Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU

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Re: Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU

Post by Orange and Brown »

It's all about the.....WHO?

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Re: Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Game over!!! Bucks are taking a knee from inside the 5 instead of trying to score again. Classy move by Tressell.

Great job Bucks!!!!!

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Re: Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU

Post by bigtimehitter »

OK, honestly, and it aint just the Buckeye fan in me here sayin this, The Buckeyes have should have won this game more hanidly than this. Tressel better do something about his special teams NOW or it's gonna cost this team a shot at the National Title, bottom line.

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Re: Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU

Post by Red_Dog »

Overall good game for the Buckeyes. Defense was dominant as always. Although the offense didn't seem to have much problem moving the ball, they settled for too many field goals. There is no reason why they didn't score 50 today. Also, the special teams coverage squad needs a lot of work. When 14 of 24 of the points scored are from special teams returns, you know something's wrong. Nevertheless, the Buckeyes showed today that they are legit and are national championship contenders. However, they can't afford to have a hangover and lose next week's game against OU.

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Re: Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU

Post by Orange and Brown »

seofan_via_dublin wrote:Malcontent posted this on another thread, it deserves posting here too.
A good story, and a great find, thanks Malcontent.

http://the-ozone.net/football/2010/Miam ... riend.html

The Buckeye Nation found a friend in an unusual place yesterday, in the Wolverine Nation.
The whole thing started with all the talk coming out of Miami that the game this Saturday somehow is a grudge match for the 2003 Fiesta Bowl. Miami fans have been barking that bark all week, and some players on the Miami roster have taken up that howl.

Things came to a head a little later this week when Miami Head Coach Randy Shannon said the following about the prospect of playing in Columbus and in Ohio Stadium.

"You see a lot of traditions in small towns and little cities like Columbus.

"But the guys (his players) aren't enamored with it because of what we see when we go out.

"You may see an Alex Rodriguiz, a Wayans Brother, or Dwayne Wade. Those are big name guys."

A rebuttal coming from a Buckeye fan to the revenge theory or to Shannon's remarks might sound like just so much chest beating or bickering between fan bases, but last night a Michigan Wolverine fan posted a rebuttal on the-Ozone Fan Forum. With his permission, this is what Thom Dartt, a MICHIGAN FAN who has no real use for the Buckeyes, had to say to Miami Nation and Shannon.

"Randy Shannon does what people who don't understand Ohio State football and its fans tend to do: Underestimate them and RUN THEIR MOUTHS.

"Shannon, who obviously has his Doctorate in Geography, referred to Columbus as a "small town."

"Pssssst! Randy! Over here! Yeah, um Miami has a population of about 362,000. Mmmm hmmm, and Columbus has a population of about 710,000. That's TWICE the size of LITTLE Miami. In fact, Miami would be the 4th largest city in Ohio, JUST ahead of Toledo and Dayton.

"Then he says his team sees 'stars all the time' like THE WAYANS BROTHERS. Hang on just a second. I have to check my definition of 'star'/'celebrity.' Yep, I thought so. NONE of the Wayans brothers, sisters, parents or grandparents are stars or celebrities, unless they were at the Bellbrook festival. And even then...

"See, what this idiot fails to realize is that this game is about the Ohio State fans. None of the players even remember 2002. Few, if any of Miami's coaches, were on their staff in 2002. Some of Ohio State's were.

"Ah, but the fans were all there THEN and they're all here NOW. And the Scarlet and Gray legions have had to hear over and over and over and over how they got lucky to win the Fiesta Bowl, that Miami REALLY won that game, that Miami was robbed...

"Guilty. I was one of the ones that said they were lucky. After further review, Ohio State out-played Miami.

"Anyway, Ohio State fans have been seething about those comments and couldn't wait for this game. Nope, it's not a 'rematch,' but to Ohio State's fans this means A LOT!

