Burg vs. Portsmouth Future??

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Re: Burg vs. Portsmouth

Post by Prime Time »

You get your numbers from Facebook , FB alum. Facebook Alum. Just wondering. But still very interesting figures .Athens, Hocking areas kin of similar also

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Re: Burg vs. Portsmouth

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

Agree if people would stay live and spend in the areas they work, it would fix a lot.

My numbers all come from the Ohio Department of Education. FB stands for Football not Facebook in my username lol

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Re: Burg vs. Portsmouth

Post by Prime Time »

Lol, makes sense.

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Re: Burg vs. Portsmouth

Post by Prime Time »

Real factor in all this is the parents, wanting to play it out thru there kids

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Re: Burg vs. Portsmouth

Post by wobycat »

River towns and steel towns are a thing of the past. It is what it is. There was one time where Portsmouth or ironton wouldn’t even schedule burg. Things change. Either adapt or die on the vine.

But Portsmouth and ironton facilites are just as nice if not better in some way than burgs like Portsmouth, so they aren’t playing on a muddy field with old tires. They have the tools, they need to use them.

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Re: Burg vs. Portsmouth

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

Parents are a problem in some cases, not in the the live through aspect though as that is true with parents everywhere.
Parents are the problem because again wealthier districts are more likely to have parents involved with thier children. Lower incomes often means parents aren’t involved do to many factors sometimes these factors are unavoidable such as working extra hours to cover bills, other situations are far worse why they aren’t involved.

Faculities are very nice( although I’d rather sunk that money into Spartan, but that’s a different story). However facilities alone, are not the answer. When there isn’t an involved parent to get that kid to school, to practice, to tutoring the nicest faculties don’t matter. If kids aren’t being supported and pushed at home a teacher or coach showing interest and pushing that kid often doesn’t have the desired effect and the kid actually turns away from it because it requires hard work, that in many cases hasn’t been instilled in them.

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Re: Burg vs. Portsmouth

Post by Westfan »

Originally average income of the district was gonna be a factor in Competitive Balance. It probably should be. It's as important as anything

Portsmouth West has a great arts and IEP program. Several kids transferred to West just to be in the band.

I know of a couple kids who came to West because the IEP Program is very good

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Re: Burg vs. Portsmouth

Post by BigBlueNation »

Trojan_FB_Alum wrote: Wed Nov 28, 2018 12:10 pm Parents are a problem in some cases, not in the the live through aspect though as that is true with parents everywhere.
Parents are the problem because again wealthier districts are more likely to have parents involved with thier children. Lower incomes often means parents aren’t involved do to many factors sometimes these factors are unavoidable such as working extra hours to cover bills, other situations are far worse why they aren’t involved.

Faculities are very nice( although I’d rather sunk that money into Spartan, but that’s a different story). However facilities alone, are not the answer. When there isn’t an involved parent to get that kid to school, to practice, to tutoring the nicest faculties don’t matter. If kids aren’t being supported and pushed at home a teacher or coach showing interest and pushing that kid often doesn’t have the desired effect and the kid actually turns away from it because it requires hard work, that in many cases hasn’t been instilled in them.
Very good post. I agree with your post. I think size of your school district matters also. Take Northwest for example. I know kids that can't play sports because they live to far from school and parents or parent can't afford or are not able to run their kids back and forth. It can really be tough in the large low economic districts.

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Re: Burg vs. Portsmouth

Post by BBALL99 »

This turned into a very good discussion.

It would be interesting to know what percentage of kids in each grade level at schools participate in extra curricular activities also.

It seems that Wheelersburg always has a ton of boys participating in extra curriculars. Take the fall for example, a ton of football players, big soccer team, and I am pretty sure a full Cross Country team. I would guess they have more students participate by far than the other local schools.

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Re: Burg vs. Portsmouth

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

I would also like to see that breakdown, although I am unaware of anyone keeping track of that statistic. I can say that it seems to be the same kids that paticipate in everything at Portsmouth.

Don’t mean to keep harking on this however, again economics allow some kids too, where they don’t allow others, so the wealth in a district comes into play again.

I would also like to see if the percentage of IEP transfers are per district although again I don’t know of anywhere these these statistics are kept. I would like to know if Burg excepts them at a lower rate then the general population, I have an assumption that this is true but I can’t say indefinitely.

