Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

Post by Braves87 »

falconbball wrote: Mon Dec 31, 2018 7:56 am
TravisHill222 wrote: Sun Dec 30, 2018 5:59 pm Logan Elm being ranked 29th is too low they should be top 20 and ahead of Fairfield Union who has lost 3 straight
How can you say that when the lost to FU by 37?? and it 2 straight one to St. Charles and unioto a couple of pretty good teams....They did lose to league leading Hamilton but then beat Teays. FU plays a tough schedule for sure Columbus west, St. charles, Unioto, Vinton county later on in the year and Beechcroft

Travis makes the rest of us true LE fans look ignorant with the comments he makes about Stiverson, the program and everything else. We, as LE fans that have no illusions about this young team see improvement and see the big picture of what Stiverson is trying to do with these kids. We respect FU, Teays, Bloom and other teams in our conference. These kids are young and undersized but the play good defense and play hard until the final whistle. I saw that at ZT on Saturday night while Travis was home watching college football.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

Post by falconbball »

I totally respect LE, they are small but play hard Love that in teams.. MSL is tough this year anyone can beat anyone at any moment should be a battle to win the league! If you all could beat Hamilton when you play them that would be great.... just sayn.... lol good luck the rest of the season

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

Post by pfloyd »

... by weeks end this thread usually has around 3500-4k views BUT does anyone REALLY look at the rankings? when I was going through the rankings from last week yesterday I noticed that I had left out Crooksville altogether ! I had Circleville twice! once in the correct Treehugger slot the 2nd Circleville was in fact the slot where Crooksville should have been last week ... 3.5K-4k views ? most posters only look at the top 10-15 teams on the list ... even though the top 35-45 teams are the better teams obviously and those better teams are the ones I try to see (all of those teams throughout the season at least once) ... when it comes to ranking the teams and getting it right I spend as much time on the bottom 30-35 to make sure I get it right ... when I look at the rankings throughout the week, when I record all of the game results on the big board every Sunday morning, I compare the results to the rankings to see if the higher ranked "bottom 30" teams beat the teams ranked below them (which is a good check for the accuracy of the rankings imo) more often than not they are on the money or if the lower ranked team gets the W I'm usually pleasantly surprised to see that the lower ranked team is within 1 or 2 spots - so it isn't far off ... some teams who are lower ranked will run off a few W's in a row, knock off a higher ranked team - usually when I look at the online newspaper articles or radio station written reports I find out someone has returned from injury or a new addition to the lineup ... at any rate for those teams in the bottom half of the rankings ! pfloyd DOES keep a close eye on you ! sometimes the biggest jumps in the rankings take place in the bottom 1/2 or 1/3 of the rankings ...
Last edited by pfloyd on Mon Dec 31, 2018 11:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

Post by mattash »

pfloyd wrote: Mon Dec 31, 2018 10:56 am ... by weeks end this thread usually has around 3500-4k views BUT does anyone REALLY look at the rankings? when I was going through the rankings from last week yesterday I noticed that I had left out Crooksville altogether ! I had Circleville twice! once in the correct Treehugger slot the 2nd Circleville was in fact the slot where Crooksville should have been last week ... 3.5K-4k views ? most posters only look at the top 10-15 teams on the list ... even though the top 335-45 teams are the better teams obviously and those better teams are the ones I try to see (all of those teams throughout the season at least once) ... when it comes to ranking the teams and getting it right I spend as much time on the bottom 30-35 to make sure I get it right ... when I look at the rankings throughout the week, when I record all of the game results on the big board every Sunday morning, I compare the results to the rankings to see if the higher ranked "bottom 30" teams beat the teams ranked below them (which is a good check for the accuracy of the rankings imo) more often than not they are on the money or if the lower ranked team gets the W I'm usually pleasantly surprised to see that the lower ranked team is within 1 or 2 spots - so it isn't far off ... some teams who are lower ranked will run off a few W's in a row, knock off a higher ranked team - usually when I look at the online newspaper articles or radio station written reports I find out someone has returned from injury or a new addition to the lineup ... at any rate for those teams in the bottom half of the rankings ! pfloyd DOES keep a close eye on you ! sometimes the biggest jumps in the rankings take place in the bottom 1/2 or 1/3 of the rankings ...
They do we just have 100xs more readers than posters lol

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

Post by BUCKEYES »

I'm confused, one minute travishill is calling for change at LE coaching, then he says they are too small to win, then he says they should be ranked higher than a team that beat them badly, then he says they won't be good until a new school is built and I think he refers to won't be good until they get transfers. He does all this analyzing from his couch at home while watching college football. Advice to travishill, follow another team that is winning this year so you have positive thoughts. Remember these are high school kids playing their hearts out, they do it for the love of the game not a paycheck.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

