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Joined: Fri Dec 30, 2016 10:49 pm


Post by Hoopie74 »

Being a fan who has no kids or grand kids playing,I say this as a fan of our great kids: Congratulations to all the teams in the seops district on your heart and dedication to endeavor to play this great sport of basketball. It's takes alot of blood ,sweat and tears to be a ballplayer,. It takes the same from every parent ,coach and community to field these teams.
To all the players who have put fourth the effort ,well done. To the teams who have survived and advanced again congratulations as you are in rare air.
To get to the regionals is always the dream of the teams in the SEOPs district. The "Sweet 16", the "Elite8" are experiences that are once in a lifetime in most cases. Relish this experience and put your fears aside. Focus on team and lets knock down that door and get a few into the "Final Four" at the Schott. Boys or girls the time is now. One game at a time and safe travels one and all.

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