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Re: Burg vs. Portsmouth

Post by Prime Time »

By your figures and statements then, let’s say Portsmouth has 160 boys and only 25 percent plays then only 40 some boys play sports and Wheelersburg has 160 also , say 80 percent play , then that’s 128 boys playing sports. Right there is a huge advantage. Out of those 40 boys let’s say half is not really that talented but play and try, and Wheelersburg has over 100 boys trying there best to be better and are talented also, another big advantage. Am I right here on thinking. It only takes 2-4 talented basketball players to have very good seasons and let’s say 15-20 very good football players , this is where it starts to show, plus Coaching also. Plus throw in recruits and widens gap deeper. Plus throw in lots of community money and support which in turn helps widen it a little more. FB am I close. So Trojan fb why doesn’t Portsmouth tap into the other 75 percent of boys at school. No athlete ability, family issues, money, laziness, no school spirit. Just don’t care, would these be some reasons. Does Coaching factor in also and would some come out if they perceived better Coaching and a we care more attitude, just thoughts. Why do some athletes leave and go to other schools, is a effort made to keep them and build on team work and do parents help build a we care school,spirit and do the Coach’s just Coach for a paycheck and have losing seasons year after year and why would this be tolerated at any school. This goes for any school system.

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Re: Burg vs. Portsmouth

Post by rxburgfan »

Trojan_FB_Alum wrote: Tue Nov 27, 2018 6:04 pm
rxburgfan wrote: Tue Nov 27, 2018 5:48 pm When you win people want to be a part of it. Why do you stay somewhere when you get drilled each and every week? If your kid wants to play and have success then give them the chance. Makes no difference the sport or community.

Portsmouth should never have dropped Burg. Giving up that home gate was crazy. And makes good local rivalry.
The game may return but not easily from what I’ve heard. Bridges get burned but I hope it does.

I agree, sadly that is the way the world works now, some would rather jump ship then trying to right thier own ship, maybe I’m just old school if you aren’t part of the solution you are part of the problem, however we were talking about why it is easier to succeed at Burg, I.e. only excluding kids with IEPs, and wealth of the district.

I too did not want to see that game go away, Portsmouth however was in a place where they didn’t view it as being able to compete and needed a break to try and rebuild, it also gave burg another week to schedule up for thier recent runs. I don’t personally agree with the decision either, but the program has improved, and my understanding is the game will return in the future.

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Re: Burg vs. Portsmouth

Post by Burgball#1 »

If I can share some information with the posters on here, one of the most considerable things about the Burg is community support. If you talk and look at or to the people in the stands probably close to 75% of them don't have kids on the field, they are their to support the kids because of the community pride and support. I think that makes a big difference to the kids playing and the families of those kids along wih the coaches when they see how well we travel to support our kids who represent us.

I wish that all communities could have that because it's better for all of us to have that support for all the area kids.

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Re: Burg vs. Portsmouth

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

Again affluent, wealthy are more likely to support. Through open enrollment Burg has taken several of these individuals, from surrounding communities. Not blaming Burg for this, this is the states fault making some districts stronger while hurting others. I touched on earlier the fact that state testing paints an inaccurate portrait of districts because of higher levels of IEPs and an unequal distribution of wealth( made worse by open enrollment). 2 groups that that statistically under preform thier peers regardless of district.

I know you said that most in the stands are not parents, but community, again wealth helps with this. Let’s say a family of 4 wants to attend all the home games at 6 dollars per adult, and 4 for children. That’s $ 20 right there, then let’s say every one gets something from the concession stand, say a piece of pizza and a pop probably about 4 dollars a piece adding another $16 to the total for $36 dollars. Multiply that by 5 home games it’s $180.
That doesn’t sound like a lot of money to you and I, but to a family that is already struggling to make ends meet, it’s an easy expense to eliminate.

What if they wanted to attend road games as well, you then have cost of fuel, added on to it, lots of trips probably mean you don’t have time to eat at home so fast food for dinner as well plus the cost of your tickets.

What about athletic boosters and sponsors, again less affluent districts means less support because they just plan and simple might not have it to give.

These are just somethings people don’t think about when they criticize why communities don’t support more.

I know this doesn’t seem like much, but it is pretty clear why Less affluent districts bring out less fans to me.

