2020 Old Mans Cave without ice

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SEOPS Mr. Ohio
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Re: 2020 Old Mans Cave without ice


Core samples tells a lot, Bob. Have your comrade scientist over there drill out some deep core tests. :lol: Glad to hear the global warming theory is helping your comrades out in the motherland. :lol: Could be worse I guess. Why did you leave the motherland and move to the USA, Bob? :lol: We got a leader here that don't respect our National Anthem and our powerful gorgeous looking flag. :lol: :lol: He dances around pointing at people while our National Anthem is playing. :lol: But he puts football players down for kneeling and setting when it's playing, and the flag being raised. What do you think of that, Bob?

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Bob Bolshavic
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Re: 2020 Old Mans Cave without ice

Post by Bob Bolshavic »

Yes I mentioned that on the politic forum about him doing that. That is a shame he don't practice what he preaches. He was probably doped up or drunk on something and didn't realize what he was doing. Our great leader vlad will sometimes do stuff like that hopped up on homemade vodka and pills over on russian media. He will try to get it sensored but sometimes it leaks out to the public. Life is tough over there comrade. The women are tough as nails, meaner than grizzly bears and will spit you out. I had some family defect back in the 50's. They told how nice they had it so i had them help me come over. Took me awhile to learn the language and culture. So far it has been alright but I miss the homemade vodka , Russian folk music and seal meat.

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SEOPS Mr. Ohio
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Re: 2020 Old Mans Cave without ice


Bob Bolshavic wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:29 am hopped up on homemade vodka and pills
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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