Officiating in the Area

Riding the Bench
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Officiating in the Area

Post by rc1129 »

Attended the Southern/Eastern Meigs game tonight and the officiating was downright awful. It wasn’t one sided at all it was just bad all around. Idk where they get these guys from but it’s like they crawled out of the woodwork and put on a striped shirt. All over the area I don’t believe I’ve been to one game in which the officiating has been even just decent. It’s like these guys tonight didn’t even know what basketball was!

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Re: Officiating in the Area

Post by Ironman92 »

It was fine tonight at the Jackson and Wellston game.

Only 1 game this year did I not think the refs were fine+...and 2/3 of that crew were fine. The one guy was terrible though but at least he was proud of himself.

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Re: Officiating in the Area

Post by mlittle »

Huge shortage of officials. Not sure if it’s a national issue or just in our state but it’s not good when you go to a varsity girls basketball game on Tuesday, jr high boys on Wednesday, jv boys on Friday and varsity boys on Saturday and see the same officials doing all of them. There will always be bad officials and good ones just like any other profession

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Re: Officiating in the Area

Post by bbjunky81 »

My theory has always been the same —- raise the pay to $100 per official per game and see if that keeps good ones around.

Officials have to drive to the game (sometimes a substantial drive), spend 4-5 hours away from home, deal with fans yelling at them, deal with some coaches berating them etc.... Really, it’s a tough job.

Are there some bad ones? Oh absolutely. Are there some whose ego is entirely too big? Absolutely. But again, who wants to add all the stress to their life when there’s plenty of other jobs paying $65 for 5 hours that are way less stressful.

Make it $100!

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Re: Officiating in the Area

Post by Ed Ott »

bbjunky81 wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2020 10:54 pm My theory has always been the same —- raise the pay to $100 per official per game and see if that keeps good ones around.

Officials have to drive to the game (sometimes a substantial drive), spend 4-5 hours away from home, deal with fans yelling at them, deal with some coaches berating them etc.... Really, it’s a tough job.

Are there some bad ones? Oh absolutely. Are there some whose ego is entirely too big? Absolutely. But again, who wants to add all the stress to their life when there’s plenty of other jobs paying $65 for 5 hours that are way less stressful.

Make it $100!
Agree and go back to two man crews

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Re: Officiating in the Area

Post by Hoopie74 »

Ed Ott wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2020 10:57 pm
bbjunky81 wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2020 10:54 pm My theory has always been the same —- raise the pay to $100 per official per game and see if that keeps good ones around.

Officials have to drive to the game (sometimes a substantial drive), spend 4-5 hours away from home, deal with fans yelling at them, deal with some coaches berating them etc.... Really, it’s a tough job.

Are there some bad ones? Oh absolutely. Are there some whose ego is entirely too big? Absolutely. But again, who wants to add all the stress to their life when there’s plenty of other jobs paying $65 for 5 hours that are way less stressful.

Make it $100!
Agree and go back to two man crews

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Re: Officiating in the Area

Post by The Ghost of Swanker »

If SEOPS sponsors me, I’ll get my zebra stripes.

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Re: Officiating in the Area

Post by noreply66 »

$150.00 per game or $100.00 and turn in travel cost. (gas, meal and pain and suffering.)

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Re: Officiating in the Area

Post by PirateFan[69] »

Swanker Pine wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2020 11:43 pm If SEOPS sponsors me, I’ll get my zebra stripes.
I say we should pay Swanker $250 a game and have him do it all! #Swankerforref2020

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Re: Officiating in the Area

Post by mlittle »

bbjunky81 wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2020 10:54 pm My theory has always been the same —- raise the pay to $100 per official per game and see if that keeps good ones around.

Officials have to drive to the game (sometimes a substantial drive), spend 4-5 hours away from home, deal with fans yelling at them, deal with some coaches berating them etc.... Really, it’s a tough job.

Are there some bad ones? Oh absolutely. Are there some whose ego is entirely too big? Absolutely. But again, who wants to add all the stress to their life when there’s plenty of other jobs paying $65 for 5 hours that are way less stressful.

Make it $100!
Who wants to add all the stress to their life? The people who love the game and want to officiate for the right reasons. You start raising the amount for any reason other than inflation and the issue gets worse. But honestly I don’t think an incremental increase of $30-$40 a game would have any impact at all on the officiating crisis we have.

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Re: Officiating in the Area

Post by Seopnation »

mlittle wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2020 7:54 am
bbjunky81 wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2020 10:54 pm My theory has always been the same —- raise the pay to $100 per official per game and see if that keeps good ones around.

Officials have to drive to the game (sometimes a substantial drive), spend 4-5 hours away from home, deal with fans yelling at them, deal with some coaches berating them etc.... Really, it’s a tough job.

Are there some bad ones? Oh absolutely. Are there some whose ego is entirely too big? Absolutely. But again, who wants to add all the stress to their life when there’s plenty of other jobs paying $65 for 5 hours that are way less stressful.

