Just about anything will break the tires over 500 horses at 100 miles an hour, but darn, 1200 horse with dual super chargers and 10 pound nitrous boost canisters too. No doubt it will break tire at 100 mph.That's just nuts on a bike frame.

He said he had it near 150 mph in first gear also, and it's was a 2 speed super glide I think I heard him say. Nuts.

I can see the owner biting it one of these days as well, I bet he has had some close calls already.

That girl that was with him is even nuts for getting on it with him.

Even a car revving up with lots of horses rocks from side to side. That guy has got a screw loose somewhere. Just crazy with that much torque on a bike frame.

What fun could that be having to be on pins and needles awareness the whole time you would ride it, or even setting on it revving it up?

RK1 is not even interested with bikes, never did like motocross either. Tried to watch a race down here one evening long ago, and he said turn that stupid sh(t. I could see SC and RK2 getting hurt on it though. Them two are not the most graceful at times while drinking courage in a bottle/can.

One mess up with this bike and it could be over pretty quick.

Crazy stuff.

Cool to look at and watch someone ride it, but to own one like it. Not for me.

Those factory 707 Horse Challengers/Chargers/Durango Hellcats are about my limit. Plus they are on 4 wheel car frame holding up all that horse torque if you rev it.

Ole Dodge will have their Demon model on the road soon. Have a few now. Pushing over 800 horses. Crazy stuff for a muscle car right out of the factory.

But then again, 707 horses is crazy too but way better than a home custom job 1200 horses on a bike frame when it comes to comfness and safety
I sure did use enough emoji-ism in this reply, Bolt.

Maybe ole 1eyebabybandy will get on me about that too.