Almost NASCAR season

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Rusty Shackleford
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Re: Almost NASCAR season

Post by Rusty Shackleford »

That was bad

I know what's wrong with it. It's a Ford. You know what they say Ford stands for, don't ya? It stands for 'Fix it again, Tony'.
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Re: Almost NASCAR season


Sure was! WOW! I watched the tail end of the race. When the car was coming back down in a flip, it got hit hard on the drivers side. I hope Ryan Newman is alright. Heard anything for sure, Rusty?

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Re: Almost NASCAR season

Post by Rusty Shackleford »

I’ve been on Twitter but have seen anything really. One person saying they heard he was awake

I know what's wrong with it. It's a Ford. You know what they say Ford stands for, don't ya? It stands for 'Fix it again, Tony'.
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Re: Almost NASCAR season

Post by Rusty Shackleford »


I know what's wrong with it. It's a Ford. You know what they say Ford stands for, don't ya? It stands for 'Fix it again, Tony'.
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Re: Almost NASCAR season


That's a good sign. Scary looking wreck for sure. Hit hard right on his side window door area when the car was coming back down. The slide down the track on the roof wasn't good either. Praying for him. Let me know if you hear anything, Rusty. I can't look up much on this old junkie slow computer. I need a new one.

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Re: Almost NASCAR season

Post by Rusty Shackleford »

I’m on my iPhone. It’s rare I actually use a computer

I know what's wrong with it. It's a Ford. You know what they say Ford stands for, don't ya? It stands for 'Fix it again, Tony'.
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Re: Almost NASCAR season

Post by Rusty Shackleford »

NASCAR just announced serious but not life threatening condition

I know what's wrong with it. It's a Ford. You know what they say Ford stands for, don't ya? It stands for 'Fix it again, Tony'.
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Re: Almost NASCAR season


Consider me poor old school. :lol: I only use a cell phone when I go somewhere. And really never use it then. Never turned on till I really need it, and that's hardly ever. :lol: A track pre paid phone at that. :lol: The old triple minutes phone deal. :lol: Buy a 60 minute card, get 180 minutes/90 days. But the phone is a junker too, but good enough for what I need for time of usage. :lol:

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Re: Almost NASCAR season


Rusty Shackleford wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 10:18 pm NASCAR just announced serious but not life threatening condition
Good deal. Hope he recovers strongly. Made me sick seeing it. That was a nasty vicious looking crash that I've seen in a long time.

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Re: Almost NASCAR season

Post by cbolt »

Ol Gordon knew something was going to happen and sure enough it did. Never seen so many sparks in my life.

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Re: Almost NASCAR season


He's real lucky. I couldn't imagine what his body went through at the time of that initial hit on the driver side door area. I bet it rocked him good. Strapped in there or not, he took one heck of a jolt. Was hoping the corner nose of the car coming didn't make it through the netted window area when it hit. That was nasty looking.

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Re: Almost NASCAR season


Made me sick again, but checked it out once more. He got blasted good on the drivers side while he was still kinda upside down almost on his roof to flip his car again with getting hit so hard. Wow, what a crash. I'm glad he's ok, but I bet he will be hurting for awhile.

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Re: Almost NASCAR season

Post by Raider6309 »

TRENCHFOOT wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:46 pm Made me sick again, but checked it out once more. He got blasted good on the drivers side while he was still kinda upside down almost on his roof to flip his car again with getting hit so hard. Wow, what a crash. I'm glad he's ok, but I bet he will be hurting for awhile.
I had a weird feeling when he got hit upside down. Thought it looked like a fatal hit. So glad to hear he’s ok

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Re: Almost NASCAR season

Post by cbolt »

I did too, raider. I don't watch Nascar much ( I'm more of Supercross/Motocross fan) but I knew that was not normal. It amazes they can survive a crash like that then die from something as harmless looking when Dale Sr. died.