Make it $100!
Who wants to add all the stress to their life? The people who love the game and want to officiate for the right reasons. You start raising the amount for any reason other than inflation and the issue gets worse. But honestly I don’t think an incremental increase of $30-$40 a game would have any impact at all on the officiating crisis we have.
If you increase the pay then you are making the job more appealing to people who are not yet licensed officials who may then want to get licensed. When you gain a larger official pool, you increase the amount of opportunity you have to find good ones. Obviously the potential for bad ones increases as well but with a larger pool it provides schools/leagues a better ability to choose the good ones instead of just going with who's available.

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Re: Officiating in the Area

Post by bbjunky81 »

Seopnation wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2020 8:02 am
mlittle wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2020 7:54 am
bbjunky81 wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2020 10:54 pm My theory has always been the same —- raise the pay to $100 per official per game and see if that keeps good ones around.

Officials have to drive to the game (sometimes a substantial drive), spend 4-5 hours away from home, deal with fans yelling at them, deal with some coaches berating them etc.... Really, it’s a tough job.

Are there some bad ones? Oh absolutely. Are there some whose ego is entirely too big? Absolutely. But again, who wants to add all the stress to their life when there’s plenty of other jobs paying $65 for 5 hours that are way less stressful.

Make it $100!
Who wants to add all the stress to their life? The people who love the game and want to officiate for the right reasons. You start raising the amount for any reason other than inflation and the issue gets worse. But honestly I don’t think an incremental increase of $30-$40 a game would have any impact at all on the officiating crisis we have.
If you increase the pay then you are making the job more appealing to people who are not yet licensed officials who may then want to get licensed. When you gain a larger official pool, you increase the amount of opportunity you have to find good ones. Obviously the potential for bad ones increases as well but with a larger pool it provides schools/leagues a better ability to choose the good ones instead of just going with who's available.
Bingo.. my thoughts exactly!

Raising the pay might attract MORE officials, but not all of them will end up being bad. Then coaches do their job of rating officials and the higher the rating ends up getting you more games to officiate.
Last edited by bbjunky81 on Wed Jan 15, 2020 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Officiating in the Area

Post by mlittle »

Seopnation wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2020 8:02 am
mlittle wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2020 7:54 am
bbjunky81 wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2020 10:54 pm My theory has always been the same —- raise the pay to $100 per official per game and see if that keeps good ones around.

Officials have to drive to the game (sometimes a substantial drive), spend 4-5 hours away from home, deal with fans yelling at them, deal with some coaches berating them etc.... Really, it’s a tough job.

Are there some bad ones? Oh absolutely. Are there some whose ego is entirely too big? Absolutely. But again, who wants to add all the stress to their life when there’s plenty of other jobs paying $65 for 5 hours that are way less stressful.

Make it $100!
Who wants to add all the stress to their life? The people who love the game and want to officiate for the right reasons. You start raising the amount for any reason other than inflation and the issue gets worse. But honestly I don’t think an incremental increase of $30-$40 a game would have any impact at all on the officiating crisis we have.
If you increase the pay then you are making the job more appealing to people who are not yet licensed officials who may then want to get licensed. When you gain a larger official pool, you increase the amount of opportunity you have to find good ones. Obviously the potential for bad ones increases as well but with a larger pool it provides schools/leagues a better ability to choose the good ones instead of just going with who's available.
Yea that makes sense

Jack Sparrow
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Re: Officiating in the Area

Post by Jack Sparrow »

There are some good young officials in the SE District. But there aren’t enough officials to go around and that’s country wide not just locally.
Increasing money isn’t the answer. The good ones work because the love the game, cause there’s no money in it at this level.
It has helped that things are being assigned, now there’s accountability.
Will it ever be a utopia, doubtful. It’s a tough job, thankless job. It will continue to be that way. I guarantee they are trying to do their best.

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Re: Officiating in the Area

Post by Orange and Brown »

I see a lot of basketball and I haven't seen a bad crew this year. I've seen a few bad calls or no calls now and then but I haven't come across a bad crew.

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Re: Officiating in the Area

Post by Orange and Brown »

You want quality official's?
Stop fans from screaming at them every time a play doesn't go their way.
Stop coaches from treating officials like dirt.

Raising the pay may give an initial boost in numbers but then officials will start leaving because they get treated like crap every single night.

You couldn't pay me 500 dollars a game to ref basketball. That kind of abuse isn't worth any amount of money.

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Re: Officiating in the Area

Post by Treyman3 »

Why on earth would you want to go back to 2 man crews?????

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Re: Officiating in the Area

Post by Crab's Brother »

I do it because I love the game and I love the bond that we share as officials.

But the way people act is driving people away in droves. People are always going to disagree with calls. It happens. But buying a $5 ticket to a game should not be a permit to berate the officials.

I have 9 games this week. There are literally no officials out there. I had a game to fill three weeks ago. I contacted over 60 people and all of them were booked.

If people started having a little more class in the stands, I believe there would be more officials to go around.

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Re: Officiating in the Area

Post by Crab's Brother »

And yes, anyone that wants 2 man crews has never done a game with 3 and then tried to go back to 3.

Night and day.

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Re: Officiating in the Area

Post by JC2124 »

I’ve also watched a lot of games this year. One crew I thought was pretty bad. For the most part we have had decent crews. It’s not a job I would want to do for 65-70 bucks. We have had crews at Fed Hock that have a 2 hour drive. They definitely aren’t doing it for the money.

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