UM news, Who would have thought?...

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by Peake »

So now personal credit reports are being brought out into the light? Wow people have really sunk to a new low. I am pretty sure most of us have made poor financial choices in our lives.

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by Peake »

I provide more information to this board the 99% of those who view and write. If you don't like it because it is not Ohio State, then don't read. If you don't like it because I offer a different opinion and viewpoint, then I respect that, but try and bring more evidence to the table if you are going to refute it. I have brought more evidence to this thread in a single post then any of you combined. I am not boasting, but rather suggesting that some of you back up your opinions and not bring down those who do.

Some poke to poke, because they are miserable and that is what they do.

Anyways this is from Fred Roh, father of Craig Roh, freshmen DE for Michigan. Side note: Remember half of the information I provide has to be paid for, you should be thanking me :122249

I am Craig Roh's dad and had the pleasure of experiencing first-hand the recruiting process and first summer with the UM program. I feel obligated to share with readers concrete evidence of the integrity and compliance of the Rich Rod program and staff. My son chose UM because it is one of the few schools in the country that has great football AND academics. He could have gone to UCLA, Cal, Stanford, USC..all great academic schools and he chose Michigan because it had the best of both.

He also selected UM because of the intensity and straight talk of the coaching staff. The first person he met was Mike Barwis. After spending an hour with Barwis, Craig turned to me and said, "He will make me the best I can be. That's what I want." When he met Rich Rod, he was further impressed with his openness and vision. Craig came here BECAUSE of the work ethic that was to be required of him. He WANTS to be pushed to the limits, not coddled and pampered.

He was recruited by Tony Dews. I am here to say that Coach Dews complied with every letter of the rules throughout the entire recruitment process, even the ones that seem senseless. He would not even give me a ride to lunch or pick up a $5 lunch tab because it was against the rules. He informed us of the recruiting rules over and over again. As I watched 35 schools recruit my son, I would put Michigan at the top of the integrity scale when it came to recruiting.

Let's talk about Craig's first summer. Again, Coach Dews made it abundantly clear what we had to pay for and what the school was allowed to pay for, what our responsiblities were and what the school's were. I was tired of hearing about all the rules. It was like dealing with the IRS. There was NO push to report to school early, in fact we were told that if craig wanted to report to summer school early, it was on his dime and totally voluntary. Craig's summer was very balanced. He VOLUNTARILY asked to watch tape as much as he could. Nobody pushed him to do it or even suggested it. He had more free time than he wanted.

Lastly, I know for a fact that Craig missed workouts in the summer and even missed parts of at least three practices at Fall camp so that he could attend class. He was excused with absolutely no repercussions by the coaching staff.

I am assuming that players who choose to come to UM under Rich Rod are coming here BECAUSE its hard. They want to become the best. They want to be pushed. They want great academics and great football environment. I detest the accusations made by the Freep. They think they are doing these kids a favor by easing up the workload and, in reality, they are undermining the very reason the kids chose UM!

Fred Roh

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by Peake »

from espn:
"COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio State players say if their rivals at Michigan are putting in extra time, they're not alone.

So are the Buckeyes. And so is any team, they say, that wants to be any good.

Michigan's coaching staff has been accused by a handful of current and former players -- all speaking anonymously -- of pushing too hard and forcing them to put in too many hours.

Join the club, the Buckeyes said.

Ohio State captains Kurt Coleman and Doug Worthington and head coach Jim Tressel all said Tuesday that it takes extra work to compete these days in major college football -- and the players who want to be great understand that.

The NCAA may have a 20-hour per week cap, but the players don't live by that.

"I think Michigan is probably abiding by the rules," said Coleman, a starting safety. "But, you know, to be great you have to put in more than 20 hours. That's just the minimum. In any great program, each player is putting in more than what they're required to. And it's all on their own. That's what takes a program to the next level, when guys are going above and beyond the call of duty."

Worthington said that no matter what the coaches say -- or the NCAA -- players who want to get better will become workaholics. He said it was up to the upperclassmen to make sure that the younger players kept their noses to the grindstone.

"It's hard to be a good football team giving 20 hours, but you know the rules and that's why leaders and captains and seniors have to make sure we keep guys after and we watch more film," the starting defensive lineman said. "Do it on our time, but make sure we know it's nothing mandatory. But if you want to be good, it takes more than just 20 hours."

Tressel all but said it's useless to try to restrain players from working at a sport.

