2018 Portsmouth Trojans

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2018 Portsmouth Trojans

Post by BuckeyeBlood »

If there’s a post on the team I’ve missed it so this can be deleted if so. That being said what going on in Portsmouth so far this summer? How do they look, roster size, projected starters, roster, key players, schedule? Any update on my former high school would be great.

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Re: 2018 Portsmouth Trojans

Post by PTrojan59 »

I don’t know a whole lot myself. What I do know is there’s give or take about 45 kids on the team. Return a few key guys who started last season in OT Boehm, DT McKenzie, TE Johnson, RB Parker. Also return some kids who got some playing time last season. QB Lattimore, RB/LB Pendleton, RB Johnson, LB Purdy. Those are just a few off the top of my head, I’m sure there’s more returning starters and kids who seen the field. Parker looks like he’s gained a lot of muscle, I expect the offense to center around him. With decent blocking and a healthy season his numbers should/could be off the charts. With not many kids out I’m hoping they are well conditioned. OVC preview next weekend, jamboree @ Waverly the following weekend, and then open up the season on Thursday night @ Valley.

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Re: 2018 Portsmouth Trojans

Post by handwash77 »

They are not deep at all. A couple injuries and its going to be trouble. I can say one thing the freshman qb looks amazing. Id say theres a qb competition between a senior and freshman. And if the freshman keeps looking this good i would think its his job to lose. No matter the grade the best player should get it. With all positions. I like the new coach. I like the downsizing of staff. Defense kids 1st and second string look good. Our kicker quit so we are now finding a replacement. A Portsmouth weakspot for years. Its still early but now they can dress and hit in practice and get used to playing in full gear.

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Re: 2018 Portsmouth Trojans

Post by BuckeyeBlood »

Not as much info as I was hoping to get, but I appreciate you guys for what you posted. Seems like Parker will be the workhorse. Let me know how the previews go this weekend.

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Re: 2018 Portsmouth Trojans

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

Hard to tell a lot from an intra squad scrimmage, with the starters being spilt up between the 2 teams. Offensive line seemed to struggle, hopefully that was due to the starting 5 being split up.
The defense looked improved in the small sample size that we had. Fundamentals have obviously been preached, as there were very few missed tackles, which is a positive as we all know what a problem that has been in the past.
Parker is one of the best athletes around, if he can get some blocks and get the ball in space. Coach Kalbs seems to be moving him around for lots of different looks which should help with this and keep defenses on their toes. Lattimore seemed capable at QB, I agree that the freshman also looked good, but hopefully we can give him a year to learn before throwing him to the wolves.

I don't think we have a world class team, but I believe Coach Kalb has them heading in the right direction building on the improvement that Coach Duncan was able to accomplish. Given time and support, I believe Coach Kalb will prove himself to be one of the better coaches in the area.

Good news is the OVC is well the OVC, it has improved, but is still not a great league, and should offer plenty of winnable games for the Trojans.

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