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Re: Burg vs. Portsmouth

Post by wobycat »

Trojan_FB_Alum wrote: Wed Nov 28, 2018 10:20 pm Again affluent, wealthy are more likely to support. Through open enrollment Burg has taken several of these individuals, from surrounding communities. Not blaming Burg for this, this is the states fault making some districts stronger while hurting others. I touched on earlier the fact that state testing paints an inaccurate portrait of districts because of higher levels of IEPs and an unequal distribution of wealth( made worse by open enrollment). 2 groups that that statistically under preform thier peers regardless of district.

I know you said that most in the stands are not parents, but community, again wealth helps with this. Let’s say a family of 4 wants to attend all the home games at 6 dollars per adult, and 4 for children. That’s $ 20 right there, then let’s say every one gets something from the concession stand, say a piece of pizza and a pop probably about 4 dollars a piece adding another $16 to the total for $36 dollars. Multiply that by 5 home games it’s $180.
That doesn’t sound like a lot of money to you and I, but to a family that is already struggling to make ends meet, it’s an easy expense to eliminate.

What if they wanted to attend road games as well, you then have cost of fuel, added on to it, lots of trips probably mean you don’t have time to eat at home so fast food for dinner as well plus the cost of your tickets.

What about athletic boosters and sponsors, again less affluent districts means less support because they just plan and simple might not have it to give.

These are just somethings people don’t think about when they criticize why communities don’t support more.

I know this doesn’t seem like much, but it is pretty clear why Less affluent districts bring out less fans to me.
You’ve ran this into the ground. I’m from burg, I have no kids that play and I support the football team and I am far from affluent wealthy. I know others that grind it out everyday and they ain’t wealthy that do the same.

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Re: Burg vs. Portsmouth

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

Good for you, I’m glad you are able to get out and support your local team despite as you put it being being far from wealthy.
As I have stated wealth is not the only factor, some people still find ways to succeed without it, I view your support as one of these success.
However we have also established that it is another hurdle that more affluent districts don’t have to deal with. I would believe that the student body at burg is a pretty good example of the make up of the community though, and with only 30.12 percent reviving free or reduced lunch oppsed to 52.4 at ironton and 83.89 at Portsmouth. That’s a lot more individuals that have to get over that hurdle to succeed as you have, some will make it some won’t, but with having larger percentages to start with Ironton and Portsmouth are of course going to have more that don’t succeed, as I’m sure some of the 30 percent at burg don’t.

This is not bashing Burg, nor is it a feel bad story for other districts it is merely pointing out why the difference exist.

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Re: Burg vs. Portsmouth

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

The 2016 census state the median incomes as
Portsmouth $27,769
Ironton $34,140
Wheelersburg $58,980

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Re: Burg vs. Portsmouth

Post by BuckeyeBlood »

Pretty silly topic., that being said I wish they still played one another. Off the field Good gate, travel was nothing, both nice stadiums. On the field Portsmouth always played some of the better athletes on their schedule and one of the tougher teams,to prepare them for the rest of their opponents. It gave me a chance to catch a Burg game too. I get why Portsmouth dropped Burg, I just hope that they pick the series back up sooner than later.

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Re: Burg vs. Portsmouth

Post by wobycat »

Trojan_FB_Alum wrote: Wed Nov 28, 2018 11:03 pm Good for you, I’m glad you are able to get out and support your local team despite as you put it being being far from wealthy.
As I have stated wealth is not the only factor, some people still find ways to succeed without it, I view your support as one of these success.
However we have also established that it is another hurdle that more affluent districts don’t have to deal with. I would believe that the student body at burg is a pretty good example of the make up of the community though, and with only 30.12 percent reviving free or reduced lunch oppsed to 52.4 at ironton and 83.89 at Portsmouth. That’s a lot more individuals that have to get over that hurdle to succeed as you have, some will make it some won’t, but with having larger percentages to start with Ironton and Portsmouth are of course going to have more that don’t succeed, as I’m sure some of the 30 percent at burg don’t.

This is not bashing Burg, nor is it a feel bad story for other districts it is merely pointing out why the difference exist.
Portsmouth is also twice the size population of burg. I would almost guarantee that the amount of people that are middle class and above is probably the same if not higher for Portsmouth

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Re: Burg vs. Portsmouth

Post by Trojan_FB_Alum »

If that were the case there would not such a large difference in the amount receiving free and reduced lunch.

I agree above Kinneys lane there are plenty of nice homes with people who make good livings, but numbers don’t lie.

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