof and start to scream right when the Green pitcher would start the wind-up in an attempt to distract the pitcher. This is illegal and unsportsmanlike. The umps at Eastern stopped them from beating on the fence and dugout, but not the screaming on the wind-up. I have spoken to several umpires and ALL have stated it is illegal to scream or drastically elevate the volume of the cheer in an attempt to distract the pitcher. So, cheer all you want, but follow the rules and common decency.

Speaking of common decency...one of the Green coaches was actually THREATENED last night by and Eastern fan/parent. All Eastern fans had to be ushered away from the field by Green's athletic director. That's very sad.
We were following the rules on cheering, you should learn them, the umpires we had at Eastern were very good umpires and told the young lady to not beat on the roof of the dugout, she hit it one time, no was was escorted anywhere, yes the AD was there but he just stood there, and as far as the parents threatening a coach, they are related to him and only called him by his name, they didn’t threaten him, this whole thing has been blown way out of proportion so drop it and enjoy the victory

1. Cheering was not the problem this game. It was the last game. It is in the rules that attempting to "rattle" the pitcher with artificial noise makers or raising voices at the moment of the wind-up is not permitted. They were ridiculous in this respect the first game this season and both games last season. Against the rules and unsportsmanlike. It is at the discretion of the umpires if the cheer or scream is intended to disrupt the pitcher. In the case of this team, it certainly is. Everyone cheers. I encourage that.

2. No one is related to the threatened coach. "(Coach's name) better not come over here!" Is that not a threat? Well how about these gems:
- Player who ran over the first base player: (When the ump said what happened- "Mother F$#%#$, I did not!" The ump pointed at her and said "Not another word!."
- Another player after the final call: "I am going to kick that f^&%$8g ump's A%% and then I'm going to get a couple of their girls, too!"
It was bad enough that the Green coaches and AD had to tell every Eastern player and fan to leave the grounds.

So, is it blown out of proportion, or are all the area coaches who have played Eastern wrong about how terrible they are? Which is it? Green isn't the only school to have issues with them. Allowing players to act like this is a sign of very poor coaching.

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Re: 4-30 Scores

Post by ChappyBlueBird »

SEOhio wrote: Tue May 01, 2018 2:37 pm Everyone just needs to let the umpires call the game as they see it and quit arguing on this forum like teenage kids. I doubt there has been an interference call on the base paths that resulted in a double play EVER but that is the way they called it. It was a great game by both teams. It is sad that people are bringing up things in the past for excuses or creating multiple accounts to post by to aid in the argument. This is HS sports and people need to remember that. They are suppose to teach these kids good sportsmanship. It wasn't like it was for the SOC conference championship.
You are exactly right. Sportsmanship. That's the point of all of this. Coaches allowing the players to do what they did in the dugout and to curse at the players, the ump's and threaten players from the other team is a sign of very bad coaching, win or lose. I'd rather lose and be a good sport about it. I heard the threats from fans and the comments from the girls with my own ears. Not getting is second hand. There was another one of the girls from Eastern that basically punched Green's second baseman in the stomach to try to dislodge the ball. It was obvious it was no accident. Other teams have had similar stories about dealing with this team. Poor coaching and role-modeling.

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Re: 4-30 Scores

Post by fbnut »

ChappyBlueBird wrote: Wed May 02, 2018 1:37 pm
TB12GOAT wrote: Tue May 01, 2018 5:57 pm
ChappyBlueBird wrote: Tue May 01, 2018 10:07 am

Both umpires agreed on the call. The home plate ump consulted other umpires after the game and confirmed it was the correct ruling, as well.

Cheering was never the problem. During the games last year and the first game between Green and Eastern, Eastern players would beat on the fence and dugout roof and start to scream right when the Green pitcher would start the wind-up in an attempt to distract the pitcher. This is illegal and unsportsmanlike. The umps at Eastern stopped them from beating on the fence and dugout, but not the screaming on the wind-up. I have spoken to several umpires and ALL have stated it is illegal to scream or drastically elevate the volume of the cheer in an attempt to distract the pitcher. So, cheer all you want, but follow the rules and common decency.

