Marshal Fans

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Re: Marshal Fans

Post by The General »

seofan....Its obvious that you are caught up in the "attention" and the hype and perceptions that surround OSU FOOTBALL.Always has...always will.Nobody said that Marshall had more talent than your vaunted Bucks. The statement was that Marshall had as good as or better talent at certain positions.For example.OSU has never had someone as good as Moss...surely you have to agree :lol: ...They havent had anyone as good as or successful as Pennington or Leftwich...Now dont go all Rex Kern or The U. of Glenville's finest Troy on me :-D ...Offensive linemen John Wade and Jason Starkey were as good as or better than ANY OSU linemen not names Pace...They were both long-time starters in the NFL....DBs Chris Crocker and Rogers Beckett would have started at THE OSU.....LBs Andre O'neal,John Grace,and Larry Mccloud would have started at OSU.....Paul Toviessi would have started at Def. end......Doug Chapman and Ahmed Bradshaw could have and would have ran the football for your Bucks..I wont go on.....I could.....I assume that you are probably one of those people who use the cliche..."Mid-Major"...Right?....You know,,,the Boises,the TCUS.....The Marshalls ......These schools are not the "sacred" NCAA cash cow that your beloved team is and of course they dont have have the overall talent base,the talent pool,or the resources to fill up an 85 with 3-5 star kids. Hell OSU recruits itself....But what they have had and do have(minus Snyder) are great coaches with great schemes with great coached up athletes that Ohio State,I can guarantee,doesnt want any part of a home-in-home with.No,this isnt ludacrous.It is not perception.Reality.

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Re: Marshal Fans

Post by The General »

Both games were the same year.Toledo was the MAC championship game. Quite a bit of snow. OU was a couple of weeks earlier.Also a slushy snow. Not much...but it gathered...I was fortunate enough to be at both games....2 things stand out in the OU GAME....First off......I never saw a team get stuffed as bad as OU did...Logans John Cosgrove was a starting running back for the Bobcats.....They tried to run a double-wing midline and inside and outside veer attack at Marshall and it was ugly :-D ...Couldnt throw it.... I still think Moss threw it out in this game.....But it could have been Toledo... But I dont think so.....Anyways...The Herd was an awful good football team that year and for the next few.

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Re: Marshal Fans

Post by Malcontent »

One of the best players to come out of Marshall was Troy Brown. Look at the rings on his fingers! Not only a good football player but a good person as well. Success hasn't hurt this man.

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Re: Marshal Fans

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

The General wrote:seofan....Its obvious that you are caught up in the "attention" and the hype and perceptions that surround OSU FOOTBALL.Always has...always will.Nobody said that Marshall had more talent than your vaunted Bucks. The statement was that Marshall had as good as or better talent at certain positions.For example.OSU has never had someone as good as Moss...surely you have to agree :lol: ...They havent had anyone as good as or successful as Pennington or Leftwich...Now dont go all Rex Kern or The U. of Glenville's finest Troy on me :-D ...Offensive linemen John Wade and Jason Starkey were as good as or better than ANY OSU linemen not names Pace...They were both long-time starters in the NFL....DBs Chris Crocker and Rogers Beckett would have started at THE OSU.....LBs Andre O'neal,John Grace,and Larry Mccloud would have started at OSU.....Paul Toviessi would have started at Def. end......Doug Chapman and Ahmed Bradshaw could have and would have ran the football for your Bucks..I wont go on.....I could.....I assume that you are probably one of those people who use the cliche..."Mid-Major"...Right?....You know,,,the Boises,the TCUS.....The Marshalls ......These schools are not the "sacred" NCAA cash cow that your beloved team is and of course they dont have have the overall talent base,the talent pool,or the resources to fill up an 85 with 3-5 star kids. Hell OSU recruits itself....But what they have had and do have(minus Snyder) are great coaches with great schemes with great coached up athletes that Ohio State,I can guarantee,doesnt want any part of a home-in-home with.No,this isnt ludacrous.It is not perception.Reality.
You are out of your mind stupid, let's break this down and show you the facts:

For example.OSU has never had someone as good as Moss..
--Marshall wouldn't have had Moss if he didn't beat the hell out of a kid and smoke too mich pot to play at ND or FSU,
If the Buckeyes don't have a habit of picking up sloppy 3rds from teams. Moss was a great reciever.

