Fisher Catholic 55 - 6 Notre Dame

Jack Sparrow
Posts: 475
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:54 am

Re: Wk3 Notre Dame @ Fisher Catholic

Post by Jack Sparrow »

Moses Guthrie wrote: Wed Sep 18, 2019 2:33 pm ND Titans football is a truly proud program. The numbers and talent at this point is not where it has been in years past. The enrollment and talent goes in spurts, as the girls side of things is prospering, while the boys not as much. The cycle will change again. ND football will recover..
I remember around 15 or so years ago (Darby may have just taken over), there was discussion as to whether ND should play JV only schedule. They chose to play a varsity schedule and the results were not pretty. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe they went 0-10 about 3 years straight? It had to be very difficult, but ND got through it and have prospered several years since then. A very proud program. You have to respect that.
Great insight. Rooting for them. #GoTitans

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