"So, Randy, as a Michigan fan, whom the Buckeye faithful HATE, let me help you to understand what you'll face on Saturday: 100,000+ FREAKING WACKOS who have had time to let that hate and anger for that stupid U build for nearly eight years (And they WON! Can you imagine if they had lost on that call???), who have an anger management issue with people who talk smack about their team/town, who will have several hours to enjoy a few adult beverages, and who want to win every game like their lives depend on it.

"They will yell incessantly, cheer every one of their good plays (followed by the chords of various Buckeye songs after those plays), REALLY cheer every one of your bad plays, and never sit down. Oh, and unlike the LITTLE stadiums you play in, this one is BIG and it will be FULL, and IT WILL BE LOUD.

"See, Randy, this isn't Boston College, North Carolina or even Florida State you're playing. Those LIBRARIES would be sweet compared to the insane asylum that awaits your team on Saturday. Trust me. I've been there five times for Michigan games, and several more for other games.

"You made a mistake and the Buckeye fans do NOT forgive.

"Oh, and one other trivial matter: YOU WILL LOSE. Badly."

First the Beatles said it, then Joe Cocker said it. You can get by with a little help from your friends.

I'm not sure if Thom would like to known as a friend to the Buckeye Nation, but he certainly endeared himself to a few with his comments yesterday.
That was great!! :122245 :122245 :122245

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Re: Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

bigtimehitter wrote:OK, honestly, and it aint just the Buckeye fan in me here sayin this, The Buckeyes have should have won this game more hanidly than this. Tressel better do something about his special teams NOW or it's gonna cost this team a shot at the National Title, bottom line.
He does need to fix the special teams,
but Miami is the fastest team they'll play all year.

Kick off and punt returns aren't going to cost the Buckeyes a national title birth.
They don't play a team the rest of the year that has the explosiveness to do what Miami did.

Get it fixed, or it might cost us the title in the title game.

But there are other games to win before they get that far.

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Re: Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU

Post by Hoggy »

Congrats to the Buckeyes! Although, I am a little disappointed that the score was as close as it was considering how many interceptions Harris threw. The Buckeyes defense played very well and the Florida speed did not overwhelm us. I can't even say that the speed was the reason for the Special Teams dismal performance.....it was lack of execution and not knowing their roles.

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Re: Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU

Post by 91blue14 »

yeah the defense was stout. you cant give speed a chance to beat you on special teams.

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Re: Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU

Post by Hoggy »

This was only the fourth ever meeting between Ohio State and Miami.

Ohio State is now 3-1 all time vs. Miami. The three wins coming in 1977 (a 10-0 shutout), 2003 (the classic 31-24 double-overtime thriller for the BCS title) and the latest victory, 2010 (34-26 that will quiet all of the doubters about the 2003 victory). The lone defeat, a 23-12 loss coming in 1999.

http://bleacherreport.com/articles/4544 ... prediction

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Re: Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU

Post by Bleeding Red »

JT still is way too conservative in the red zone, as we had too many field goals and not enough TD's. This could cost us in a close game. That is the difference in burying a team early or letting them hang around and let who knows what happen.

Defense looked great. Chekwa needs to step up, as they couldnt throw toward Torrence and started to pick on in the 3rd quarter.

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Re: Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU

Post by TigerTownKid »

I told you all I would be back! Just a little later than I hoped. lol

I have to give my credit where credit is due. Ohio State is one heck of a football team as everyone as said they are. They are definitely one of the top National Championship contenders this year, without any doubt. You don't get a real appreciation for Pryor's abilities until you see him live in person. I still don't believe he's all that great of a quarterback, but a play-maker and flat out athlete, he is one of the best I have ever seen. I can remember at least 5 or 6 times I thought we had a sack, but he eluded it and made a significant gain out of it. He is a FREAK!

As far as the game, no one can say anything about how the score should have been more or should have been less. Yes, Ohio State had to settle for several field goals. But I credit that more to Miami's defense bowing their necks, than Ohio State play calling or not stepping up. Also, Miami drove down the Buckeyes their first two drives of the second half, only to come away with nothing, due to an interception and too many stupid penalties. So just as easy as it should have been a blowout at this time, Miami also could have had the lead at this time. That Heyward pick, an unbelievable play, was a 14 point swing in that game IMO.