They havent had anyone as good as or successful as Pennington or Leftwich..
--You make an idiotic statement, then counter with "don't go Rex Kern or Troy Smith on me.
Hey, how about you state the players, and I'll give the counters. Rex Kern, Troy Smith, Joe Germaine, Bobby Hoying, Corneilus Green, Art Schlicter. I'll take all those guys over Penington and Leftwich. They all have running offenses and still managed to have great numbers through the air. They also have Natinaol titles in Big School CFB, and a Heisman trophy.

Offensive linemen John Wade and Jason Starkey were as good as or better than ANY OSU linemen not names Pace...
--This is the winner for most dumb statement of the century.
Jim Parker, Jim Stillwagon, John Hicks, this is just a handfull of the linemen from OSU that are betetr than anything Marshall has ever seen.
Tell me again, how many Marshall linemen have finished in the top 5 for the Heisman voting?

DBs Chris Crocker and Rogers Beckett would have started at THE OSU....
When? Are we hand picking classes here, or are we saying that they could have started at OSU against anyone?

LBs Andre O'neal,John Grace,and Larry Mccloud would have started at OSU..
--Seriously, you're a moron. Despite Penn States best efforts to champion the phrase. OSU IS Linebacker U.
Take your ball and go home, You Lose!

Paul Toviessi would have started at Def. end.....
--Paul Toviessi's mom doesn't even know who he is. I can take being called a homer, but COME ON! Keith Morehouse has you brainwashed.

Doug Chapman and Ahmed Bradshaw could have and would have ran the football for your Bucks.
--In mop up duty, after the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd string backs all got their carries.

I wont go on.....I could.....I assume that you are probably one of those people who use the cliche..."Mid-Major"...Right?....You know,,,the Boises,the TCUS.....The Marshalls .....
--Please, by all means, go on. First though realize, that Marshall is no where near the class of football of Boise, TCU, or any other "Mid-Major". They were at one point, they had a good run in the 90's, but they are not in that league anymore.

I can guarantee,doesnt want any part of a home-in-home with.No,this isnt ludacrous.It is not perception.Reality
--Am I supposed to read this comment as OSU doesn't want any part of a home and home with Marshall?
If so, it overtakes the O-Line statement as most dumb statement of the century.
OSU would travel to Marshall with double the stadium capacity of that crap hole in Huntington.
On Gameday, the 1 mile radius around the horse shoe is 4 times the population of Huntington's entire city, and that's not even during the Michigan game.

Nice playing, but you'll really have to try better next time.

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Re: Marshal Fans

Post by The General »

