WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

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Re: WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

Post by smurray »

Drive Chart

Drive Chart (Final)
The Automated ScoreBook
Gallia Blue Devils vs Waverly Tigers (Nov 09, 2019 at Waverly High School)

Drive Started Drive Ended Consumed
Team Qtr Spot Time Obtained Spot Time How Lost Pl-Yds TOP
GALLIA 1st G20 12:00 Kickoff G27 10:33 Punt 3-7 1:27
GALLIA 1st G25 08:46 Downs G17 07:42 Punt 3--8 1:04
GALLIA 1st G20 06:25 Kickoff G28 03:30 Punt 5-8 2:55
GALLIA 1st G28 02:11 Kickoff W42 11:52 Punt 6-30 2:19
GALLIA 2nd G22 10:33 Punt W28 06:21 Downs 11-50 4:12
GALLIA 2nd G27 06:00 Kickoff W45 04:24 Interception 5-28 1:36
GALLIA 2nd G21 04:15 Kickoff G21 04:08 Interception 1-0 0:07
GALLIA 2nd G03 02:49 Downs G29 00:07 Punt 6-26 2:42
GALLIA 3rd G40 12:00 Possession G40 11:42 Kickoff 0-0 0:18
GALLIA 3rd G11 05:34 Kickoff W24 09:54 Interception 11-65 7:40#
GALLIA 4th W43 09:25 Fumble W20 07:48 Interception 3-23 1:37
GALLIA 4th G11 03:16 Punt G15 01:56 Fumble 2-4 1:20

WAVERLY 1st W40 12:00 Possession W40 12:00 Kickoff 0-0 0:00
WAVERLY 1st W28 10:33 Punt G25 08:46 Downs 8-47 1:47
WAVERLY 1st W49 07:42 Punt G00 06:25 *TOUCHDOWN 5-51 1:17
WAVERLY 1st W27 03:30 Punt G00 02:11 *TOUCHDOWN 5-73 1:19#
WAVERLY 2nd W25 11:52 Punt W27 10:33 Punt 3-2 1:19
WAVERLY 2nd W28 06:21 Downs G00 06:07 *TOUCHDOWN 1-72 0:14
WAVERLY 2nd G00 04:24 Interception G00 04:24 *TOUCHDOWN 0-0 0:00
WAVERLY 2nd G07 04:08 Interception G03 02:49 Downs 4-4 1:19#
WAVERLY 2nd G44 00:07 Punt G00 00:00 *TOUCHDOWN 2-44 0:07#
WAVERLY 3rd W45 11:42 Kickoff G00 05:57 *TOUCHDOWN 10-55 5:45#
WAVERLY 4th W41 09:54 Interception W43 09:25 Fumble 1-2 0:29
WAVERLY 4th W45 07:48 Interception G40 03:16 Punt 5-15 4:32
WAVERLY 4th G15 01:56 Fumble G13 00:00 End of half 2-2 1:56#

GALLIA 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd
Qtr Qtr Qtr Qtr Half Half Total
Time of possession 07:37 09:01 06:15 05:03 16:38 11:18 27:56
3rd Down Conversions 1/5 2/4 1/2 0/1 3/9 1/3 4/12
Avg Field Position G23 G18 G25 G34 G20 G29 G23
4th Down Conversions 0/0 0/1 1/1 0/0 0/1 1/1 1/2

WAVERLY 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd
Qtr Qtr Qtr Qtr Half Half Total
Time of possession 04:23 02:59 05:45 06:57 07:22 12:42 20:04
3rd Down Conversions 1/2 0/2 1/2 0/1 1/4 1/3 2/7
Avg Field Position W34 W50 W45 G43 W43 G46 W47
4th Down Conversions 0/1 0/1 1/1 0/0 0/2 1/1 1/3

Drive Chart (By Quarter)

Drive Started Drive Ended Consumed
Team Qtr Spot Time Obtained Spot Time How Lost Pl-Yds TOP
WAVERLY 1st W40 12:00 Possession W40 12:00 Kickoff 0-0 0:00
GALLIA 1st G20 12:00 Kickoff G27 10:33 Punt 3-7 1:27
WAVERLY 1st W28 10:33 Punt G25 08:46 Downs 8-47 1:47
GALLIA 1st G25 08:46 Downs G17 07:42 Punt 3--8 1:04
WAVERLY 1st W49 07:42 Punt G00 06:25 *TOUCHDOWN 5-51 1:17
GALLIA 1st G20 06:25 Kickoff G28 03:30 Punt 5-8 2:55
WAVERLY 1st W27 03:30 Punt G00 02:11 *TOUCHDOWN 5-73 1:19#
GALLIA 1st G28 02:11 Kickoff W42 11:52 Punt 6-30 2:19

