SEOPS Basketball League Fantasy Kings

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SEOPS Basketball League Fantasy Kings

Post by mattash »

$50,000 Balance and you have to pick 5 players.

Stingers Mike Stapleton $27,000
Wildcats Kyle Bowen $26,000
Giants D. Murphy $25,000
Sonics Drew Scarberry $24,000
Rockets Jayme Haggerty $23,000
Lakers Anthony Williams $23,000
Kings Zack Carter $23,000
Gremlins Marcquis Foley $21,000
Bayhawks Mike Terry $21,000
JV Dirks Hunter Kenser $20,000
JV Dirks Austin Chaffins $19,000
Lakers Bryan Taylor $19,000
Lakers Randle Pennington $19,000
Lasers Michael Simpson $18,000
Jets Derrick Jordan $18,000
Destroyers Cory Borders $18,000
Big Hawks Derick Jordan $17,000
MoHawks Anthony Williams $17,000
Bayhawks Tyler Farley $17,000
Colonels Michael Lamb $17,000
Big Hawks Aaron Pennington $16,000
Big Hawks Tanner Wild $16,000
Rockets Robbie Pugh $16,000
Rockets Marcus Frazier $16,000
Giants Daniel Heaberlin $16,000
Toon Squad Kyle Adkins $16,000
Pirates Connor Greene $15,000
Fire Blaine Fuller $15,000
Tropics Twiggy $15,000
Jets JR Blair $15,000
Kings Drew Stevens $15,000
Colonels Angel Gurule $15,000
Bayhawks Ryan Whetsel $15,000
Kobe Jon Baise $15,000
Sonics Kade Conley $15,000
Rockets Blake Warrington $15,000
Fire Aaron Music $15,000
Wildcats Andrew Connor $14,000
Bayhawks Brandon Barnes $14,000
Colonels Tevin Mitchell $14,000
Blizzards Dionte Coleman $14,000
Blizzards Steve Melton $14,000
Stingers Erin Edens $14,000
Bayhawks Darius Boykin $14,000
Gremlins Timmy Guns $14,000
Colonels Joseph Loyd $14,000
Big Hawks Brennan Hall $13,000
Sonics Scotty Jones $13,000
Strikers Joe Hale $13,000
Destroyers Sam Angelo $13,000
Destroyers Brent Ransbottom $13,000
Destroyers Alex Bare $13,000
Lakers Ryan Brown $13,000
Lakers Gillison $13,000
Destroyers Scott Jones $13,000
Tropics Deede $12,000
Bayhawks Jacob Porter $12,000
Fire Elija Adams $12,000
Lasers Charlie Flowers $12,000
Big Hawks Adam Yeager $12,000
Kings Frank $12,000
Pirates Miller $12,000
Pirates Connor Messer $12,000
Toon Squad Jacob Mayse $12,000
Toon Squad Todd Stacy $11,000
Bayhawks Boykin $11,000
Giants Levi Brown $11,000
Kings Marty Thomas $11,000
Big Hawks Bobby Evans $11,000
JV Dirks Reese Robinson $11,000
Jets Bucko $11,000
Wildcats Bryan Warner $11,000
Galaxy Joe Howard $11,000
Giants Hunter Adams $10,000
Sonics DeLano Thomas $10,000
Jets Dustin Smith $10,000
Lakers Bobby McKinney $10,000
Strikers Kyle Justice $10,000
Kings Gene Cotton $10,000
Rockets Corey Haner $10,000
Fire Brandon Adkins $10,000
Tropics Mantle $10,000
Gremlins Aaron Thompson $10,000
Fire Sam Cooke $10,000
Pirates Justin Greene $10,000
Pirates Michal Marsh $9,000
Gremlins Kyle Bush $9,000
Strikers Noah Roberts $9,000
MoHawks Josh Porter $9,000
MoHawks Trent Thompson $9,000
Sonics Nathan Patten $9,000
Kings Stacey Jackson $9,000
Sonics Greg Mauk $8,000
Wildcats Shawn Parsons $8,000
Galaxy Dean Young $8,000
JV Dirks Hadyn Roe $8,000
Sonics Doran Martin $8,000
Jets Travis Roark $8,000
Rockets Cole Jones $8,000
Rockets Travis Keefer $8,000
MoHawks Quaadir Thomas $8,000
MoHawks Michael Schmidt $8,000
Galaxy Aaron Blankenship $8,000