Speaking of common decency...one of the Green coaches was actually THREATENED last night by and Eastern fan/parent. All Eastern fans had to be ushered away from the field by Green's athletic director. That's very sad.
We were following the rules on cheering, you should learn them, the umpires we had at Eastern were very good umpires and told the young lady to not beat on the roof of the dugout, she hit it one time, no was was escorted anywhere, yes the AD was there but he just stood there, and as far as the parents threatening a coach, they are related to him and only called him by his name, they didn’t threaten him, this whole thing has been blown way out of proportion so drop it and enjoy the victory

1. Cheering was not the problem this game. It was the last game. It is in the rules that attempting to "rattle" the pitcher with artificial noise makers or raising voices at the moment of the wind-up is not permitted. They were ridiculous in this respect the first game this season and both games last season. Against the rules and unsportsmanlike. It is at the discretion of the umpires if the cheer or scream is intended to disrupt the pitcher. In the case of this team, it certainly is. Everyone cheers. I encourage that.

2. No one is related to the threatened coach. "(Coach's name) better not come over here!" Is that not a threat? Well how about these gems:
- Player who ran over the first base player: (When the ump said what happened- "Mother F$#%#$, I did not!" The ump pointed at her and said "Not another word!."
- Another player after the final call: "I am going to kick that f^&%$8g ump's A%% and then I'm going to get a couple of their girls, too!"
It was bad enough that the Green coaches and AD had to tell every Eastern player and fan to leave the grounds.

So, is it blown out of proportion, or are all the area coaches who have played Eastern wrong about how terrible they are? Which is it? Green isn't the only school to have issues with them. Allowing players to act like this is a sign of very poor coaching.
Coach wouldn’t have to take care of it if my kid ever acted like that or said something like that.

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Re: 4-30 Scores

Post by ChappyBlueBird »

fbnut wrote: Wed May 02, 2018 1:42 pm
ChappyBlueBird wrote: Wed May 02, 2018 1:37 pm
TB12GOAT wrote: Tue May 01, 2018 5:57 pm

We were following the rules on cheering, you should learn them, the umpires we had at Eastern were very good umpires and told the young lady to not beat on the roof of the dugout, she hit it one time, no was was escorted anywhere, yes the AD was there but he just stood there, and as far as the parents threatening a coach, they are related to him and only called him by his name, they didn’t threaten him, this whole thing has been blown way out of proportion so drop it and enjoy the victory

1. Cheering was not the problem this game. It was the last game. It is in the rules that attempting to "rattle" the pitcher with artificial noise makers or raising voices at the moment of the wind-up is not permitted. They were ridiculous in this respect the first game this season and both games last season. Against the rules and unsportsmanlike. It is at the discretion of the umpires if the cheer or scream is intended to disrupt the pitcher. In the case of this team, it certainly is. Everyone cheers. I encourage that.

2. No one is related to the threatened coach. "(Coach's name) better not come over here!" Is that not a threat? Well how about these gems:
- Player who ran over the first base player: (When the ump said what happened- "Mother F$#%#$, I did not!" The ump pointed at her and said "Not another word!."
- Another player after the final call: "I am going to kick that f^&%$8g ump's A%% and then I'm going to get a couple of their girls, too!"
It was bad enough that the Green coaches and AD had to tell every Eastern player and fan to leave the grounds.

So, is it blown out of proportion, or are all the area coaches who have played Eastern wrong about how terrible they are? Which is it? Green isn't the only school to have issues with them. Allowing players to act like this is a sign of very poor coaching.
Coach wouldn’t have to take care of it if my kid ever acted like that or said something like that.
I agree 100%

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Re: 4-30 Scores

Post by Dadof28 »

I wasn’t at the game and I personally know the coaches and I can guarantee that there isn’t any bad coaching going on at Eastern. I highly doubt that either coach said for the kids to react in that manner. So does anyone know if the coaches reprimanded the players in question? I doubt if anyone from Green does so judging the coaches on what their players said is wrong. Now kids will be kids when it comes to the noise making as long as the coaches and or umpires took care of it why bring it up the coaches didn’t tell them to do it!! My daughter has played for these coaches for years and has never been asked to be malicious in any way.

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Re: 4-30 Scores

Post by SEOhio »

Kids will definitely be kids and some of the chants that they yell while the pitcher is throwing is definitely unacceptable. Many coaches just think it is funny or have little to no discipline with their clubs. The coach needs to be a role model to lead by example and teach good sportsmanship. It doesn't always happen in these days with some coaches.

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