WAVERLY 2nd W25 11:52 Punt W27 10:33 Punt 3-2 1:19
GALLIA 2nd G22 10:33 Punt W28 06:21 Downs 11-50 4:12
WAVERLY 2nd W28 06:21 Downs G00 06:07 *TOUCHDOWN 1-72 0:14
GALLIA 2nd G27 06:00 Kickoff W45 04:24 Interception 5-28 1:36
WAVERLY 2nd G00 04:24 Interception G00 04:24 *TOUCHDOWN 0-0 0:00
GALLIA 2nd G21 04:15 Kickoff G21 04:08 Interception 1-0 0:07
WAVERLY 2nd G07 04:08 Interception G03 02:49 Downs 4-4 1:19#
GALLIA 2nd G03 02:49 Downs G29 00:07 Punt 6-26 2:42
WAVERLY 2nd G44 00:07 Punt G00 00:00 *TOUCHDOWN 2-44 0:07#

GALLIA 3rd G40 12:00 Possession G40 11:42 Kickoff 0-0 0:18
WAVERLY 3rd W45 11:42 Kickoff G00 05:57 *TOUCHDOWN 10-55 5:45#
GALLIA 3rd G11 05:34 Kickoff W24 09:54 Interception 11-65 7:40#

WAVERLY 4th W41 09:54 Interception W43 09:25 Fumble 1-2 0:29
GALLIA 4th W43 09:25 Fumble W20 07:48 Interception 3-23 1:37
WAVERLY 4th W45 07:48 Interception G40 03:16 Punt 5-15 4:32
GALLIA 4th G11 03:16 Punt G15 01:56 Fumble 2-4 1:20
WAVERLY 4th G15 01:56 Fumble G13 00:00 End of half 2-2 1:56#

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Re: WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

Post by smurray »

Box Score

Box Score (Final)
Gallia Blue Devils vs Waverly Tigers (Nov 09, 2019 at Waverly High School)

Score by Quarters 1 2 3 4 Score
----------------- -- -- -- -- -----
Gallia Blue Devils.. 0 0 0 0 - 0 Record: (9-2)
Waverly Tigers...... 12 21 7 0 - 40 Record: (9-2)

Scoring Summary:
1st 06:25 WAVERLY - Will Futhey 23 yd pass from Hayd'n Shanks (Greyson Diener kick failed), 5-51 1:17, GALLIA 0 - WAVERLY 6
02:11 WAVERLY - P Shoemaker 3 yd run (Hayd'n Shanks pass failed), 5-73 1:19, GALLIA 0 - WAVERLY 12
2nd 06:07 WAVERLY - P Shoemaker 72 yd run (Greyson Diener kick failed), 1-72 0:14, GALLIA 0 - WAVERLY 18
04:24 WAVERLY - P Shoemaker 50 yd interception return (P Shoemaker rush), , GALLIA 0 - WAVERLY 26
00:00 WAVERLY - P Shoemaker 1 yd run (Greyson Diener kick), 2-44 0:07, GALLIA 0 - WAVERLY 33
3rd 05:57 WAVERLY - Hunter Ward 3 yd run (Greyson Diener kick), 10-55 5:45, GALLIA 0 - WAVERLY 40

FIRST DOWNS................... 14 16
RUSHES-YARDS (NET)............ 29-67 28-182
PASSING YDS (NET)............. 197 166
Passes Att-Comp-Int........... 27-14-4 18-12-0
TOTAL OFFENSE PLAYS-YARDS..... 56-264 46-348
Fumble Returns-Yards.......... 0-0 0-0
Punt Returns-Yards............ 0-0 1-13
Kickoff Returns-Yards......... 3-52 1-0
Interception Returns-Yards.... 0-0 4-139
Punts (Number-Avg)............ 5-33.8 2-40.0
Fumbles-Lost.................. 1-1 1-1
Penalties-Yards............... 12-85 3-20
Possession Time............... 27:56 20:04
Third-Down Conversions........ 4 of 12 2 of 7
Fourth-Down Conversions....... 1 of 2 1 of 3
Red-Zone Scores-Chances....... 0-1 3-5
Sacks By: Number-Yards........ 0-0 3-31

RUSHING: Gallia Blue Devils-James Armstrong 13-73; Michael Beasy 10-20;
Briar Williams 3-5; Noah Vanco 3-minus 31. Waverly Tigers-P Shoemaker 18-146; D
Shoemaker 3-20; Hunter Ward 5-14; Dakota Swepston 2-2.