Giants KaCee Bevins $7,000
Rockets Josh Davis $7,000
Kobe Drew Moore $7,000
Colonels Trevor Holbrook $7,000
Giants Mason McIntyre $7,000
Stingers Randy Steele $7,000
Kobe Zach Tackett $7,000
Bayhawks James Houston $7,000
Gremlins Octavious Hall $7,000
Kobe Brandon Bays $7,000
Pirates Bradley Marsh $7,000
Jets Jacob Blair $7,000
Stingers Tendoy Huffman $7,000
Kobe Burchett $7,000
MoHawks Landon Hutchinson $7,000
Lasers Aries Green $7,000
Galaxy Dameon Charles $7,000
Strikers Matthew Thomas $7,000
Destroyers Brandon Noble $7,000
Lasers Eric Gobel $7,000
Lasers Austin Bell $7,000
Tropics Steve Moon $6,000
Giants Alex Roy $6,000
Colonels Chad Anderson $6,000
Blizzards Malone $6,000
Tropics Shawn Black $6,000
Destroyers Bryan Steele $6,000
Blizzards Aaron Quinn $6,000
Kings GC3 $6,000
Kings Derrick Fleming $6,000
Strikers Chirs Claxon $6,000
Toon Squad John Ferguson $6,000
Kobe Davidson $6,000
JV Dirks Chris Claxon $5,000
Fire Jeremy Blagg $5,000
Bayhawks Darius Jackson $5,000
Pirates Tyrone Allen $5,000
Stingers Justin Hern $5,000
Lakers Billy Thurmer $5,000
JV Dirks Blake Prince $5,000
Strikers Camron Thomas $5,000
Pirates Issac Green $5,000
Jets Bobby McKinney $5,000
Jets Chris Butcher $5,000
MoHawks Evans $5,000
Kobe Austin Bays $5,000
Lakers Austin Peano $4,000
Tropics Monix $4,000
Fire Austin Collins $4,000
Wildcats Jake Anderson $4,000
Toon Squad Liam Walker $4,000
Kings Marquez Foley $4,000
Gremlins Malik Massie $4,000
MoHawks Nick Lewis $4,000
Lasers Johnas Rye $4,000
Galaxy Tim Harrison $4,000
JV Dirks Steven Diggler $4,000
Tropics Cruz $4,000
Blizzards Steve Layman $3,000
Colonels Tommy Birch $3,000
Gremlins Ricky Sartin $3,000
Galaxy Crisp $3,000
Toon Squad Austin Oldham $3,000
Fire Tres Wilks $3,000
Blizzards Bayden Sullivan $3,000
Galaxy Mike Davis $3,000
Toon Squad Zane Purscelley $3,000
Bayhawks Alex Roy $3,000
Lakers Brice Kearns $3,000
Gremlins Dallas Knipp $3,000
Strikers Justin Maynard $3,000
Strikers Epps $3,000
Jets Travis Barker $3,000
Toon Squad Cody Corey $3,000
Lasers Juan Wilkerson $3,000
Kobe Hunter $3,000
Kobe Cambell $2,000
Wildcats Travis Lewis $2,000
Tropics Handy $2,000
Sonics Aaron White $2,000
Big Hawks Roark $2,000
Colonels Davis $2,000
Wildcats Matt Bates $2,000
Lasers Shane Castle $2,000
Galaxy Corey Powers $2,000
Stingers Jory Macarthur $2,000
Destroyers Jerrell Coleman $2,000
Colonels Jonathan Ball $2,000
Wildcats Travis Hicks $2,000
MoHawks Bayless $2,000
Lasers Devord Hord $1,000
Big Hawks Brandon Moore $1,000
Stingers Kenny Tennison $1,000
Gremlins Mario Tolbert $1,000
Tropics Clay $1,000
Toon Squad Cookse $1,000
JV Dirks Zack Webb $1,000
JV Dirks Kyle Justice $1,000
Destroyers Justin Gibson $1,000
Stingers Wyatt Atkins $1,000
Kings Levi Brown $1,000
Stingers Bpat $1,000
Galaxy Anthony Stidham $1,000
Galaxy Wes Bailey $1,000
Sonics Kevin Carter $1,000
Lasers Mario Tolbert $1,000
Toon Squad Limberis $1,000
Toon Squad Jeff Burchett $1,000
MoHawks Joe Akers $1,000
Kobe Gilbert $1,000

"you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Wayne Gretzky"

Michael Scott
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