Waverly Facility News

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Waverly Facility News

Post by smurray »

Waverly will begin construction soon with Phase 1 of a new Sports Facilities project. Phase 1 is a building that will be located on the hill (where the schools are located), a nearly 12,000 square foot indoor facility.
This building will house pitching & hitting for baseball & softball, wrestling, unmarked turf area (can be utilized by several sports), and a large weight room which will be utilized by the in school strength and conditioning class.
The Athletic Boosters are working in conjunction with the Board and Athletic Dept. on this two Phase project.

Phase 2 will follow not long after Phase 1 is complete. Phase 2 will be an indoor facility downtown, details to be shared at a later date.

Will try to post pics of drawings, plans, etc. as I receive them.

I apologize for something I got wrong for Phase 1 on the hill.. There will actually be two indoor buildings, one housing baseball & pitching along with turf and the other building will be home for Wrestling and a bigger weight room.

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