PASSING: Gallia Blue Devils-Noah Vanco 14-27-4-197. Waverly Tigers-Hayd'n
Shanks 12-18-0-166.

RECEIVING: Gallia Blue Devils-Briar Williams 7-106; Cade Roberts 5-34;
Ryan Donovsky 1-34; Michael Beasy 1-23. Waverly Tigers-Will Futhey 4-89; Penn
Morrison 3-48; Zeke Brown 2-22; Phoenix Wolfe 2-10; Mark Stulley 1-minus 3.

INTERCEPTIONS: Gallia Blue Devils-None. Waverly Tigers-Zeke Brown 2-44; P
Shoemaker 1-50; Mark Stulley 1-45.

FUMBLES: Gallia Blue Devils-Michael Beasy 1-1. Waverly Tigers-Hunter Ward

Stadium: Raidiger Field Attendance: 0
Kickoff time: 7 End of Game: 9:05 Total elapsed time: -
Temperature: Wind: Weather:

Gallia Blue Devils vs Waverly Tigers (Nov 09, 2019 at Waverly High School)

SACKS (UA-A): Gallia Blue Devils-None. Waverly Tigers-Kenny Cydrus 0-1;
Wyatt Crabtree 1-0; Dakota Swepston 0-1; JT Barnett 1-0.

TACKLES (UA-A): Gallia Blue Devils-Trent Johnson 5-0; Cade Roberts 5-0;
Ryan Donovsky 4-0; Ben Cox 3-0; Michael Beasy 3-0; Cameron Webb 2-1; Mason Angel
2-1; Grant Bryan 2-0; Garrison Garnes 1-0; Cole Rose 1-0; Trent Meadows 1-0; 61
1-0; Dakota McCoy 1-0; Zach Belville 1-0; Noah Vanco 1-0; Briar Williams 1-0.
Waverly Tigers-P Shoemaker 6-0; JT Barnett 5-2; Dakota Swepston 5-1; Mark
Stulley 5-0; Zeke Brown 4-1; Penn Morrison 4-0; Will Futhey 3-1; Cai Marquez
3-1; Wyatt Crabtree 3-0; Jaxson Poe 1-0; Peyton Harris 1-0; Kenny Cydrus 0-1; D
Shoemaker 0-1.

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Re: WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

Post by bevo »

Wow, hate to say told ya so!! Another team that had no business in the playoffs, beating Div 5 and 6 schools in league. The AD needs to go look for div 3 and 4 playoff caliber teams to schedule, that way we can find out if we are playoff caliber. Right our league is like a high school senior going down to jr high beating up on 14 yr olds and strutting. Were 2 times bigger than a lot of the teams we play in league. Also Pt Pleasant is not a lot bigger school than Gallipolis. Lol Ga averages 145 students per class Pt Pleasant averages 180.

Poo Bear
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Re: WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

Post by Poo Bear »

bevo wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 9:54 am Wow, hate to say told ya so!! Another team that had no business in the playoffs, beating Div 5 and 6 schools in league. The AD needs to go look for div 3 and 4 playoff caliber teams to schedule, that way we can find out if we are playoff caliber. Right our league is like a high school senior going down to jr high beating up on 14 yr olds and strutting. Were 2 times bigger than a lot of the teams we play in league. Also Pt Pleasant is not a lot bigger school than Gallipolis. Lol Ga averages 145 students per class Pt Pleasant averages 180.
Gallia / Jackson ....done

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Re: WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

Post by bevo »

Poo Bear wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:07 am
bevo wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 9:54 am Wow, hate to say told ya so!! Another team that had no business in the playoffs, beating Div 5 and 6 schools in league. The AD needs to go look for div 3 and 4 playoff caliber teams to schedule, that way we can find out if we are playoff caliber. Right our league is like a high school senior going down to jr high beating up on 14 yr olds and strutting. Were 2 times bigger than a lot of the teams we play in league. Also Pt Pleasant is not a lot bigger school than Gallipolis. Lol Ga averages 145 students per class Pt Pleasant averages 180.
Gallia / Jackson ....done
Who said anything about Jackson?

