5/30 2PM D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

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5/30 2PM D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

Post by 93Bulldog »


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Re: D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

Post by E High »

Both teams on a roll. That’s what tournament is all about

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Re: D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

Post by 93Bulldog »

Been hearing rumblings that St. Clairsville is refusing to buy the necessary shoes it requires to play at Bob Wren (can't use spikes) and that there is a possibility of a venue change. I hope this is not true - and I really hope they don't make the decision to give the regional back to Gant Stadium in Zanesville.

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Re: D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

Post by baseball16 »

93Bulldog wrote: Fri May 24, 2019 7:13 am Been hearing rumblings that St. Clairsville is refusing to buy the necessary shoes it requires to play at Bob Wren (can't use spikes) and that there is a possibility of a venue change. I hope this is not true - and I really hope they don't make the decision to give the regional back to Gant Stadium in Zanesville.
Terrible. How about Athens refuse to play where they say if it is Gant, and force the State's hand. ST. Clairsville, I'm sure, has turf shoes or whatever to play. They just don't want to Drive to SE Ohio. It's all about Travel. It's been moved to a much better venue and teams whine around. OHSAA needs to grow a pair and tell them too bad this is where the game will be played.

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Re: D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

Post by OHPrepFB »

The necessary shoes are called football cleats or soccer cleats like any kid who has ever played travel ball knows work just as well or better than spikes on turf. They work better than turf shoes. Total BS move on whichever school's part that is pushing this. There were no complaints by any of the other teams that have played there. Man up!

OHSAA should be advocating for all games at the regional level (or district for that matter) to be played on a college campus. What a great opportunity to get high school students on a campus of a university!! You would be building in college visits some STUDENT-athletes never get a chance to take.
Last edited by OHPrepFB on Fri May 24, 2019 10:11 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

Post by DKing »

I think a lot of families look at it as “ why go and pay for a pair of shoes that they may only wear one time?” Maybe buying multiple pairs of baseball spikes is not in every family’s budget. If the state is going to force the teams to play on the turf, then they should provide the equipment for the teams.

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Re: D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

Post by OHPrepFB »

Who goes out and buys a pair of shoes for one or two games?! Players wear football or soccer cleats they already own or they borrow them from a buddy. Any player that has played travel ball has been there done that. Heck, some youth leagues have artificial mounds that require no spikes. It's a lame excuse to not want to travel to Athens. Call it for what it is.

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Re: D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

Post by diamondD1 »

Perhaps families from Warren, Circleville, and Sheridan should all send a bill to OHSAA for reimbursements of whatever shoes they had to buy to play there this past week. It was not a secret that Ohio University installed turf on the field inside Bob Wren Stadium, nor was it a secret that the D2 Regional would be played there this year. If the issue wasn't brought up and dealt with before now, such as this past off-season, then it should be too late to bring it up and make an issue of it at this point. I tend to agree with baseball16 on this and suspect that it may be more to do with travel to southeastern Ohio, if everyone is being honest. This is NOT a shoes issue. I don't buy that for a second.

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Re: D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

Post by 93Bulldog »

I agree
This has nothing to do with shoes.

If they did move it, Athens, Sheridan, Warren & Circleville need to demand reimbursement from the OHSAA for the shoes they purchased alreasy for the district tournament.

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Re: D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

Post by diamondD1 »

On Facebook those “memory” pictures often pop up each day, and yesterday mine was of a picture that Power 105 took of the crowd at Bob Wren Stadium in 2017 when Athens played Marietta in the Regional semifinal there (that year they moved venues for that one single game). Every seat in every section was jam-packed and there were people standing all down the sides. I remember that atmosphere. It was awesome. I don’t know why the OHSAA wouldn’t want that every year for every game. Oh, and also that game was a 6:00pm start.

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Re: D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

Post by diamondD1 »

Most recent word is that the game will stay at Bob Wren Stadium. Emily Gates stuck to her guns. Good move in a positive direction.

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Re: D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

Post by 93Bulldog »

diamondD1 wrote: Fri May 24, 2019 11:10 am Most recent word is that the game will stay at Bob Wren Stadium. Emily Gates stuck to her guns. Good move in a positive direction.
Good deal.

I was told from a different source that it wasnt St. Clairsville refusing to play, so not sure what the real story is/was.

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Re: D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

Post by Larry Fine »

My dawgs roll

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Re: D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

Post by Pol pot »

For clarity, no one was refusing to play, however, questions were asked, and worked through. The DII Regional is at Athens for this year and will begin at 2:00pm on Thursday with the first game of the Double Header. Let's focus on what should be a great two days of baseball and best of luck to all teams.

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Re: D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

Post by 93Bulldog »

"This year" kind of stands out in that post.
Doesnt sound good for future tournaments.

In terms of the game, I know nothing about the Red Devils. Anyone have any insight?

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Re: D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

Post by 93Bulldog »

Did some research and it seems SC has a lefty stud and a pretty good righty (the SS) who is their No. 2. With Steuby (or a potential team good enough to beat Steuby in LV) lurking in game 2, it will be very intresting to see what SC does in terms of game 1 starter.

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Re: D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

Post by luvtlm »

You can play in any kind of tennis shoes, Chuck's work great and nobody is going out buying turfs to play one game. Basketball shoes, Football cleats, soccer cleats or anything else.

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Re: D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

Post by thebarlowbandit »

luvtlm wrote: Fri May 24, 2019 11:13 pm You can play in any kind of tennis shoes, Chuck's work great and nobody is going out buying turfs to play one game. Basketball shoes, Football cleats, soccer cleats or anything else.
Tennis shoes would work great in the outfield, especially if it’s been raining. Good call Einstein.

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Re: D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

Post by 93Bulldog »

luvtlm wrote: Fri May 24, 2019 11:13 pm You can play in any kind of tennis shoes, Chuck's work great and nobody is going out buying turfs to play one game. Basketball shoes, Football cleats, soccer cleats or anything else.
The real important question is: why does Ohio University allow the Bobcats to wear spikes, allows the Copperheads to wear spikes all freaking spring and summer - but won't allow the high school kids to play a few games there?

Unfortunately when it comes to the baseball field, Ohio U has not been very welcoming to youth/prep organizations over the years. Athens was the epicenter for legion baseball forever until Ohio University ran off the state tournament and it has never returned. Now, it looks as if they are going to do the same to the OHSAA regional baseball tournament.

And guess where it will go? Most likely Gant Stadium in Zanesville. What a croc of sh**

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Re: 5/30 2PM D2 Regionals: Athens vs St. Clairsville

Post by Raider6309 »

Athens played today losing 6-4 to Newark Catholic. Glad to see Athens playing during the long break. Kennedy, Lonas, and Ginder pitched for Athens. Both played a lot of players. Newark Catholic probably has a decent shot to win D4 state

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