Have you ever changed jobs? If so, was that about you you you or something else?eagles73Taylor wrote: Sun May 20, 2018 5:25 pm
This is why we have the me me me attitude in a lot of athletes today, winning is the most important thing about sports. Especially in the kids who choose to specialize in one sport, they put all of their eggs in one basket, and if they can’t fill it up where they are, just transfer. Specializing has caused this hired gun mentality, kids and parents see what professionals and college kids do and think that is what is best for them.
Whatever the reason - winning, playing time, specializing - why does it matter TO YOU what someone else decides to do for their own child? People seem to take these decisions as personal affronts somehow.
As for speciailizing, if a kid loves to play one sport and doesn’t particularly care for others, why force a half-hearted effort. Is there no value in dedicating yourself to becoming the best you can at something that is important and enjoyable to you?