Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave

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Re: Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave

Post by dazed&confused »

Well that sounds like a little opportunistic piling on.

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Re: Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave

Post by farmer »

Guess it was Urban's fault when Xavier Nixon as a member of the Colts missed the plane to New England for AFC Championship Game. After all the abuse he took from Urban at Florida.

You would think that the Florida stuff would have come out doing the investigation into the murders by Hernandez as well as the still open cases of murder in Florida. To find out what happened in practice Tim Teabow is the person to believe.

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Re: Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave

Post by Omega »

Here is a video just released that will add fuel to Urban's fire. I report, you decide.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_E-WdjfjM ... e=youtu.be

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Re: Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave

Post by cbolt »

Jake Stoneburner a former player and who grew up with Zac Smith in Dublin was just interviewed on TV said he was not surprised at all to hear of the allegations of abuse against Smith. Not looking good at all fellas!
I wouldn't put too much stock into what the Florida players are saying, after all they were pretty salty when he left them and its odd they come out now belly aching right after this happened. Now if Ohio State players start doing that, look out!

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Re: Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave

Post by Omega »

cbolt wrote: Thu Aug 02, 2018 6:13 pm Jake Stoneburner a former player and who grew up with Zac Smith in Dublin was just interviewed on TV said he was not surprised at all to hear of the allegations of abuse against Smith. Not looking good at all fellas!
I wouldn't put too much stock into what the Florida players are saying, after all they were pretty salty when he left them and its odd they come out now belly aching right after this happened. Now if Ohio State players start doing that, look out!
The video in question is from a fairly reputable source, Project Veritas. If there is a shred of truth in the accusations, Urban is gone, and likely, Gene Smith, the AD.
The allegations make it look like Urban should never had been hired and that the Athletic Department put winning football and money over character.

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Re: Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave


He's close to being done! The ice is cracking quick, I'd say hes going down. He's Kinda going through what Joe Pa did. They didn't see it themselves but expected to do something. I think they expect head coaches to hold the bad apples hands 24hrs a day to keep them out of trouble. Bunch of Bull(it if ya ask me! If you don't see and witness something yourself all you can do is go up the chain of command and tell what you heard. But ole Urban is weird acting at times imo, so I kinda believe the boys from Florida and what went on there.

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Re: Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave

Post by Geronimo »

Hope it goes away !

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Re: Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave

Post by svac83 »

To me this a culture thing. We don’t know that Urbana wife didn’t tell whoever she was supposed to. We don’t know that urban didn’t necessarily do what he was supposed to do. We don’t know that there was no evidence of abuse and the police didn’t turn there heads to protect the football teams.

It is a sad situation but it has gotten to the point in major college sports if your a head coach you almost have to go on TV when you even here a allegation and say we are suspending so and so until something is investigated and make the media hold people feet to the fire.

No matter what happens this is sad. The same way joe paterno was disgraced. And the thing is people will only remember these headlines not what eventually happens.

Hardly anyone knows that paterno had wins reinstated there was proof on two different occasions he had brought up that Sandusky needed investigated and he was told it was handled or nothing there. Should he of none better yes.

Same here did urban really not do his job. I am not sure it really matters now.

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Re: Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave

Post by noreply66 »

If Myers goes I become a Michigan fan.

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Re: Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave

Post by cbolt »

Oh man when will this ever stop?

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Re: Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave


noreply66 wrote: Thu Aug 02, 2018 8:56 pm If Myers goes I become a Michigan fan.
I did something of this nature after how they went about dealing with the problem at Penn State. Ruined it for me. I have no College team now that I truly like, but kinda like those mountain pine tree boys. Washington Huskies. Might go see a game up there sometime, and stay for a few days after and look at the beauty Washington offers. Heck, who knows, might see a Sasquatch or two as well, while out taking in the scenery. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave

Post by dazed&confused »

noreply66 wrote: Thu Aug 02, 2018 8:56 pm If Myers goes I become a Michigan fan.
OK noreply, step back from the ledge. :)

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Re: Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave

Post by noreply66 »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave

Post by Bleeding Red »

Courtney Smith is a serious drunk and her story had more holes than a pasta strainer. Lots of information about her came out this evening.

Including her being a drunk and having 3 recent DUIs
She called 911 66 times in 90 days. All false accusations and zero evidence. To the point that the Powell PD stopped responding to her calls.

Told authorities numerous times that Zach was chasing her. Turns out she was again DRUNK when the cops showed up and Zach wasnt even there. He had been at the OSU practice facility all day.

It goes on and on.

And as far as you Dazed- dont think for a second she wasnt paid to get in front of the camera. And dont think that she isnt after a civil suit against OSU. Gold digger. Why you cant connect the dots is beyond me.

All that info and much, much more to be released by Zach Smith's attorneys in court tomorrow.

She should move to Michigan and date their coaches. Cause we all know they cant beat anyone from Ohio.

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Re: Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave

Post by purpleblood1 »

Rumor out of Columbus is she is shopping her story for 6 figures. She has never worked and has been living off alimony.

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Re: Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave

Post by Bleeding Red »

purpleblood1 wrote: Thu Aug 02, 2018 11:09 pm Rumor out of Columbus is she is shopping her story for 6 figures. She has never worked and has been living off alimony.
Shes a lazy, drunk gold digger.

Reports are that the pictures she released to the media of the "bruises" were from 2010. Before they were even in Columbus.

And there is no proof that they were from abuse or Zach Smith.

Lies. All lies. Nothing but a gold digger looking for money once the child support and alimony went dry.

Stand by folks. When the other side of this story (including subpeoaned cops) comes out, things will change.

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Re: Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave

Post by farmer »

If that is the truth then she should have her child taken away from her. The protection of the child needs to be more important at this time.

This could have been why Urban didn't want to put out the info about this couple for all to hear.

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Re: Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave

Post by Bleeding Red »

farmer wrote: Thu Aug 02, 2018 11:26 pm If that is the truth then she should have her child taken away from her. The protection of the child needs to be more important at this time.

This could have been why Urban didn't want to put out the info about this couple for all to hear.
According to recent reports, Courtney Smith was very abusive when she drank, which was often. As in physical. And it didnt take her long after Zach moved out till she had a live in bf which some say was there all along while they were still married.

The entire story reeks of money hunger.

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Re: Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave

Post by dazed&confused »

So let me get this straight-
Zach Smith is a saint. He has totally been framed. Everything since 2009 has been a conspiracy by his wife to get him fired so she can be a b-list celebrity. She inflicted bruises on herself. She's a blubbering drunk who can't be sober for one minute. If what you say is true, it still doesn't get Urban off the hook for not reporting the 2015 incident, EVEN IF IT WAS FALSE. And it doesn't make sense that he would fire Zach without cause when Courtney got a restraining order against him. And then get up on the podium in Chicago a few days later and profess he didn't know anything was going on. Still big problems there, Red. It isn't up to him or you to pass judgement on thespouse, it is his duty (and Shelley's) to report whatever they heard.

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Re: Ohio State places Urban Meyer on paid administrative leave

Post by Omega »

Dazed, you are correct. The issue at hand is not the behaviour, actuality criminality, or motivation of the Smiths. The Meyers (Urban and Shelley) are in jeopardy simply due to failure to report even suspicion of alleged abuse to proper authorities with their employer, OSU, as required by contract and/or state law.

I love both both Ohio State football and the university that it represents. I do not want to see harm to either party, but as one gets older, reputation and the ensuing respect becomes more important than winning. Then again I am not a Type A personality.

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