FAC 2018
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 62
- Joined: Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:45 pm
FAC 2018
Chillicothe will try to keep the title for a second strait season as they beat Miami Trace last night in three straight sets. I look for Washington Court House and Jackson to compete. Miami Trace looks very athletic and they did not quit, might be on the young side but have a good coaching staff so I look for them to improve as season lays out. Not sure of Hillsboro and Greenfield.
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 62
- Joined: Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:45 pm
Re: FAC 2018
At the halfway point in league play Chillicothe leads with a 5-0 record and Washington Court House second Greenfield 3rd, Jackson 4th, MT is 5th place and Hillsboro in the cellar with no league wins. Second round starts up tonight. Go Cavs ! 

- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 62
- Joined: Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:45 pm
Re: FAC 2018
Cavs handle a scrappy, athletic Court House team in 4 sets 25-15, 22-25, 25-15, 25-17 to put a good hold on 1st place in the FAC. Only 3 games remain with Greenfield, Hillsboro at home and Jackson away. Maddie Coppel led the way with a career high 23 kills with Jesse Mickey pounding 20 kills. Victoria Vitatoe racked up 44 assists and Riley Wrightsel shored up the back row with 15 digs and 23 good serve recieves. All the girls contributed and played with passion to secure the win. Rayana Burns and Hannah Haithcock can be a lot to handle when the team is passing well. Great game for the Cavs! Go Blue