Post by peake71 »

I am not complaining about our ranking at the same time last year we were 2-4 and #55. We are in the top 20 and are 6-2 with losses to South Point and Athens by a total 13 points. To be higher we have to prove it on the floor.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

Post by Ironman92 »

pfloyd wrote: Mon Dec 31, 2018 10:56 am ... by weeks end this thread usually has around 3500-4k views BUT does anyone REALLY look at the rankings? when I was going through the rankings from last week yesterday I noticed that I had left out Crooksville altogether ! I had Circleville twice! once in the correct Treehugger slot the 2nd Circleville was in fact the slot where Crooksville should have been last week ... 3.5K-4k views ? most posters only look at the top 10-15 teams on the list ... even though the top 35-45 teams are the better teams obviously and those better teams are the ones I try to see (all of those teams throughout the season at least once) ... when it comes to ranking the teams and getting it right I spend as much time on the bottom 30-35 to make sure I get it right ... when I look at the rankings throughout the week, when I record all of the game results on the big board every Sunday morning, I compare the results to the rankings to see if the higher ranked "bottom 30" teams beat the teams ranked below them (which is a good check for the accuracy of the rankings imo) more often than not they are on the money or if the lower ranked team gets the W I'm usually pleasantly surprised to see that the lower ranked team is within 1 or 2 spots - so it isn't far off ... some teams who are lower ranked will run off a few W's in a row, knock off a higher ranked team - usually when I look at the online newspaper articles or radio station written reports I find out someone has returned from injury or a new addition to the lineup ... at any rate for those teams in the bottom half of the rankings ! pfloyd DOES keep a close eye on you ! sometimes the biggest jumps in the rankings take place in the bottom 1/2 or 1/3 of the rankings ...

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

Post by pfloyd »

BUCKEYES wrote: Mon Dec 31, 2018 11:12 am I'm confused, one minute travishill is calling for change at LE coaching, then he says they are too small to win, then he says they should be ranked higher than a team that beat them badly, then he says they won't be good until a new school is built and I think he refers to won't be good until they get transfers. He does all this analyzing from his couch at home while watching college football. Advice to travishill, follow another team that is winning this year so you have positive thoughts. Remember these are high school kids playing their hearts out, they do it for the love of the game not a paycheck.
... I have watched a lot of basketball in my time, yep I'm old enough to be able to claim "my own time" , I love watching GOOD basketball ... so my time is spent watching GOOD TEAMS, playing GOOD BASKETBALL ... in "my time" I have learned which TEAMS play GOOD basketball every year - I don't care if I have no clue who is on the team, short players/tall players/talented/not talented - there are TEAMS/PROGRAMS/COACHES who put a quality product on the court every single year - I'm not saying they WIN every year or get to the Convo every year but the kids on the court for those PROGRAMS know how to "play the game of basketball" ... there are teams out there that I make sure I watch play EVERY SINGLE SEASON whether the record is outstanding or .500 or less ... Why is that? - no matter the talent level these must see programs/teams KNOW how to play the game basketball - they are fundamentally sound at both ends , they know how to play the game so they are IN every game win or lose ... when I see the PROGRAMS of SEOhio play - the Logan Elms, the Warrens,the Vinton County's, the Chesapeakes, the FUs, the Oak Hills, the Eastern Pikes, the Portsmouths, the Irontons, the Jacksons, the Chillicothes , the Zanesvilles, the Uniotos,the Piketons , the Trimbles, the Fairlands, the Eastern Browns, the Zane Traces - these are ALL programs I will drive many miles to see because they do it right - it doesn't matter what the records are, whether they win or lose I SEE good basketball on the court due to the outstanding teachers of the game/coaches that put in the time to TEACH the fundamentals, hold all of the players (outstanding players down to the last man on the bench) accountable for those fundamentals in practice and in games ... I've sat in the Cheap Seats with a smile on my face watching the TEAMS these programs/these coaches put on the floor because of the player execution of the fundamentals on the floor - crisp bounce passes/chest passes ... boxing out for rebounds ... beating up an opponent with their bodies defensively not using their hands/moving their feet staying low, setting picks that actually put a body on a body ... beating offensive players to spots on the floor, turning the offensive player with their body - keeping them from getting to spots on the floor - the fundamentals ...I vividly remember watching a Norm Persin coached Chesapeake team playing an out of state team at Nationwide Arena - the peake defender boxed out the offensive player ... turned hit the the outlet man on the wing ... a crisp chest pass to mid court ... another pass to the wing and final pass for a fast break layup - the ball NEVER touched the floor for 94 feet !!! - I was hooked on the Norm Persin "way" - fundamentals ... the best programs/coaches/teachers of the game emphasize them - THEY know that solid fundamentals allow them to get to the NEXT level of being a coach which is WHY they coach (or should be) - so they can "teach the game of basketball" not just the fundamentals ... IF players/teams don't have the fundamentals of the game the coaching staff can NEVER teach "the game of basketball" ... players can never execute to the point that knowing the nuances of the different positions that can be performed- that make the individual & TEAM better ... Logan Elm- Coach Stiverson/Coach Holbert/Coach Dropsey ... the kids that go through THAT PROGRAM "know how to play the game" THAT is what I SEE from the Cheap Seats ... I love watching this special group of sophomores play ! size wise 5-8 to 5-10 ... 15 year olds (maybe) ... executing the fundamentals that when they do grow & mature as juniors/seniors - THEY will be special AND OUTSTANDING ! they will have learned/practiced/played having to use the fundamentals they have been taught AND NOW when age/maturity/strength catch up to their knowledge/basketball fundamental knowledge ?!! THAT IS A SPECIAL GROUP OF YOUNGSTERS being coached by one of the best groups of teachers of the game you will find ... I don't need my Ouija Board to tell me what the next couple of years have on the horizon for LE hoops ... for the naysayers - SERIOUSLY?!! calling for a change at LE ? (rolling my eyes) ...
Last edited by pfloyd on Mon Dec 31, 2018 2:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

