trojandave wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:51 am
Tri-StateYouthSports: I've seen a number of posts over time on this site about the difference between open enrollment and competitive balance. Are they related in terms of affecting a school's enrollment, and does one have the advantage over the other? Are "move-ins/transfers" categorized as open enrollment or competitive balance? Can they be considered both?
In the SE district, Wheelersburg and New Boston have some of the highest CB numbers. Are these adjusted CB numbers due to open enrollment, or are the numbers strictly CB numbers? I've seen posts that have stated that public schools have open enrollment which makes CB numbers not as much as an advantage for private schools as once thought.
Could you please explain, or someone explain, these two issues when it comes to a competitive advantage for a particular school?
Open enrollment is just the policy of the school district. Meaning they allow a student who lives outside of the district to attend their school.
Competitive balance applies to the roster of each specific sport and has different implications base on if it is a public or non-public school. Which in the end only affects the enrollment # translating to the division assignment.
Transfer rules affect the athlete's eligibility. Being ineligible for the second 1/2 of the season.
Let me try an example with a few scenerios.
- (public school) - Student lives in school district A, attends school A through 8th grade. The student doesn't relocate but decides to attend school B beginning in 9th grade. For all sports which he is on the roster while that student is at school B, he will be a Tier 2 on CB. Meaning they will be a CB addition of (Football = 2;Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball, & Softball = 5; Soccer = 6).
Same scenario as above but the student does relocate to the new school district. They would not be a CB addition.
Same scenario as above but the student decided to attend school B after the 6th grade instead of after 8th grade. They would be a Tier 1 on CB. CB addition of +1.
For non-public schools, where they currently reside has no bearing on their CB status. Only their history within that school system. If they have not had continuous enrollment in that school system since the start of 7th grade then they are a Tier 2 on CB. Meaning they will be a CB addition of (Football = 2;Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball, & Softball = 5; Soccer = 6).
As far as move-ins, if it is a legitimate change of residence to within the school district or they meet 1 of the 11 transfer exceptions then there are no eligibility or CB implications for that student. Meaning they can play the entire next season and no CB addition.
Does that help?