UM news, Who would have thought?...

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

Because you whine and cry excessively about it.

Back on topic, after a couple of days of letting the dust settle,
it seems that some good ole boys at the Free Press stilldon't like that it's
not a traditional Michigan Guy that is the coach, and have targeted freshmen
and guys who are disgruntled to try and smear the coach.

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by farmer »

Peake an issue raised on the lawsuit brings in his involvement with an ex booster at Clemson. Where Coach Rod was before and during his time there this booster got in trouble and was no longer allowed to be a booster. Just to be associated with this person but to go into a business dealing with him brings up red flags. Most schools I am sure would rather their coaches not put themselves in situations that deal with someone who has had a problem with another NCAA member school. Just as a school would want their players not to associate with them.

The situation itself may not have been his fault but he did choose to invest on his own after knowing that the booster was banned from Clemson sports programs. That is where this lawsuit may/may not reveal more than just the bad investment on Coach Rods part. Sure gives the UM boosters who are against him something to explore/exploit to get rid of him. Might help to find a loop hole in his contract to get rid of him.

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by Peake »

Ok famrer. You are right. If this will keep you us from having the same conversation over and over again, then you are 100% correct. He made a mistake. It looks bad. I get it. I got it the first time you posted it.

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by avalanche »

I realize that you haven't posted quite as often as some so I'll consider that the reason for your lack of knowledge on the way I have been harrassed by a certain member for quite a while. If you'd like to see some of the responses I have dealt with I can send you volumes. And I'll have you know, that they came following any number of posts or threads I have made concerning the Buckeyes. If I post a comment about Tressel I get the slams that I am obssessed with him, if I post info concerning Pryor or any other news I get the same demeaning responses. And when I say demeaning I mean vile insulting names, rude comments, and put-downs.He goes out of his way to harrass me, even though any number of posters comment and question the validity of his posts much more than I ever have. His latest tactic of harrassment is to copy and paste my avatar, did you not notice that Avalance? Yesterday he blatently broke forum rules that are posted in the Announcements section of the board by River Rat Zap, a rule that calls for an automatic ban. I complained, which is my right, to an administrator but wasted my time, well, not wasted my time, one administrator fully understood the problem, another over ruled him. I have copies of the Pm's. They deleted the info that he had posted against the rules but allowed him to continue to direct comments and slams at me. The avatar that he copied was removed at least for a while but I see that he has placed it there again. Why, because it seems that some can do and say what they want, regardless of rules on a forum that has been opened up for public use. In his post above he goes out of his way to excuse other posters that agreed with me that he had posted incorrect info and specifically points out that it was intended for me, even in one post bringing up that Dubs and Orestes, who he considers on his level, had not commented, yet it was Dubs that started the thread and did so with one comment "Cheater" So, I'm asking, why me...and why when he repeats the behavior over and over is he allowed to continue? I would love to post and participate in threads concerning the Buckeyes but rarely even attempt any longer because I know that it will be a matter of time and the personal attacks will begin...

My lack of knowledge? I read this board on an everyday basis. I often choose not to post because I have no opinion on the matter or I see something like this. I am not a Michigan fan and I could care less for Rodriguez, so I could really care less about any of this. If he wins he will stay, if he does not he will be gone. Just like every other coach.

I understand that peake and yourself do not get a long. I get that he has said some spiteful things to you, but I have also observed you do the same. I am not interested in either of your arguments about who is right or wrong or indifferent. I am interested in the integrity of this board.

This all happened a long time ago. I have observed him avoiding you, only to see you go out of your way to aggravate him. Do you not expect a response if you prod at someone? You are doing exactly the same thing you are accusing him of, not to mention you have accused me of being peake. I am tired of the both of you and your feud. If you feel the need to go to the mods every time you prod to get a response, or try and get a following behind you, then I can see why they are choosing to ignore your request.

How about we all be adults and leave one another alone.
Last edited by avalanche on Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by Pepsiman »

avalanche wrote:

My lack of knowledge? I read this board on an everyday basis. I often choose not to post because I have no opinion on the matter or I see something like this. I am not a Michigan fan and I could care less for Rodriguez, so I could really care less about any of this. If he wins he will stay, if he does not he will be gone. Just like every other coach.

I understand that peake and yourself do not get a long. I get that he has said some spiteful things to you, but I have also observed you do the same. I am not interested in either of your arguments about who is right or wrong or indifferent. I am interested in the integrity of this board.

This all happened a long time ago. I have observed him avoiding you, only to see you go out of your way to aggravate him. Do you not expect a response if you prod at someone? You are doing exactly the same thing you are accusing him of, not to mention you have accused me of being peake. I am tired of the both of you


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Re: UM news, Who would have thought?...

Post by Speedofsand »

peake wrote:It is what it is. I searched for it a few days ago, and it wasn't there. I don't hear one of you saying anything about MDen?
No one argued that it was still on MDen. MDen and Amazon are separate entities.

I am tired of talking Florida. I used allegations against Meyer as an example. Duuuh. Every team is made up of underclassmen.
You started it with Florida in this thread when you blasted Meyer with 3 links to the same story. Duuuh, then why did you say it was Zook's team ? You were not satisfied when I named Tebow, Spikes, and Harvin. 3 out of 85 you said.

I am not going to bet you about Meyer and Notre Dame. I think before it is all said and done he will be back in the mid-west. I don't think he will retire at Florida.

Theres a bold prediction. :roll: How many coaches spend 20+ years at the same place nowadays ?

ok I'm done. I dont want to have a feud like you apparently already have with someone else. You obviously got upset with the word spin picture. I'm sorry. I wonder if a neutral observer would see my first 2 posts as just humor, not antagonizing you. If not, I'm sorry again. I already said the practice story was no big deal, just like many in my region of the country think.

I promise not to push your buttons anymore, but you better be ready for a chomp if you attack a Gator unprovoked.

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