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Re: Almost NASCAR season

Post by Rusty Shackleford »

cbolt wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2020 12:21 am I did too, raider. I don't watch Nascar much ( I'm more of Supercross/Motocross fan) but I knew that was not normal. It amazes they can survive a crash like that then die from something as harmless looking when Dale Sr. died.
Gotta remember Dale is a lot of the reason these drivers are surviving these massive wrecks. The year before Dale passed there were 3 fatalities in the 3 National Series, Tony Roper at Texas, then Kenny Irwin Jr and Adam Petty were killed at New Hampshire. NASCAR was already looking for ways to improve safety as the ran a New Hampshire race with a restrictor plate to slow them down (Petty and Irwin both had throttle hung wide open into turn 3.) But the death of Earnhardt really kicked them into high gear. Since Earnhardt there has been no fatalities in the 3 national divisions.

I know what's wrong with it. It's a Ford. You know what they say Ford stands for, don't ya? It stands for 'Fix it again, Tony'.
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Re: Almost NASCAR season


The strength of the roll cage saved Newman this evening. Imagine one not being in there when he took that hit to the roof area partially upside down. It would have ripped that roof hood right off of there and sadly maybe his upper body and head. Dangerous out there boys at those speeds. I don't like some of the changes but some of them are for good safety.

Bolt, that Earhardt senior wreck was TV deceiving. It was worse than it looked. Kinda missed that half curve went up the incline and smacked the wall at an angle but it hit like straight on to his body inside the car. At that speed it will snap your neck. Sudden stops at any angle with the heaviness of the car trying to keep going forward is havoc on a soft human body.

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Re: Almost NASCAR season

Post by cbolt »

Here's a question for everybody. With all that fuel pouring out right next to the fire, why didn't it ignite? The fumes alone from that 98 octane should have blew sky high.

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Re: Almost NASCAR season


cbolt wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2020 3:06 am Here's a question for everybody. With all that fuel pouring out right next to the fire, why didn't it ignite? The fumes alone from that 98 octane should have blew sky high.
That one guy in that phone video I sent e-mail to you seem to be worried about gear oil leaking and catching on fire more than the gasoline. If you listen to it closely the guy says they better get him out of there quick, the gear oil is about to go up in flames all over the track. He seen to be a big time NASCAR nut that knew some stuff. You got me, I have no idea about the gas. Good question , Bolt. Gas is highly flammable. Might be some kinda of dilution that comes out with it if a tank is ruptured knowing NASCAR and all the changes in safety. :lol: :lol: :lol: Then anti reverse flip flaps sure didn't help yesterday. He was flipping before he even got hit that sent him into another flip. This crash has to be added to a top ten of crashes in the history of NASCAR. It was definitely a violent one. Crazy things can happen at that speed, specially in a stock car race. I'm still shocked at what I seen. Made me half sick worrying about him. Them big tracks they are usually wide open pedal the whole race. Give or take. Crazy stuff. I'm glad Ryan is ok. Anyone heard any more info on him? I bet he's feeling it today.

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Re: Almost NASCAR season

Post by Rusty Shackleford »

President of Roush Racing put a release out a few minutes ago that just said he was staying at Halifax for treatment. With the car going upside down the way it did, there wasn’t gonna be anything the roof flaps would have done to keep it grounded. If you watch flips from the last few years, when the cars get turned sideways or slide backwards they for the most part work. The problem is when the cars it so hard and get airborne from the impact and by the time the flaps are deployed it’s too late. Or the car his being pushed by another car. The crash reminded me of the Geoff Bodine truck wreck at Daytona but with more speed and less tumbling.

I know what's wrong with it. It's a Ford. You know what they say Ford stands for, don't ya? It stands for 'Fix it again, Tony'.
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Re: Almost NASCAR season

Post by Raider6309 »

cbolt wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2020 3:06 am Here's a question for everybody. With all that fuel pouring out right next to the fire, why didn't it ignite? The fumes alone from that 98 octane should have blew sky high.
Got very lucky. Looked like it was maybe a foot from the fire. The track crew did get there fast

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