Post by BUCKEYES »

Very well said pfloyd, age and maturity matter more in HS basketball than any other level of basketball. I wouldn't trade Stiverson for any other coach I've seen, not a bash against any of them of course. I would put these sophmores up against any other group of sophmores and they'd compete and win plenty. By the way thanks for all you do on this site with rankings and of course the napkin stats and game breakdowns.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

Post by pfloyd »

peake71 wrote: Mon Dec 31, 2018 11:49 am I am not complaining about our ranking at the same time last year we were 2-4 and #55. We are in the top 20 and are 6-2 with losses to South Point and Athens by a total 13 points. To be higher we have to prove it on the floor.
... by the end of this week I will have had "eyes" on from the Cheap Seats 16 of my top 20 teams - missing Wheelersburg, Warren, Ironton, Fairland ... by the end of the Beasts of the Southeast next Saturday Jan 12th I will have seen 26 of my top 30 teams at least once (Logan, Chillicothe,Gallia,Washington CH, Athens, Alexander, McClain,Waverly, Chesapeake, Coal Grove all multiple games) ... I'm working on taking a "weekend" getaway (Friday/Saturday night) to get to Scioto County (staying with one of my sisters who lives in Wheelersburg/South Webster area) to see both New Boston and Wheelersburg (separate games obviously since they don't play each other) or maybe Ironton ... IF Mother Nature cooperates - the weekend of 1/19 is the Dave Young Classic at North Adams THAT would have me seeing some of the hard to get to teams ALL in one day - Fairland, West Union, Chesapeake, North Adams, Eastern Brown, Eastern Pike, Southern - all in one place ! I have tried in the past to get to Coach Young's namesake tourney but the weather has kept me close to home in Hocking County as it is almost 101 miles and a 2 hour drive from Logan to North Adams High School ... we'll see how Mother Nature is during that stretch of January ...

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

Post by noreply66 »

Don't know what way you go to North Adams but I usually go down to Piketon and hit the four lane west to Seaman area. Just seems to be a lot easier than some I have taken. A couple of times I will go out on 104 in Waverly to the 4 lane but the last few time it has been closed.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

Post by pfloyd »

BUCKEYES wrote: Mon Dec 31, 2018 1:47 pm Very well said pfloyd, age and maturity matter more in HS basketball than any other level of basketball. I wouldn't trade Stiverson for any other coach I've seen, not a bash against any of them of course. I would put these sophmores up against any other group of sophmores and they'd compete and win plenty. By the way thanks for all you do on this site with rankings and of course the napkin stats and game breakdowns.
Thank you Buckeyes ... I admire the work done by the coaching staffs of THE Programs - they do it right :

