May is for Mosquito Lake

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May is for Mosquito Lake

Post by Paladin »

Eleven mile long Mosquito Lake in Trumbull Co. opened up April as usual with good early fishing success, but May is where this lake really shines. Bumper catches of big walleye, slab crappies and aggressive largemouth are targeted by locals and eventually the numerous fishing tournaments held on the lake. Add in big channel cats, bluegills, perch, northern pike and the big carp and there is something for everyone. Only Lake Erie beats this lake for number and size of walleyes in Ohio. Most locals, including me, have passed up the annual trips to Canada for this fish, opting to stay here or the Western Basin of Erie for the walleye.

My favorite is drifting floating jig heads with worms above a sinker about a foot off of bottom. Or using minnows for walleye and crappie. Find the schools and drift it all day long. Other guys like to troll, but the payoff isn’t as good. Nothing like a frying pan of walleye fillets coated in egg, flour/crushed crackers and a plate of home fries.

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Re: May is for Mosquito Lake

Post by kantucky »

I'd been recently told about this lake. Guys drive five hours to fish it. Wonder why it's so fertile and productive. They're bass fishing on it

Well, Who Wouldn't Love Them Fighting Tigers?!
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