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Re: WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

Post by MrFirstTake »

I think it’s more than scheduling... Just my opinion tho

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Re: WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

Post by bevo »

MrFirstTake wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:11 am I think it’s more than scheduling... Just my opinion tho
The scheduling will tell you where you belong!!

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Re: WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

Post by greygoose »

MrFirstTake wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:11 am I think it’s more than scheduling... Just my opinion tho
From what I seen last night, absolutely. If they go and start scheduling up to far without fixing the other stuff they'll see more nights like against waverly then wins

Poo Bear
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Re: WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

Post by Poo Bear »

bevo wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:09 am
Poo Bear wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:07 am
bevo wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 9:54 am Wow, hate to say told ya so!! Another team that had no business in the playoffs, beating Div 5 and 6 schools in league. The AD needs to go look for div 3 and 4 playoff caliber teams to schedule, that way we can find out if we are playoff caliber. Right our league is like a high school senior going down to jr high beating up on 14 yr olds and strutting. Were 2 times bigger than a lot of the teams we play in league. Also Pt Pleasant is not a lot bigger school than Gallipolis. Lol Ga averages 145 students per class Pt Pleasant averages 180.
Gallia / Jackson ....done
Who said anything about Jackson?
Oh thought your post was about improving your schedule . My bad .

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Re: WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

Post by greygoose »

bevo wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:13 am
MrFirstTake wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:11 am I think it’s more than scheduling... Just my opinion tho
The scheduling will tell you where you belong!!
Not sure how you get that, there's years teams are up and down and scheduling isn't going to tell you exactly where your team stands. You're saying belong like after the season the schedule is the deciding factor. There wasn't a single person getting on here talking about how Waverly was going to put a running clock on Gallia. After last night the schedule is the least of Gallia's worries if they don't fix the play calling for one, didn't use their physical size to overpower waverly, seen a bigger team that was more finesse play style than the smaller team.

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Re: WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

Post by MrFirstTake »

greygoose wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:18 am
bevo wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:13 am
MrFirstTake wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:11 am I think it’s more than scheduling... Just my opinion tho
The scheduling will tell you where you belong!!
Not sure how you get that, there's years teams are up and down and scheduling isn't going to tell you exactly where your team stands. You're saying belong like after the season the schedule is the deciding factor. There wasn't a single person getting on here talking about how Waverly was going to put a running clock on Gallia. After last night the schedule is the least of Gallia's worries if they don't fix the play calling for one, didn't use their physical size to overpower waverly, seen a bigger team that was more finesse play style than the smaller team.

Yeah I didn’t think there would be a running clock I watched gallia playvtwice in person this year wasn’t much difference in the play calls either game Armstrong up the middle 100 times jet sweep wr screen

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Re: WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

Post by MrFirstTake »

Gallia has tooo many athletes to get shutout 2/3 games

no competition don't gotta compete, I'm already winning this isn't defeat 😵
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Re: WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

Post by greygoose »

Poo Bear wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:13 am
bevo wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:09 am
Poo Bear wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:07 am

Gallia / Jackson ....done
Who said anything about Jackson?
Oh thought your post was about improving your schedule . My bad .
Yeah that one got me also, not sure what he's talking about honestly. After seeing them last night improving the schedule is truly the least of their problems until they get the other stuff ironed out.

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Re: WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

Post by Tjhtygeverve »

I’m shocked the Waverly D allowed so much passing .

Poo Bear
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Re: WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

Post by Poo Bear »

greygoose wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:26 am
Poo Bear wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:13 am
bevo wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:09 am

Who said anything about Jackson?
Oh thought your post was about improving your schedule . My bad .
Yeah that one got me also, not sure what he's talking about honestly. After seeing them last night improving the schedule is truly the least of their problems until they get the other stuff ironed out.
Eh man , teams have highs and lows , great wins and gut wrenching losses. We all like to think our teams will win each game but just doesn’t happen in sports. I get what your saying but coach Penrod is a good coach and brought Gallia academy back from the ashes . 9-1 with a losses to a strong ironton and waverly team....

I would just like to see some of the local teams playing home and home each decade or so

Jackson/ Waverly
Waverly/ Ironton
Ironton / Jackson
Wheelersburg/ Gallia
Portsmouth/ Chillicothe

Just to name a few

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Re: WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

Post by greygoose »

Poo Bear wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:31 am
greygoose wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:26 am
Poo Bear wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:13 am

Oh thought your post was about improving your schedule . My bad .
Yeah that one got me also, not sure what he's talking about honestly. After seeing them last night improving the schedule is truly the least of their problems until they get the other stuff ironed out.
Eh man , teams have highs and lows , great wins and gut wrenching losses. We all like to think our teams will win each game but just doesn’t happen in sports. I get what your saying but coach Penrod is a good coach and brought Gallia academy back from the ashes . 9-1 with a losses to a strong ironton and waverly team....