Logan Elm - Coach Stiverson, Coach Holbert, Coach Dropsey
Warren - Coach Maddox, Coach Coffman,Coach Mitchem, Coach Colegrove
Chesapeake - Coach Ryan Davis, Coach Vickers, Coach Tomlinson, Coach Justin Davis
Ironton - Coach LaFon, Coach Hacker, Coach Young, Coach Large, Coach Cory McKnight
Portsmouth - Coach Eugene Collins, Coach Len Collins
Fairland - Coach Speed, Coach JD Smith, Coach Evan Salyers, Coach Phillips, Coach Jordan
Fairfield Union - Coach Eversole, Coach Goodyear, Coach Helber
Unioto - Coach Hoops, Coach Easterday, Coach Bruce
Oak Hill - Coach Persin, Coach Heath McKinniss
Eastern Pike - Coach Barrick , Coach Ward, Coach Hale
Piketon - Coach Evan Legg, Coach Scott Legg, Coach Kelly, Coach Helton
Jackson - Coach Morrow
Zanesville - Coach Aronhalt
Trimble - Coach Howie Caldwell
Eastern Brown - Coach Beucler
Vinton County - Coach Matt Combs, Coach NJ Kight, Coach Carpenter/Coach Albright, Coach Cox, Coach Hale
Zane Trace - Coach Kellough
Chillicothe - Coach Eric Huffer, Coach Beard

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

Post by Truth&fiction »

pfloyd wrote: Mon Dec 31, 2018 3:13 pm
BUCKEYES wrote: Mon Dec 31, 2018 1:47 pm Very well said pfloyd, age and maturity matter more in HS basketball than any other level of basketball. I wouldn't trade Stiverson for any other coach I've seen, not a bash against any of them of course. I would put these sophmores up against any other group of sophmores and they'd compete and win plenty. By the way thanks for all you do on this site with rankings and of course the napkin stats and game breakdowns.
Thank you Buckeyes ... I admire the work done by the coaching staffs of THE Programs - they do it right :

Logan Elm - Coach Stiverson, Coach Holbert, Coach Dropsey
Warren - Coach Maddox, Coach Coffman,Coach Mitchem, Coach Colegrove
Chesapeake - Coach Ryan Davis, Coach Vickers, Coach Tomlinson, Coach Justin Davis
Ironton - Coach LaFon, Coach Hacker, Coach Young, Coach Large, Coach Cory McKnight
Portsmouth - Coach Eugene Collins, Coach Len Collins
Fairland - Coach Speed, Coach JD Smith, Coach Evan Salyers, Coach Phillips, Coach Jordan
Fairfield Union - Coach Eversole, Coach Goodyear, Coach Helber
Unioto - Coach Hoops, Coach Easterday, Coach Bruce
Oak Hill - Coach Persin, Coach Heath McKinniss
Eastern Pike - Coach Barrick , Coach Ward, Coach Hale
Piketon - Coach Evan Legg, Coach Scott Legg, Coach Kelly, Coach Helton
Jackson - Coach Morrow
Zanesville - Coach Aronhalt
Trimble - Coach Howie Caldwell
Eastern Brown - Coach Beucler
Vinton County - Coach Matt Combs, Coach NJ Kight, Coach Carpenter/Coach Albright, Coach Cox, Coach Hale
Zane Trace - Coach Kellough
Chillicothe - Coach Eric Huffer, Coach Beard
Good group of Coaches and very respected . I did notice that you did not mentioned your coaching staff at Logan . What's up with that ? You always give a great write up on a certain player .

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

Post by ItsMyOpinion »

Again ..... Great job with the rankings! As I was reading down through the list, it came to my attention that the top 6 Division III teams are all in the Jackson Sectional! Wow .... what a tournament that is going to be!

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

Post by pfloyd »

ItsMyOpinion wrote: Mon Dec 31, 2018 4:28 pm Pfloyd,
Again ..... Great job with the rankings! As I was reading down through the list, it came to my attention that the top 6 Division III teams are all in the Jackson Sectional! Wow .... what a tournament that is going to be!
... going to be some great matchups in the post season sectionals/district play across the board imo ... lots of IN season hoops to be played yet BUT I do love the "Road to the Convo & Basketball Thirty" basketball in the post season Below the Lancaster-Dixon Line ...

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

Post by Tri-StateYouthSports »

A little comparison of pfloyds and MaxPreps rankings. (Div II & III Only)


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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

Post by pfloyd »

MaxPreps needs to make sure they have the correct records - they gave the burg +2 on the W side, gave ZT,Oak Hill, FU, Alexander an extra W as well ... those were the ones that I see off the bat ... missing Ws from Ironton ... too many L's on Waverly should take a couple off of there 5-3 not 5-5 ... always good to look and see other rankings though even if they aren't accurate ...

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

Post by Ironman92 »

I’ll take pfloyds easily

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

Post by peake71 »

They have Peake record wrong, coach wrong and roster is wrong. Unless they have changed it in the last couple of days.
I'll will stay with pfloyd as he actually sees teams play.

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Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio - Week #4

Post by danicalifornia »

Unioto’s Maxpreps page is correct, at least. And their opponents have at least one correct final score! (It helps that there are no other Unioto’s in North America)

Definitely trust Pfloyd on any records and results...and my site and svcsportszone, I’ll vet for us too lol

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