GEEZ......Dublin...I get it. You hurt The General by calling him stupid and a moron. I have been called worse...but it made me wonder if you are not only a homer,but maybe have some other things going on. Like are you fat and ugly or something? Or an underachiever?....Or insecure?...I have seen people like that who resort to hurting people like me less fortunate than you...Buts its OK..You're good and you are right...Imean if Randy Moss would not have been passed around as a youngin and had better character he might have had a decent NFL career. You are truly fortunate to be a fan of an outfit that has never had any discipline,legal,or moral issues. As far as QBs go,of course you are right. Any Knowledgeable football fan understands that OSU is a QB factory and a pipeline to the NFL.You are correct. Anyone could tell that Corny Greene and Bobby Hoying shouldnt be compared to Pennington and Leftwich. I wasnt aware of all the Heismans and all the championships but thanks for reminding me. Crocker and Beckett have played close to 150 games in the show but I know they couldnt tackle Devier Posey.John Grace is the best weakside defender I have ever seen but he only weighed 205. Could not have played at OSU...Well he was the same size as Stillwagon,but we know what he would have done playing a 0 technique in a 50 over NFL centers Starkey and Wade,with close to 200 starts between them in the SHOW. Bradshaw will be the starter for the Giants or share carries with Jacobs. Maybe he could have got some mop up in the Big Ten against Indiana. I always felt like the stadium in Huntington was nice. A craphole?....People with less try to to the best they can dublin. If you have to look down on the less fortunate and call them names...then go ahead....I THINK OSU should be applauded for letting Marshall stay in the game in 2004...Almost and should have got beat...Maybe they will be courteous hosts this year...Sorry..Thats right....The Buckeyes have future NFL superstar QB TP AND The VEST...ALL in the same day..could get you

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Re: Marshal Fans

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

I never said Marshall didn't have any talent, they have put people in the NFL.
But they are not on the level of Ohio State.
They have had an occasional player or two that could have played at OSU,
but you went through the history of the entire program and hand picked the
best Marshall has to offer and still didn't give name but maybe 4 players who would have seen considerable pt at OSU.

I understand the Napoleon complex, little school, with little talent, and little resources.

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Re: Marshal Fans

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

Marshall has grown their program, but one thing to consider is this.

When they had Moss, Pennington, Leftwich and the kids from the 90's were at Marshall it was a case of men amoungst boys
and they looked better than they were for it.

Marshall playing against the other 1-AA schools with very few exceptions was like a D-1 HS playing their varsity against a D-4 freshman squad.
Lots of players can look great when they are playing lower competition.

When they went to play WVU though, they gave it a great shot, but still couldn't beat a mediocre Mountaineer team.

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Re: Marshal Fans

Post by The General »

Hey dublin...You are without question an OSU HOMER and living in the hypedom...thats fine.Do what you want.Believe whatever you want to believe.I could care less. And you are correct in your assumption that Marshall at this time are not as effective at what they do as Boise and/or TCUs and some other programs that people like you call mid-majors.Marshall was like those schools for a period of time.This football team has not been 1-AA since 1996,Moss's 1st year.Chad and Leftwich lead this bunch to some mighty fine exciting football young homer after that,including road wins against Clemson,South Carolina,and BYU. They have played and competed against Mississippi,Va Tech, Tennessee,WVU,and others. All programs who could knock off the Bucks on any given Saturday.......Any given year....Why?....athletes,coaching,and schemes.All of these schools have plenty of kids who could play at OSU,DONT YOU THINK? :-D .....And so do the Marshalls,Ohios,Cincys,and Navys,Bowling Greens...among others......all who have went into your mecca and gave this powerhouse all they wanted and more.Why?...coaching edge,players,and schemes....Your comparison of Marshall against whoever they play is really eerily comparable to THE OSU and over half the teams they play in the Big Ten on a yearly basis......and the Purdues and Illinois come up and bite them in the as........And we know what happens to them when,because of the political rankings,the weak Big TEN,all the BCS GARBAGE,THEY slide up the the big boys and get beat on the big stage. Keep rooting Dublin and believe the hype...But there are reasons why teams that shouldnt play them close to the VEST do....and on the stage..well...If you are a good boy I might explain some of my thoughts to you......And by the way...I think that the Vest's coaches coach em up and get them better individually. And I won big money in 02 against the U.. :lol: ...Also..Coopers teams were so much more fun to watch than now...even though they lost some tough ones,including the hype bowl more times than the homers wanted :) I loved Joe Germaine and Eddie G. WAS A HAMMER IN THE SHOW.

