OSU vs. USC Take 2

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Re: OSU vs. USC Take 2

Post by The_Legend_of_Northwest »

is anyone else sick of ESPN talking about how Matt Barkley played so well on that last drive. He did absolutely nothing except hand the ball off to McKnight (who completely changed my mind about him being overrated) the pass he did complete was a 2 yard pass to McKnight who turned it into a twenty yard game.

Now i dont dislike Barkley, its just hes getting credit for takin a snap turning around and handing it off.

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Re: OSU vs. USC Take 2

Post by west siders »

Bucks should of won that game. The refs just lost the game not ohio state or Terrelle pryor or anyone it was the refs not getting that call right in the first USC drive just look at the pic at flickr it wasn't a touchdown.
If the refs would have made the right call Ohio State would be in the drivers seat for a National Championship run. Instead, they are going to be at home thinking about how stupid the refs were when they were making the call. Don't you think the home team should get the advantage when it comes to refs making the good, bad, and ugly calls? I guess not. I guess this is just our payback for the refs handing us the 2002 National Championship on that cheap pass interference call. This just makes me sick to my stomach being a buckeye fan knowing that they should have won the game!

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Re: OSU vs. USC Take 2

Post by west siders »


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Re: OSU vs. USC Take 2

Post by Peake »

You can not be serious ^^^^^. Ohio State had every chance to win the game and did not. Lets get real here and call a spade a spade. Ohio State lost a very winnable game, but they lost it, not the refs. If I remember correctly USC was backed up about 90-some yards on their last drive and Ohio State did not stop them. I think Ohio State had every chance to win as well, but the refs had 0 to do with them losing :roll:

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Re: OSU vs. USC Take 2

Post by west siders »

stephen3108 wrote:Check this 4th and goal "touchdown" out.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/23097958@N ... 9/sizes/o/

Don't look like a "touchdown" to me :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

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