toast wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2018 2:59 pm
"Lowery came after his sophomore year. Where do you get this stuff

. Nobody is going to say there avg now."
He came after his sophomore it.
No where near the vicinity of average. Present or past
You can go back in the jr high thread from years ago and find some of the scores
They lost pretty big by jr high standards to coal grove, Minford and west. Couldn’t find anymore scores. I remember them beating ironton and valley I remember going to the old Jackson high school field and watching them manhandle a few burg teams over the years but unsure on the years.
Jackson has always seems to dominate the burg in the lower grades
If you look at the best team in area threads from 2013 jr high no one was mentioning the burg
No harm in agreeing to disagree
Vass before transfers 229-75 burg 5-1, Pendleton and transfers 211-84 6-2 ironton