2018 Summer SEOPS W-League

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2018 Summer SEOPS W-League

Post by mattash »

Tigers 5 1
Wings 4 3
Storm 4 3
Rockers 3 3
Liberty 3 4
Mom Squad 1 6

Scoring Leaders
Liberty Carla Booth 114
Wings Laisha Ward 100
Tigers Leslie Mack 98
Rockers Kiana Evans 73
Tigers Brooke Marcum 51
Storm Harper 49
Storm Scarberry 47
Rockers Kayla Fletcher 46
Mom Squad Andrea Fleming 42
Liberty Courtney Gillman 42
Storm Helbig 42
Liberty Courtney Vasquez 41
Wings Chey Scott 41
Liberty Erin Jackson 40
Storm Hughes 39
Tigers McKayla Akers 37
Wings Madison Jones 37
Liberty Kennedi Stacy 34
Rockers Dusti Lynn 32
Tigers Chelsea Delong 32
Mom Squad Nichole Glasser 32
Tigers Candace Black 31
Mom Squad Christen Daniels 28
Storm Holden 28
Storm Foster 27
Wings Brooke Gee 24
Tigers Tabby McKinney 23
Rockers Whitney Bays 22
Mom Squad Freedom Sexton 21
Mom Squad Holly Griffith 20
Mom Squad Jennifer Swann 19
Rockers Kelsey Riley 16
Mom Squad Kayla Hanners 16
Storm Purcell 16
Tigers Kayla Wiley 14
Wings Stephanie Sizemore 13
Tigers Mariah Buckley 12
Storm Howell 12
Tigers Ali Hamilton 11
Rockers Courtney Daniels 9
Rockers Brooke Skinner 9
Wings Brumfield 9
Wings Cayce Layne 9
Wings Kaci Hall 9
Liberty Amber Shepard 8
Rockers Leah Terry 8
Wings Janie Morris 8
Storm Roney 8
Liberty Jesslyn West 6
Liberty Jackie Wefenstette 5
Rockers Kassie Large 4
Mom Squad Brittany Wisecup 4
Storm Smith 3
Wings Heather Bocook 0

Liberty Carla Booth 19.0
Rockers Kiana Evans 18.3
Wings Laisha Ward 16.7
Tigers Leslie Mack 16.3
Liberty Courtney Gillman 14.0
Liberty Courtney Vasquez 13.7
Rockers Kayla Fletcher 11.5
Storm Scarberry 9.4
Storm Holden 9.3
Tigers Brooke Marcum 8.5
Mom Squad Andrea Fleming 8.4
Wings Chey Scott 8.2
Storm Harper 8.2
Rockers Dusti Lynn 8.0
Storm Roney 8.0
Tigers McKayla Akers 7.4
Wings Madison Jones 7.4
Storm Helbig 7.0
Mom Squad Freedom Sexton 7.0
Liberty Kennedi Stacy 6.8
Liberty Erin Jackson 6.7
Storm Hughes 6.5
Tigers Candace Black 6.2
Wings Brooke Gee 6.0
Mom Squad Christen Daniels 5.6
Tigers Chelsea Delong 5.3
Mom Squad Nichole Glasser 5.3
Mom Squad Holly Griffith 5.0
Tigers Tabby McKinney 4.6
Storm Foster 4.5
Mom Squad Kayla Hanners 4.0
Tigers Ali Hamilton 3.7
Rockers Kelsey Riley 3.2
Mom Squad Jennifer Swann 3.2
Rockers Courtney Daniels 3.0
Tigers Mariah Buckley 3.0
Rockers Brooke Skinner 3.0
Wings Brumfield 3.0
Storm Smith 3.0
Tigers Kayla Wiley 2.8
Liberty Amber Shepard 2.7
Storm Purcell 2.7
Wings Cayce Layne 2.3
Wings Kaci Hall 2.3
Wings Stephanie Sizemore 2.2
Mom Squad Brittany Wisecup 2.0
Rockers Leah Terry 2.0
Wings Janie Morris 2.0
Storm Howell 2.0
Liberty Jesslyn West 1.2
Rockers Kassie Large 1.0
Liberty Jackie Wefenstette 1.0
Wings Heather Bocook 0.0

