Gov DeWine Green lights all Fall sports

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SEOPS Mr. Ohio
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Re: Gov DeWine Green lights all Fall sports


Chief02 wrote: Tue Aug 18, 2020 6:01 pm
TRENCHFOOT wrote: Tue Aug 18, 2020 4:25 pm
wobycat wrote: Tue Aug 18, 2020 4:02 pm

JV band?
Varsity band. 100 plus. Logan has a junior high band, but they don't play at games etc. Don't know about Jackson, but they have a Varsity band just as big as Logan's. Looks like they will have to take upper classmen band members only to away games. Who know's, but we will soon see.
I saw online the Marching Chieftain “Rah Rah” Day performance they did yesterday on the field at Chieftain Stadium. Unfortunately, I counted 70 kids max.
Seen that as well, Chief02. I seen on one of the comments that some was missing/not there. Don't know what was going on. Maybe the bad foggy morning stopped some from coming to perform. Man was it ever foggy Monday morning. 0 visibility in some places in the county.

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Re: Gov DeWine Green lights all Fall sports

Post by greygoose »

Blitz wrote: Tue Aug 18, 2020 3:33 pm I have been told that it is household plus 4 per kid
So not exactly for sure how many they're going to allow per kid. The officials are also going to be allotted 2 each and tomorrow there's supposed to be news on how the officials are to handle things this year as well. One thing you'll see different is officials will not be handling the ball at anytime during the game, only for measurements. The officials are to place a bag of some sort as the line of scrimmage. The center will break the huddle with ball in hand. Ball carriers will take the ball back to the huddle with them, as well as a WR or someone off the sideline is to get any ball overthrown, also works with field goals and 2 point conversions at no point will the officials be handling the ball. Doesn't sound like they'll be taking the breaks mid quarter either, timeouts will be 2 minutes long and sounded like a shortened halftime as well. Ball is to be sanitized when switching out and before going back out, curious to see if they tell them X-amount of plays then the ball must be changed out for cleaning.

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Re: Gov DeWine Green lights all Fall sports

Post by greygoose »

TRENCHFOOT wrote: Tue Aug 18, 2020 4:25 pm
wobycat wrote: Tue Aug 18, 2020 4:02 pm
indianabuck wrote: Tue Aug 18, 2020 4:00 pm
Dewine said by the end of the week he will have guidance for performing arts, which include bands. You could see numbers who can perform drop due to social distancing.
JV band?
Varsity band. 100 plus. Logan has a junior high band, but they don't play at games etc. Don't know about Jackson, but they have a Varsity band just as big as Logan's. Looks like they will have to take upper classmen band members only to away games. Who know's, but we will soon see.
Unless they've gone way down in numbers I think most years I've got to see Jackson play they've typically got 200+ band members

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Re: Gov DeWine Green lights all Fall sports

Post by greygoose »

Well we get to start football and we'll be going week to week from here on out on how much we get to play. Let's give our support and help in trying to get them to complete the season now. There will be ups and downs with teams and some cancellations I'm sure but let's try to roll with the punches, be safe and get this school year and season in as safe as possible. Those getting to go to games, please do your part, be part of the solution not the problem, this isn't for your but for those young me and women out on the field, whether it's football, cheerleading, or band. Good luck to everyone this season and let's enjoy. Obviously viewing will be limited but if teams are broadcasting online or streaming some how speak up and let us know.

SEOPS Mr. Ohio
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Re: Gov DeWine Green lights all Fall sports

Post by EasternDspy »

Each player(Band member , Cheerleader) will get 4 tickets to give to who they decide. Also no band for away games.

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Re: Gov DeWine Green lights all Fall sports

Post by Omega »

Just for the record, Michigan high school football is allowed Sept 17 as Governor Whitmer reversed her earlier no play decision. ... uxbndlbing

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