Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Bleeding Red
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Re: Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Post by Bleeding Red »

ManitouDan wrote:words of wisdom from Clane on march 8th concerning Tressel :

Absolutely nothing will come out of this story/investigation. There will be zero proof in the form of documentation/paper trail....especially after the national spectacle that occurred in December. I'm not saying "The Vest" did or didn't know, but there is NO CHANCE we will ever find out.

Also, Dan Wetzel (along with the rest of Yahoo!Sports) is a hack. Yahoo!Sports' sole concern is negativity/corruption when it comes to amateur and professional athletics. They've developed their niche b/c they can't compete with the talent that ESPN, SI, and others scoop up. I personally avoid their articles/blogs as much as possible.


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Re: Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Post by Bleeding Red »

Lets visit the SEC world for a minute, particularly LSU:

Zach Mettenberger, who pled guilty of two counts of sexual battery, underage consumption of alcohol, disorderly conduct, obstruction and possession of fake identification, will apparently be...............

You guessed it! The starting QB for the LSU Tigers next year!!!!!

You see the SEC has such a high standard of good clean living. This really compares to Ole Miss and the Masoli transfer story. Even though Mettenberger just wanted to inappropriately grab womens private parts......Masoli was a drug case, ultimately dismissed from Oregon. But you already knew all about him.

MDan- you can point the finger at Big Ten fans (Buckeye Nation in particular), but there are always going to be fingers pointing right back at the SEC at any given time.

This is what big time college football has turned into. All across the board. Every school has infractions nearly every year. There is not squeeky clean program out there at the D1 level. Its all about money and negating morals and conduct for the all mighty dollar of ticket revenues and bowl game funding.

And the SEC is the worst of all.

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Re: Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Post by Bleeding Red »

And just to show how ignorant you are MDan, do you really think Clean Gene hand picked all those tourney selections by himself and completely blew off the rest of the selection committee? Come on, you thought "Wow, I found another way I can try to get under people's skin that like THE Ohio State University!"

Well, we are all too smart for that. You may want to try your schemes and antics on some pre-school kids on the playground at recess time. It may work on them.

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Re: Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Post by ManitouDan »

One of the things that upsets me most about children is when they get caught doing something wrong (or unethical ) and the excuse always comes " but Billy does it, " Well Suzy does it" etc etc" thats what I've come to expect from buckeye land --everyone else does it. And the Sec is hiding behind every tree and lurking in every dark alley. . It's sad , I respect and like your buckeye football coach. But he proved he's just another coach willing to bend the rules to win at the top.

as far why pick on poor clean gene ? -- He's the head of the freakin' committee you jackwagon ! He is the guy who was ask to answer questions about the brackets. He is the one who sounded like a dumbass in public trying to answer simple questions. Did you even read his answers ? And still try to defend him ?

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Re: Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Post by Bleeding Red »

ManitouDan wrote:One of the things that upsets me most about children is when they get caught doing something wrong (or unethical ) and the excuse always comes " but Billy does it, " Well Suzy does it" etc etc" thats what I've come to expect from buckeye land --everyone else does it. And the Sec is hiding behind every tree and lurking in every dark alley. . It's sad , I respect and like your buckeye football coach. But he proved he's just another coach willing to bend the rules to win at the top.

as far why pick on poor clean gene ? -- He's the head of the freakin' committee you jackwagon ! He is the guy who was ask to answer questions about the brackets. He is the one who sounded like a dumbass in public trying to answer simple questions. Did you even read his answers ? And still try to defend him ?


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Re: Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Post by Cameron34Crazie34 »

[quote="ManitouDan"]they might. OSU has a good team this year. personally i hope they get their arse kicked . i do think they are overrated. Big ten blows in hoops, not as bad as football but none the less , not as good as the big 12, big east or ACC.[/quote]

I'm a huge of the ACC and Duke University but you are an idiot of you think the Big Ten isn't better then the ACC this year. It's the Big East and then the Big Ten.

