Air Force @ Notre Dame 10-8-2011

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Air Force @ Notre Dame 10-8-2011

Post by therepublican »

ND is coming off a blow-out win at Purdue. Purdue is VERY BAD and I honestly believe Air Force is much better than Purdue. AF is coming off either an overtime win or last minute win over Navy. Air Force as always has a nasty triple option offense that is difficult to prepare for. ND has had plenty of trouble stopping the run against Triple Option styles. But I do think the addition of Aaron Lynch (DE) who has been blowing up every O line he has faced will put a great stop to anything AF attempts on the ground.

ND should win, but Tommy Rees has still yet to prove he can refrain form turning the ball over against a good team. Look for ND to have a knee injury or two after AF leaves town, they like to chop block. Navy and AF have torn a few ACL's on ND's team over the past five years.


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Re: Air Force @ Notre Dame 10-8-2011

Post by Peake »

I will be there with 3 other friends. Any suggestions what to see, where to go, nightlife, etc?

The game---Notre Dame struggles with the option and mobile QB's. Air Force runs the double wing option, not a true bone, and when ran correctly it is deadly. I have to think though with the amount of talent Notre Dame has on offense they put up enough points to win this thing by 2 td's.

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Re: Air Force @ Notre Dame 10-8-2011

Post by therepublican »

PEAKE: I think ND will struggle like always with the option. But, Air Force has no answer to Michael Floyd..period and that will be the difference.

As for what to see! This is my order from top to bottom of what every visitor should see (if they want to see the real ND).

1. See Inside of the Basilica (Especially when the players are at mass)
2. Grotto (Right next to the Basilica) (Also where Rudy prays for admission to the university of ND in the movie)
3. Snap a photo in front of the famous Touchdown Jesus.
4. Trumpets in the Dome (Happens right after the pep-band show on the steps of the Golden Dome) (Very LOUD as well) (Times of events are listed on gameday event schedule at
5. Band March into stadium (like every other university--pretty cool but not necessary)
6. Hans Bookstore (For an MU fan like yourself, you would probably rather stand in front of a train rather than inside the main memorabilia store on ND campus).

Nightlife in South Bend isn't great to be truthful (although Floyd seemed to find the right place from time to time--just kidding). There are a few pubs around town but really you are in the biggest university town in the world. If you want to have a good dinner and have good drinks after the game, then walk right over to LEGENDS. It is located in the main parking on campus. This is where Coach Kelly does his Thursday radio show and where most students and people go after the game. Nice place to visit for a visitor (usually where I take my first time visitors to).

If you are a sport history buff like myself and like to see old trophies, etc, the second floor of the Joyce Center (Hockey Arena) is where it is at. Tons of stuff from Knute to Holtz!

Enjoy your time there! There should be a good flyover for the military game!

The Flying Dutchman
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Re: Air Force @ Notre Dame 10-8-2011

Post by The Flying Dutchman »

No mention of "The Linebacker" Republican?. Peake walk across the street to the backer and throw a couple back. I would let you buy me one but will have my son with me. On Sat. morn go by the KofC on campus and grab a steak sandwich( you got to like them a little pink though). After the game head up to Grape Road where you can find anything you want to eat.

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Re: Air Force @ Notre Dame 10-8-2011

Post by Peake »


THanks for all of the suggestions. A group of friends put together a bucket list of sports venues we wanted to visit, we started this year and Notre Dame was #1 on our list. We want to take it all in, we are putting our fandom on hold for a weekend. I am Irish so please tell me there are a schmorgesborg of pubs for us to take in? I heard that going to the bball arena the night before is pretty cool too.

Any chance we can meet up? Have a drink together (pop or beer optional respect the children around).

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Re: Air Force @ Notre Dame 10-8-2011

Post by therepublican »

PEAKE: Yes, I forgot...Basketball practice is very cool! Head over to the Joyce either Friday night or Saturday morning (typically they have practice Saturday morning before the football game) and you can go in a watch for free. Pretty fun to watch Abromitis nail three's for free!