I would just like to see some of the local teams playing home and home each decade or so

Jackson/ Waverly
Waverly/ Ironton
Ironton / Jackson
Wheelersburg/ Gallia
Portsmouth/ Chillicothe

Just to name a few
I think with Waverly turning things around you could see Jackson and Waverly get back on each others schedules again, was together for a long time. I don't believe you'll see Waverly and Ironton but the others you have listed are realistic especially with Portsmouth starting to turn things around as well. Penrod has done a good job of turning that Gallia program around, however there's turning things around, playing in the OVC has helped that, and there's taking the next step and they still have a lot of work to be done to do that.

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Re: WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

Post by gobengals »

14U wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 9:03 am
bsee12345 wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 8:54 am
Giorgio Tsoukalous wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 3:28 am

I think Bloom Carroll will now take over the #2 seed because they beat 2 seed Indian Valley and Waverly is the 3 so i believe B.C. will be home team if i remember correctly.
The higher seed is the home team and the lower seed in the vistors. So Waverly being the #3 Seed will be the home team and Bloom Carroll being the #7 will be vistors. Rebracketing takes place at State Semi Finals and OHSAA determines who the Home and Vistors are.
I think round 2 they go by how many tickets are sold to make difference who is home or away. That’s how the OHSAA has done in the past.
This is correct. In recent years the OHSAA has awarded the home side seating to the school that sells the most advance tickets. I don’t know if that policy is still in effect this season though.

Poo Bear
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Re: WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

Post by Poo Bear »

greygoose wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:36 am
Poo Bear wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:31 am
greygoose wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:26 am

Yeah that one got me also, not sure what he's talking about honestly. After seeing them last night improving the schedule is truly the least of their problems until they get the other stuff ironed out.
Eh man , teams have highs and lows , great wins and gut wrenching losses. We all like to think our teams will win each game but just doesn’t happen in sports. I get what your saying but coach Penrod is a good coach and brought Gallia academy back from the ashes . 9-1 with a losses to a strong ironton and waverly team....

I would just like to see some of the local teams playing home and home each decade or so

Jackson/ Waverly
Waverly/ Ironton
Ironton / Jackson
Wheelersburg/ Gallia
Portsmouth/ Chillicothe

Just to name a few
I think with Waverly turning things around you could see Jackson and Waverly get back on each others schedules again, was together for a long time. I don't believe you'll see Waverly and Ironton but the others you have listed are realistic especially with Portsmouth starting to turn things around as well. Penrod has done a good job of turning that Gallia program around, however there's turning things around, playing in the OVC has helped that, and there's taking the next step and they still have a lot of work to be done to do that.
Oh I agree and I’m sure coach Pernod will keep working on it and yes the OVC has helped Gallia get some confidence back. We mentioned waverly / Jackson . I would like to see a home and home and go from there. Just some good local matchups out there fans would like to see.

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Re: WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

Post by MrFirstTake »

I just think they need to open the playbook more at gallia they have good players not even saying the coaching is bad but the last two good teams you played if your outscored 100-0 and you have just as good athletes at the skilled position there no excuse to be blanked...

no competition don't gotta compete, I'm already winning this isn't defeat 😵
Dandy Don
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Re: WK 11: Gallia Academy (9-1) @ Waverly (8-2)

Post by Dandy Don »

svac83 wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2019 10:56 am
Dandy Don wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2019 10:19 am
MrFirstTake wrote: Fri Nov 08, 2019 10:57 pm But to answer your question I think the physical play will help them for sure and I think it shows towards the end of the game gallia doesn’t always start fast so I wouldn’t be surprised if there maybe even down at halftime but I think 3rd quarters when they start to take off
Where was all this physicality in the Ironton game? Perfect time to have shown it would have been then.

I am not understanding how GA is going to "overpower" the Tigers with some sort of brutal play. I like the Tigers in this one and think they will hold up just fine.
Ok to play physical and for that to be a asset you have to be able to make first downs to begin to wear a team down. Gallia academy made virtually no first downs so the physical play did not come into play.
After seeing the results I rest my case.

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