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Re: Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Post by ManitouDan »

i was talking more of a general statement , not just this season. Still don't think they will have a great post season. I'm not sold on Perdue or Wisc as a sweet 16 team or OSU as a final 4 team. Not that they don't have a pretty good chance but OSU is the # 1 team in the nation , anything less than a final 4 would be dissapointing. Yes for a change the ACC was paper thin. Having said that UNC and Dook are both better than anything the big ten suits up. The big ten acc challenge is ruled by the ACC on most years.

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Re: Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Post by Bleeding Red »

ManitouDan wrote:i was talking more of a general statement , not just this season. Still don't think they will have a great post season. I'm not sold on Perdue or Wisc as a sweet 16 team or OSU as a final 4 team. Not that they don't have a pretty good chance but OSU is the # 1 team in the nation , anything less than a final 4 would be dissapointing. Yes for a change the ACC was paper thin. Having said that UNC and Dook are both better than anything the big ten suits up. The big ten acc challenge is ruled by the ACC on most years.
Its actually "Purdue".....not "Perdue".

But I am sure you already knew that. Just another little jab at the Big Ten.


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Re: Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Post by ManitouDan »

just a typo , chill out if possible. Not like I got the T wrong in Tosu. maybe I was sleepy from all the yawn's ?

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Re: Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Post by CLane »

ManitouDan wrote:.......Show your intelligence CLane -- if you have any.
I have been dubbed "The Dumbest Smart Guy I Know" by displaying my intelligence has been the bane of my existence.

Also, I will be the first to admit that I was wrong about the JT situation. I had no idea about the emails at the time. However, I stand by my statement that Yahoo!Sports is full of hacks whose sole concern is negativity and corruption.

I have quite a few friends like you, MDan. They are typically fans of WVU, scUM, or have been smitten by all the fair weather at some SEC school. I'm sure you fall under one of these three choices. They also like to start crap by making some sort of outrageous statement against tOSU, trying to get a rise out of the ole Buckeye fans. When someone tries to do the same thing via online forums, they are labeled Trolls. As far as the "ignorant" adjective...I just thought most of your comments were, well, ignorant.

As far as Gene Smith.......he's had a bad month. For the brackets, I honestly think that Ohio State got grouped with the best #2, #4, #6, #7, #8, and #9 seeds in the whole tournament. I'm not seeing any corruption there. Yes, Kentucky got shafted and the West/Southeast are talent depleted. But, all in all, I really think THE COMMITTEE did a solid job. It's going to be a great tourny with a lot of awesome potential matchups.

Smith hasn't embarrassed tOSU....I just completely disagree with that one. He's been an AD for 25 years (6 of them being VERY SUCCESSFUL at tOSU). He played and coached football at Notre Dame (winning a title coaching in '77ish?). The guy might not be a great public speaker and has dropped the ball at his last two press conferences, but it's hard to argue that he knows what he's doing and has been extremely successful in a competitive field.

It's a common assessment that the Big East is the strongest conference this year. I, for one, think it's hard to tell b/c they just keep beating up on each other. The only Big East team I have making the elite 8 is Pitt.....only time will tell. I do hope you realize that no matter how much you like to bash the Buckeyes and their "family", tOSU will still be better/more successful than whatever team you pledge your allegiance too. You will keep getting "owned" when you post your trash on Ohio State fan heavy sites.....just sayin' :).

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Re: Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Post by ManitouDan »

In my 2nd comment on this thread I said the same thing -- OSU got hosed as well. did you even read before bashing ? and if you think the COMMITTEE did a fine job then good for you, it speaks to your hoops knowledge. (maybe should be expected from a football guy) . My statements are not outrageous. Gene Smith sounded like a fool in way over his head in attempting to bracket the teams. When ask about the last 4 teams to get in, his response " i don't recall " . To simply state " he is not a good public speaker" is cutting the guy a ton of slack just because he is your own. He "dropped the ball " at the last two pressers ??? Somehow i'm ignorant and Gene's just having a bad month. Truth is your a just a typical homer. just sayin MD

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Re: Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Post by ManitouDan »

here is the transcript :

Q. Who was the last team to get in?
GENE SMITH: I can't even remember. I can't remember. I don't know. I actually can't remember. All teams in the first four, whoever they are.

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Re: Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Post by Orange and Brown »

It's always a big fight with B*tching and crying!!! I don't even know why I bother with SEOPS anymore!