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Re: Marshal Fans

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

I'm not an OSU homer, I'm an OSU FAN!
Fan is a shortened word for Fanatic, and should always retain its meaning.
I don't like other teams, and I don't have to.
I respect other teams that earn it, Marshall has not and never will beat the Buckeyes.
If by some miracle of God, they do, then I might respect them.
Until then, realize what you debate with, and either continue or stop. I DON'T CARE.

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Re: Marshal Fans

Post by The General »

OK dublin.. :) :lol: ...But you are a homer...and it sounds like you are caught up in the hype pretty bad...You keep being a fan and rooting them on.You dont have to like other teams,but you you should learn to understand that these "other" teams can play,have great players, and have great Coaches.Try it. It would cure your Homer. Marshall may never beat your boys. You are right. But they could and they might.You just never know.What I do know is that the Herd wont have many chances,because they dont play very often :lol: ...And I dont feel that they can get it done this year.But if they do it will because they have great players who can play there and anywhere,and great coaches who can coach there and anywhere. It is not a "miracle of God" if this would happen. :lol: ...It would be because of these reasons that I said before.

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Re: Marshal Fans

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

I understand it fully. But Marshall doesn't have it.
They had it, they might one day get it again, but they don't have it now.'

Going through history and hand picking 8 or 10 guys who were very good but at their best
would still have competition for their spot on any OSU roster in any year present, past, or future,
doesn't mean that Marshall has had better talent than the Buckeyes.

They've had a couple of player who could play at OSU. Congrats.

Does it make Mississippi Valley State a better program just because they had Jerry Rice?
No, they still stink, but they had a great player.

Am I supposed to bow down and worship at the feet of the Miami Redhawks because they had Roethlesburger and a great line of coaches...

Here's something to chew on,
Marshall fans still see the near win against OSU in the Shoe as great.
The overwhelming majority of Buckeye fans have to be reminded that they even played Marshall in the past.

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Re: Marshal Fans

Post by dazed&confused »

Hey dub, I'm with you on this general idea but Marshall dang near beat the Bucks a few years ago back in the Shoe and it took a 55 yard field goal for the Bucks to prevail.

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Re: Marshal Fans

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

That's great, and if the Buckeyes ever start counting Near Wins, I'll kill myself.

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Re: Marshal Fans

Post by JChipwood »

I'll say one thing for Cooper, if he were coaching this game it would be ugly by halftime. UM had a really good run against us then, Cooper was still twice the coach and 3x the recruiter that Earl was without question! 1 or 2 losses is better than 3 out of 10 games.

Let's face it, teams will hang there hat on anything that holds it and a near win against OSU, even in a down year like when Marshall almost beat us, is as close as some teams get to quality wins. Much like the UC game our NC year, however UC fans forget the other sleeper games we have played with them since and before that game, they focus on one close one and try to deflect attention from the other games that were horrible. I was at the last UC game and wasted my money along with about 7 pounds of fluid that I sweated off in c deck. Bottom line is that we can't schedule Marshall or UC every year, heck we can't even schedule Iowa and Wisky every year and they are in our conference. We will get accused of ducking the local teams when they have a good team once every 8 years.

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Re: Marshal Fans

Post by LoganElm_grad09 »

There is no problem with counting "near wins", as long as it gets you somewhere later on. EX: I know that OU will get beat by Ohio State. Still, I want us to be competative if not win. If we go up there and lose by two scores or less, I'll take it as a moral victory. However, we should not lose close and say "good enough". A small program needs to grow from these games instead of resting on a game well played to the point where someday, we can beat them. Do you think Boise would be what they are today if they lost to Oklahoma and said "meh, good enough"?

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Re: Marshal Fans

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

Well said, though I will say that where Boise State truly is today, and where the talking head put them are two different places.

They've accomplished a lot for a little school in Idaho, but they are NOT top 5 material.

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Re: Marshal Fans

Post by LoganElm_grad09 »

Agreed; another undefeated season with a BCS win over a BCS school (not TCU; that was the worst cop out I've ever seen an organization like the BCS pull) would put them pretty close though.

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