How to Update SEOHIOPREPS Sites & Still Need Volunteers

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How to Update SEOHIOPREPS Sites & Still Need Volunteers

Post by mattash »

Hey guys if you can help update scores or stats please send me a PM or email so I can get you a user name and password set up.

The best way to update everything is from a PC not a mobile device.

Here are the instructions
First you have to log in. Your log in will not work unless I set it up for you. To log in click the link below.

Girls Soccer

Quick Edit Scores

Click Matches (May Say Events, Games or Contest depending on the Sport) The games are sorted last game first. The best way to get to the current games is click "Published"

Hoover over the game you want to update and you will see edit results (NOT EDIT) , click it, put the score in and click update. If your just updating scores than your done. Standings, results and records will update automatically.

Edit Score in detail with Stats

Click Matches (May Say Events, Games or Contest depending on the Sport) The games are sorted last game first. The best way to get to the current games is click "Published"

Hoover over the game you want to edit, click "EDIT" (NOT QUICK EDIT) From here you can put in the scores in detail and the outcome will be automatic. This is also where you add stats. You scroll down and on the bottom right you will see "Team" or "Clubs". If players are in the database you will be able to select who played. After selecting who played click update at the top. Now you can enter their stats. After putting in stats you can click update again and everything is done. This updates standings, scores, stats, leaders and all.

Note if the player is not in the data base (which starting off there is not a lot of players loaded) then see "add Players"

Add Players

To add a player to the database so you can put in their stats follow these instructions. Go to players and click on them. Click Add new. Here you can put there name in first. Then you have to fill out the required fields or they will not show up in stats. On the right side make sure you fill out "current Team", Leagues (always select SEO and the conference they are in, if independent then just SEO), seasons (select the current season 2019).

The rest are optional if you have the stats (Height, Weight, Squad Number)

after putting all this in click "publish" (Orange button at the top) or if you need to make updates it will say update at the top.

After making the player profile if you have a picture of the player on the bottom right click select photo, upload the photo, select it and then hit publish again.

Add a match or game

Click Matches or games, click add new, the top is auto all you to edit is date/time (military hours), League (always select SEO, if its a conference game select SEO and the conference), always select the season (2019), ground is always the home team unless it's at a neutral field you can then select or don't worry about it.

Then Clubs (or teams)
Home is first and visitors is second. Feel that out and click publish at the top. you can then edit the score or if the games not played it will just be put on the schedule.

Other Tips

Looking at teams schedule to modify. Click Matches, under show all teams select your team, and then filter. You can edit times of games or scores from there as well.

Let me know if you have questions or want to share additional tips. Need all the help I can get so we can make SEO Sports Coverage Elite.

"you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Wayne Gretzky"

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Re: How to Update SEOHIOPREPS Sites & Still Need Volunteers

Post by wolverine13 »

I think one of the best golfers in SEO is Dani Hamid from Gallia Academy

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