"What makes it difficult is how good these kids want to be," he said. "Sometimes you have to chain the doors of the Woody Hayes [football] center, you know, to get them out of there. These kids want to be good. They want to train. They want to get their buddies in there and throw the ball around, those kinds of things."

Tressel went to great lengths to say that he and his staff do not prescribe extra workouts for players beyond what they can meet during their allotted 20 hours per week during the season. But that doesn't mean Ohio State's players are only working 20 hours per week: Tressel said it's foolish to try to rein in young, committed and ambitious athletes.

"It'd be like telling our med students, 'We're going to close the library,'" he said. "You've got to let them train. There is a fine line, but the safeguards we have are we have set schedules and forms that we fill out, just like everyone."

Michigan coach Rich Rodriguez said Monday that the Wolverines follow the NCAA rules on required work, but his comments essentially mirrored Tressel's: Players were so eager to work well beyond the NCAA caps that they often called Michigan's coaches to open up the weight room.

Rodriguez installed a rigorous conditioning regimen at Michigan when he was hired after the 2007 season. While some players struggled to adapt, most credited it with improving their athleticism and several former Wolverines now in the NFL praised the program after working out at the school in the offseason.

Tressel said each time he has taken a head coaching job -- in 1986 at Youngstown State and again in 2001 at Ohio State -- players came up to him to tell him that under the prior regime the team had lost its discipline and toughness and needed to work harder.

"So I think deep down kids want to work hard," he said. "I haven't had anyone come in and say, 'You know what, Coach? We spent too much time at it and that's why we didn't do as well as we wanted to do.'"

Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by Speedofsand »

[quote] ballparent:
Even more interesting/enjoyable is the fact that RichRod cried on national TV and that peake is so worked up about it that he's spent most of the day copying and pasting articles and defending his man crush on RichRod. That is priceless....


peake, does it make you feel better to post so much crap about Meyer ? 4 links in one post ? A bunch of those 22 were Zook's recruits, so there ! How miserable are you gonna be when OSU beats RichRod again this year?

It looks like peake has a Image on RichRod.

The hitler youtube is funny. Lots of college football hitler spoofs are funny.

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by Peake »

It makes me feel good. A lot of people around the college football world think Meyer is an arrogant a**hole who gets away with too much because his program is the hot thing at the moment. He clearly broke rules. How does it feel for you to have to hear allegations being made about your coach? Believe me I found much more on him, I just felt that my 4 stories were enough to get the point across. Not one of those stories had a single thing to do with Zook.

Meyer is a pretty good coach, but he also inherited a program with beau coup talent. Meyer developed it, but it was already in place. Two different situations.

How are you going to feel when Meyer leaves for ND after Weis is gone this year?

I support my coach, in good times and bad. Why you need to attack the way I support my coach is humorous. You do the exact same thing when someone attacks yours. Same thing would happen if a paper went after the Ohio State program.

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by 85inside »

Geesh. Can i ever turn my TV on and not see Rich Rod snotting all over the place? Crying over a choke job vs Pitt a few years back. Crying over the Alabama job. Now crying over breaking the rules. Gosh, i hope UM wins this week. id hate to see him crying again. The guys going to have a nervous breakdown.

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by farmer »

peake wrote:So now personal credit reports are being brought out into the light? Wow people have really sunk to a new low. I am pretty sure most of us have made poor financial choices in our lives.

I did not bring in his personal credit report. If you think I have I have sunk to a low for bringing this up I have still not gotten as low as you who put down others just so you can feel better about yourself. I brought up something that is being reported by many different news and sports agencies. Something that could effect him and add to the stress of his job.

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by farmer »

peake wrote:So now personal credit reports are being brought out into the light? Wow people have really sunk to a new low. I am pretty sure most of us have made poor financial choices in our lives.

I did not bring up his personal credit report. If you think I have I have sunk to a low for bringing this up I have still not gotten as low as you who put down others just so you can feel better about yourself. I brought up something that is being reported by many different news and sports agencies. Something that could effect him and add to the stress of his job.

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by Peake »

I did not bring up his personal credit report. If you think I have I have sunk to a low for bringing this up I have still not gotten as low as you who put down others just so you can feel better about yourself. I brought up something that is being reported by many different news and sports agencies. Something that could effect him and add to the stress of his job.