As for the pubs, eeee...I know they are around but I usually am lucky to make it to my car after the game let alone another pub.

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Re: Air Force @ Notre Dame 10-8-2011

Post by Peake »

we are staying in town so no car needed.

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Re: Air Force @ Notre Dame 10-8-2011

Post by therepublican »

Well if no car is needed, I suggest LEGENDS, you walk right of the stadium and it is in front of you. It's a great place!

The Flying Dutchman
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Re: Air Force @ Notre Dame 10-8-2011

Post by The Flying Dutchman »

Peake, Sure we can drink one or two. The Irish Green on Sat. would prob. be the best place to meet. Drop me a number.

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Re: Air Force @ Notre Dame 10-8-2011

Post by Peake »

sounds great!

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Re: Air Force @ Notre Dame 10-8-2011

Post by Raiderball »

I had an invite to this game. Prior commitments I can't get out of though.
Sounds like great weather for the game.

The Flying Dutchman
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Re: Air Force @ Notre Dame 10-8-2011

Post by The Flying Dutchman »

Peake, Never got a number from you. Did you all make the trip? Not much defense from either team. I thought Hendrix(cincy moeller) gives ND a nice change of pace on offense. Weather could not have been better.

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Re: Air Force @ Notre Dame 10-8-2011

Post by Peake »


I am really sorry man, I apologize it was a whirlwind weekend.

We made it. Took in the band step off at 4ish, then went to O'Rourecs (sp?). Then stood around forever waiting on the pep-rally, which imo was the biggest let down of my experience. Walked around campus. Went out downtown. Wow where are all the students? We saw maybe a handful, not many. We hit up the oyster bar, the Irish pub right next to it where they had live music, and chips.

We tailgated over in the library parking lot and had a great time. Then went in, sat in section 120.

B2 Bomber fly over was amazing. Notre Dame played really well, that other QB is pretty athletic, nice player. ND really needs to give it to Wood more, kids a stud.

Great experience, everyone was awesome. Def going back.

The Flying Dutchman
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Re: Air Force @ Notre Dame 10-8-2011

Post by The Flying Dutchman »

Glad you enjoyed yourself. The outside pep-rallies are not very good, they will be inside later in the season. Agree about Wood, I think he and Jonas Gray both should get more carries. In section 120 you at least had ample leg and a$$ room compared to seats in the lower bowl.

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Re: Air Force @ Notre Dame 10-8-2011

Post by BubbleGumTiger »

Hey Dutch, how bout telling that father-in-law of yours to listen next time I tell him something.......I told him to take it easy on my Air Force friends and it is pretty obvious it went in one ear and out the other....... :)

way back in the middle 70s, (due to my mental health I cant recollect the exact year,) I was at the AF Academy to watch the Irish come from a 40-21 deficit at halftime to beat the men in Blue 41-40.......oh well, it is still fun to be a fan of both teams........ :!:

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Re: Air Force @ Notre Dame 10-8-2011

Post by therepublican »

PEAKE: Glad to read you had a good time! Really, whether you hate ND or love em' I think SB is a great atmosphere to see a game. A lot of people are surprised that the "nightlife" in South Bend is not really booming..sorry your night before was a boring one...but I'm sure gameday made up for it!

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Re: Air Force @ Notre Dame 10-8-2011

Post by Peake »

No I had a great time all around. The nightlife was actually great. I'd much rather party not with a bunch of drunk undergrads.

It was an all-around great time. I will cheer for ND in every game but 1.

The Flying Dutchman
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Re: Air Force @ Notre Dame 10-8-2011

Post by The Flying Dutchman »

Turk, Believe it or not that was the 3rd or 4th ND/AF game I have been to and the 1st that ND won. ND did put all the Priests in during the 4th qtr on Sat, they put up a great fight but AF scored twice on them :-D
P.S. the flyover was awesome. Later they honored the pilots on the field to a standing ovation.

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Re: Air Force @ Notre Dame 10-8-2011

Post by Peake »

best flyover I have ever seen.

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