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Re: Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Post by ManitouDan »

personally I think it's fun. what fun would it be if everyone thought the same thing. Humans are not robots , I like free thinkers. Heck I love chattin/arguing with Red, Clane and other. IMO all good fun . plus I like being right all the time ( HAAAAA ) MD

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Re: Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Post by ManitouDan »

another GENE-ism :

Q. There was no consideration given to having the weakest of the second seeding play Ohio State then?
GENE SMITH: No, not at all. We search for balance. The top four lines are, again, geographic opportunities, but we don't look at that.

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Re: Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Post by Philos_Finest »

I learned to not open a thread started by MD & Kantucky long ago when I first joined. After opening this, it will continue.

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Re: Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Post by ManitouDan »

philo's doesn't like my politics nuff said . (don't lump me with Ky2 please)

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Re: Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Post by CLane »

I hate to burst a Trolls bubble, but I don't take being called a "homer" as an insult. Hell yeah I'm an OSU Homer. I've read (and heard) my main man The General throw around that term liberally and I accept it.
ManitouDan wrote:My statements are not outrageous.
That is a statement I will debate.
ManitouDan wrote:Big ten blows in hoops, not as bad as football but none the less , not as good as the big 12, big east or ACC.
ManitouDan wrote:Yes for a change the ACC was paper thin. Having said that UNC and Dook are both better than anything the big ten suits up. The big ten acc challenge is ruled by the ACC on most years.
ACC owned first 10 Challenges (not denying it). Big 10 won challenge in 2009 and 2010. Illinois beat UNC in 2009. Wisconsin beat Duke this past December. Michigan St. has lost both games to UNC/Duke in that span. Yes, ACC "was paper thin"....debunks "Big ten...not as good as...ACC."
ManitouDan wrote:In my 2nd comment on this thread I said the same thing -- OSU got hosed as well. did you even read before bashing ? and if you think the COMMITTEE did a fine job then good for you, it speaks to your hoops knowledge. (maybe should be expected from a football guy) .
I wasn't discrediting you about OSU, just agreeing. My "hoops knowledge" is outrageously high by the way. It's been a combination of innate general intelligence and experience (4 years of high school basketball playing for one of the best coaches ever, James P. Osborne, starting for 4 years of college basketball, and a fanatically biased following of NCAA/NBA venturing into my middle ages).

....And yes, upon further analysis and looking past the snubbing of Colorado, VTech, and Kentucky, I think the tournament layout is pretty phenomenal. OSU has a chance to beat 'Nova, Kentucky, UNC, Duke, (Kansas?) to become national champions! WOW! Also, look at the non-OSU potential matchups: WVU/Kentucky, UNC/'Cuse, Kentucky/UNC, UConn/Duke, UNC/Duke, Texas/Duke, Kansas/(Big East),...I could go on and on. It's going to be a great tourny! "Clean Gene" didn't do a bad job.....even though it's the committee as a whole who decides in a democratic setting.

I really think "your topic" is pretty weak. "uniformed"...not sure why that's even relevant??? "corrupt"? corruption in the brackets or tOSU would switch places with Duke or Pitt. As for "Tattoo-Gate"...even if he knew back in the spring when JT found out, I don't fault him for trying to "cover it up". Maybe I'm in an ethically-challenged minority, but there seems to be MUCH BIGGER ISSUES facing NCAA athletics.

Truth is your a just a sad, lonely, hater. just sayin CL

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Re: Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Post by ManitouDan »

can't be true, I'm neither sad , nor lonely. after all I've got you and bleeder. been fun. thanks for making the day go quicker at work ! We will get the chance to see how it all hashes out. It will be a great tourney. Clean Gene did'nt ruin it. He sounded like a politician ( crude insult) trying to explain himself . And yes -- I would be embarrassed if my AD could'nt speak in public. congrats on the sporting career --starting 4 years at college is pretty cool. Did they teach humility at that institute of higher learning ?

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Re: Gene Smith is an uniformed corrupt douche bag.

Post by ManitouDan »

I've heard a lot of excuses but saying that a question about bubble teams to the president of the selection committee is somewhat less than genuine is just goofy.

Why so nasty with the personal condescension ?

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