My point was what a guy chooses to invest in and put his money in outside of football have no influence on what I think of the person as a coach. If you see some sort of relation, then that is your prerogative, not mine. I care about winning. What RRod chooses to put his efforts in financially means nothing to me. I have sunk low over bringing what up? I was not talking about just you, but anyone for that matter. I could care less about if Ol Pete at USC is $10,000 in debt, or if Urban still owes 1 million on his mortgage. I care about winning games.

I could care less about your approval of me or the way I do things. I put my opinion out there, if you like it great, if not, oh well. I am not losing sleep over any of this or what someone on an internet chat board thinks of my opinion. I feel VERY GOOD about the information I provide on this site. Some can appreciate it, some have to try and poke holes in everything I do because of my passion for Michigan. I stopped caring about what people thought of me on the internet a long time ago. Not everyone is going to like you, and I am not going to like everyone either.

I provide the information and throw in my opinion. Like it or leave it I really don't care.

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by Peake »

I told you this story would come crumbling down....

Tony Clemons

Clemons played at Michigan in 2007 under then-coach Lloyd Carr and last season under Rodriguez. Clemons transferred to CU in the spring.

Quoted by Schad, Clemons said: “The allegations are true. Nothing is fabricated or exaggerated in that story. I was there on Sundays from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., or 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., depending on if guys needed treatment. You were there daylight to nighttime.”

Perhaps realizing that this may create a firestorm of media inquiries, Clemons put out this statement through the CU sports information office on Monday:

“It was not my intention to come to the forefront of any situation dealing with the Michigan football program. I talked to a reporter (Schad) Sunday night, but did not answer any questions. Nor did I contribute any information. I don’t have any ties to the original allegations and my involvement in the matter doesn’t go any further than reading the (Detroit Free Press) article and confirming the allegations made by anonymous sources.

“If I am asked to answer questions by any official party, be it the University of Michigan, the Big Ten or the NCAA, I will be honest about my schedule while at Michigan. But for right now, I am a Colorado Buffalo and no longer associated with Michigan or its football program. It’s time for me to concentrate on my classes and my teammates here at Colorado.”

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by Speedofsand »

peake wrote:It makes me feel good. A lot of people around the college football world think Meyer is an arrogant a**hole who gets away with too much because his program is the hot thing at the moment. He clearly broke rules. How does it feel for you to have to hear allegations being made about your coach? Believe me I found much more on him, I just felt that my 4 stories were enough to get the point across. Not one of those stories had a single thing to do with Zook.

Meyer is a pretty good coach, but he also inherited a program with beau coup talent. Meyer developed it, but it was already in place. Two different situations.

How are you going to feel when Meyer leaves for ND after Weis is gone this year?

I support my coach, in good times and bad. Why you need to attack the way I support my coach is humorous. You do the exact same thing when someone attacks yours. Same thing would happen if a paper went after the Ohio State program.

Your first link, all charges were completely dropped because the girl admitted she made up the accusation. Your other 3 links are the same lame story. Meyer likely broke a rule according to some bloggers. I'm not going to spend the next 2 days and 2 pages of posts spewing statements from Gator fans who dispute it. Meyer has kicked off numerous players for getting in trouble. How can you say Zook had nothing to do with arrests when a number of them were Zook's recruits?

Really ? Tebow, Spikes, Harvin were all in place ? Again, Zook left some talent, but also left behind problems. Did Meyer inherit that talent at Bowling Green and Utah ?

Do you put money where your mouth is ? I'll bet you Meyer is still a Gator next year, name your $$$ amount fool.

I wasn't trying to attack the way you support your coach. I find it amusing you must do so much copy and pasting to word spin it and attacking other coaches even if it has nothing to do with the topic of the thread. I do that too ? No, peake, you are miserably wrong again.

What will you do if Mich. gets accused of a major violation ? My first posts on this thread was poking humor at RichRod, but also that its even a story. Its silly compared to the violations at USC, FSU, and plenty of other schools and they get away with a slap on the hand. We're talkin 'bout PRACTICE, man. PRACTICE. PRACTICE. Not a rental house, not a car. PRACTICE. Not academic cheating in 14 sports with 60 athletes, we're talkin 'bout PRACTICE.

peake, YOU are the only one making a big deal out of this. I find it very amusing.

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by ballparent »

I find it amusing you must do so much copy and pasting to word spin it and attacking other coaches even if it has nothing to do with the topic of the thread. I do that too ? No, peake, you are miserably wrong again.

peake, YOU are the only one making a big deal out of this. I find it very amusing.