Team Scoring Season
Wings Madison Jones 6 7 14 2 8 37 7.4
Wings Brumfield 3 3 3 9 3.0
Wings Stephanie Sizemore 4 3 2 2 2 0 13 2.2
Wings Heather Bocook 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Wings Cayce Layne 3 2 4 0 9 2.3
Wings Chey Scott 12 6 9 11 3 41 8.2
Wings Janie Morris 4 2 2 0 8 2.0
Wings Kaci Hall 4 0 5 0 9 2.3
Wings Laisha Ward 11 13 14 20 23 19 100 16.7
Wings Brooke Gee 12 4 8 0 24 6.0
Tigers McKayla Akers 5 11 5 5 11 37 7.4
Tigers Mariah Buckley 2 8 2 0 12 3.0
Tigers Candace Black 3 7 0 10 11 31 6.2
Tigers Leslie Mack 14 7 23 23 17 14 98 16.3
Tigers Tabby McKinney 0 4 6 8 5 23 4.6
Tigers Ali Hamilton 6 0 5 11 3.7
Tigers Chelsea Delong 3 12 0 1 8 8 32 5.3
Tigers Kayla Wiley 3 5 6 0 0 14 2.8
Tigers Brooke Marcum 10 8 8 4 13 8 51 8.5
Storm Harper 11 7 13 0 9 9 49 8.2
Storm Foster 9 0 7 2 7 2 27 4.5
Storm Helbig 8 2 11 11 5 5 42 7.0
Storm Scarberry 11 14 5 9 8 47 9.4
Storm Purcell 9 3 0 1 2 1 16 2.7
Storm Hughes 7 4 15 5 4 4 39 6.5
Storm Smith 3 3 3.0
Storm Howell 4 4 0 0 2 2 12 2.0
Storm Holden 11 10 7 28 9.3
Storm Roney 8 8 8.0
Rockers Kassie Large 0 2 2 0 4 1.0
Rockers Courtney Daniels 3 4 2 9 3.0
Rockers Kelsey Riley 1 6 6 2 1 16 3.2
Rockers Brooke Skinner 0 4 5 9 3.0
Rockers Dusti Lynn 3 17 3 9 32 8.0
Rockers Kiana Evans 12 21 26 14 73 18.3
Rockers Kayla Fletcher 2 18 17 9 46 11.5
Rockers Leah Terry 5 0 0 3 8 2.0
Rockers Whitney Bays 22 22 22.0
Mom Squad Jennifer Swann 2 0 2 3 6 6 19 3.2
Mom Squad Kayla Hanners 8 5 0 3 16 4.0
Mom Squad Andrea Fleming 7 8 12 5 10 42 8.4
Mom Squad Christen Daniels 7 3 5 11 2 28 5.6
Mom Squad Holly Griffith 2 3 9 6 20 5.0
Mom Squad Brittany Wisecup 4 0 4 2.0
Mom Squad Freedom Sexton 7 7 7 21 7.0
Mom Squad Nichole Glasser 12 4 0 8 6 2 32 5.3
Liberty Carla Booth 20 21 21 12 27 13 114 19.0
Liberty Erin Jackson 0 2 0 11 20 7 40 6.7
Liberty Courtney Vasquez 17 15 9 41 13.7
Liberty Courtney Gillman 8 28 6 42 14.0
Liberty Jesslyn West 0 0 0 0 6 6 1.2
Liberty Amber Shepard 0 3 5 8 2.7
Liberty Kennedi Stacy 7 6 7 7 7 34 6.8
Liberty Jackie Wefenstette 0 2 3 0 0 5 1.0

Team Schedule & Results

Wings L
Tigers L
Tigers W
Wings W
Mom Squad W
Storm L

Rockers W
Storm W
Liberty W
Liberty L
Wings W
Mom Squad W

Mom Squad
Storm L
Rockers L
Wings L
Liberty L
Rockers W
Mom Squad L
Tigers L

Mom Squad W
Tigers L
Rockers L
Wings L
Liberty W
Mom Squad W

Liberty W
Mom Squad W
Rockers W
Liberty L
Storm W
Tigers L
Rockers L

Tigers L
Mom Squad W
Storm W
Wings L
Mom Squad L
Wings W

Schedule & Results

Week 1
21 Rockers v 40 Tigers
59 Storm v 38 Mom Squad

Week 2
73 Rockers v 23 Mom Squad
34 Storm v 68 Tigers
44 Liberty v 56 Wings

Week 3
37 Wings v 25 Mom Squad
58 Rockers v 51 Storm
50 Tigers v 39 Liberty

Week 4
48 Wings v 25 Rockers
49 Liberty v 48 Tigers
44 Liberty v 38 Wings

Week 5
45 Mom Squad V 82 Liberty

Week 6
W Mom Squad v L Rockers
23 Wings v 43 Tigers

Week 7
28 Mom Squad v 38 Storm
37 Wings v 42 Rockers
32 Liberty v 48 Storm
20 Mom Squad v 57 Tigers

"you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Wayne Gretzky"

Michael Scott
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Re: 2018 Summer SEOPS W-League

Post by mattash »

Updated 7/25

"you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Wayne Gretzky"

Michael Scott
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