One last final thing, what an absolute crazy atmosphere to watch a football game in. It was by far the loudest thing that I have ever heard. Everyone in my section were very nice and respectable people. Not what i typically call Buckeye fans either, they were just there for the same reason I was, to watch our team and cheer them on the best possible. I gained a lot of respect for the fan base as a whole, mind you , there still were the few A**holes that you would probably get everywhere. But overall, very nice people and wouldn't mind going back sometime in the future.

Even though my boys lost, it was still one of the best weekends I have ever had. I mean after the game I got to touch Randy Shannon, Jacory Harris, Sean Spence, Allen Bailey, Aldarius Johnson, Orlando Franklin, and Travis Benjamin. Not to mention pretty much talk to them. IT was something that I will cherish for as long as I live. I was so hyped up for this game to get here, and now I'm sooo upset that it's gone. But thanks to everyone in Columbus for making it something I will never forget, even though my Canes came out on the losing end.

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Re: Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

Glad you had a great time TTK, and glad the fans treated you well.

There were a couple of Miami fans in my section that were getting verbally beat on pretty bad. They got what they asked for though. They were cheering their team on very well, and the Buckeye fans didn't say anything about it. Then the two of them turned around and started running their mouths about special teams after the punt return. I knew they were in for it once they did that.

You had the benifit of sitting in A deck too, it is a little more rowdy in C deck.
The atmosphere was great though, and very loud.

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Re: Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU

Post by TigerTownKid »

If Jacory Harris can get his stuff together, I'm still convinced we could make this a very good season, with that possibly being our only loss.

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Re: Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

The up side for both teams is that the Buckeyes have faced their fastest opponent in Miami,
and Miami has faced the best defense they'll face all year in the Buckeyes.

Learn for both sides and get better.

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Re: Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU

Post by TigerTownKid »

Oh I agree completely. If Miami has that as their only loss on the season, I will have to consider it a great season. But this one, this one will sting for a while, or at least until next year in week 3 when it'll be on in South Beach.

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Re: Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU

Post by cool cucumber »

TigerTownKid wrote:Oh I agree completely. If Miami has that as their only loss on the season, I will have to consider it a great season. But this one, this one will sting for a while, or at least until next year in week 3 when it'll be on in South Beach.
Can't wait!

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Re: Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU


ohio state needs to get more effecient in the red zone 6 field goals will not cut it in the big ten schedule. actually i think miami is and will be our 3rd toughest opponent on our schedule, maybe even 4th. as we still have games against iowa, wisconsin, penn state, and look what michigan has done, beaten a tough uconn team, then notre dame. they could be the fifth toughest game we play. but we'll not play one with more speed, but ohio states speed was every bit the equal in my opinion, our latteral pursuit is awesome. the miami backs just could not reach the edges to cut up. our kick and punt coverage was very dismal. but he did adjust by short kicking, which was very effecient. let the defense take it from there. definately gonna be a long week for special teams.

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Re: Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

Miami had a very good front 7 on defense and fast defensive backfield.
When you get in the redzone, and don't have to cover the deep ball anymore,
it gets eiser to defend. Especially when TP isn't being accurate with his intermediate passing.

He was behind recievers all game on throws over the middle and on distances of 10-15 yards. Tressel recognized this, and made sure that they got 3 points instead of a redzone turnover.

I'd rather have 3 points and play D, than give the ball to Miami with nothing on the board.

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Re: Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU

Post by Bleeding Red »

I agree with you seofan, but this is a carry over to the woes we had in the red zone last year.

I think 75% of it is playcalling, the other 25% is a lack of run blocking.

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Re: Week 2, Miami,FL vs tOSU

Post by seofan_via_dublin »


The play calling issue is dictated by the performance on the field.
I'd rather JT pull back the reigns and take 3 points because he sees that Pryor is not
hitting the recievers in stride and throwing them open, than him keep allowing TP to
throw and risk a turnover.

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