I did not bring up his personal credit report. If you think I have I have sunk to a low for bringing this up I have still not gotten as low as you who put down others just so you can feel better about yourself. I brought up something that is being reported by many different news and sports agencies. Something that could effect him and add to the stress of his job.

Hilarious!!! :lol: 8) Bring on today's wealth of other's words copied and pasted....but...ewwww...he even knows how to copy and paste other's avatars...he's got that copy and paste trick figured if someone could just teach him to roll over....wait...he's already done that for Richrod... :lol: :12222

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by The Flying Dutchman »

"Some poke to poke, because they are miserable and that's what they do"

I think you are the pot calling the kettle black. Every time you post about Notre Dame you comment about Charlie Weis' weight. What does his weight have anything to do with him as a coach or for that matter as a human being, You can't have it both ways.

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by Peake »

If you are disputing the wealth of talent Meyer inherited, then go back to their first national title. Cry me a river. He left behind some problems. So many of them that Meyer won a national title with the majority of Zook's players. You named 3 players on a team of 85 scholarship players.

Fool? Cute. Miserably wrong? No I feel like a real failure because someone tells me I am not just wrong but miserably wrong :roll:

I don't really follow your argument. I don't really ever follow you.

I heard how much this board sucked the 6 months or so I was away. I am defending my points by bringing all of the evidence I have collected to this site. Half of my information you must pay to see, so it should be appreciated, rather then mocked.

I take it serious when someone attacks the university I have passion for.

If you notice two of the most knowledgeable Ohio State posters have not said much about this (Orestes--Dubs). They both probably don't care for RRod, but I know they are not going to bring up moot points and post just to poke fun. Funny how someone who is the copy and past queen now has an issue with it. I should come to expect things like this from her, but do I give two ships, not really. Her opinion mean absolutely nothing to me. Especially posts full of non-information.

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by Peake »

I hate Notre Dame more then I hate Ohio State. I hate Charlie. I hate the Golde Dome. I hate touchdown Jesus. Ruddy was get the point.

I called Weis fat---join the other billion who think and say the same thing.

Call it whatever you want, I could care less.

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by 85inside »

The sun came up today, is Rodriguez crying yet?

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by Pocket Aces »

85inside wrote:The sun came up today, is Rodriguez crying yet?

LOL, it's early.....besides, he only pouts on days ending in "y"!

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by marshallman »

Man, whats up with stealing someone else's avatar? I read today the Big Ten conf. is now in Michigan investigating these allegations. This is going to occupy the rest of their season. RR has got to stop the crying on TV.

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by Speedofsand »

If you are disputing the wealth of talent Meyer inherited, then go back to their first national title. Cry me a river. He left behind some problems. So many of them that Meyer won a national title with the majority of Zook's players. You named 3 players on a team of 85 scholarship players.

Do you mean 1996 or Meyer's first title? Florida wins so many it is confusing you ? ... r_Foo.html
taking a quick glance, I'd say over half of the team was freshman, redshirt fr., or true soph. 58/108. your alleged 'wealth of talent' was just a few Zook guys who are in the NFL now. Could have been 1 (Reggie Nelson was a sure thing) if Meyer hadn't developed them.
Why do you keep trying to post about the Gators? I prove you wrong every time. Miserably wrong.

Yes, name your $$$ bet FOOL.

You cannot follow my argument because it is the truth. Fact. You are wrong. There is no argument. I have no problem with RichRod. I'm not arguing that he broke rules for PRACTICE. Its amusing the way you react. I've seen some clips over his career that make him look bad and good. I wish he would stop crying on tv every time the going gets tough.

I heard how much this board sucked the 6 months or so I was away.

Was your cellmate a Mich. fan too ?

I am defending my points by bringing all of the evidence I have collected to this site. Half of my information you must pay to see, so it should be appreciated, rather then mocked.

You have points to defend ? There is no point to this practice story. Someone wrote an article, there was some minimal reaction. Then RichRod cried. No big deal until you got your sensitivity panties in a wad and felt then need to bombard us with your 'collection of evidence'. Get over it.

The Flying Dutchman
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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by The Flying Dutchman »

"I take it serious when someone attacks the school I have a passion for"

You post that then attack someone else's school. I honestly am glad you feel that way about ND because we do not need a$$holes like you rooting for the Irish. I am done for now, I will be back after we clean Dickrod's clock again on Sept 12th. I know Ballparent and 85 inside can handle you without my help ;-) ;-)

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