Notre Dame loses star Wide Receiver Michael Floyd

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Notre Dame loses star Wide Receiver Michael Floyd

Post by therepublican »

Michael Floyd has been suspended from the U. of ND for a DUI arrest over the weekend. Kelly states that the team will move on, but I truly see this as a huge gap in their offense. He was going to be a potential top ten draft pick in 2012 and a heisman candidate. This is Floyd's second arrest for alcohol related offenses. Glad though to see the University make an example of him and boot him. As a true ND fan it sucks to see him go, but that crap isn't tolerated. See ya.

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Re: Notre Dame loses star Wide Receiver Michael Floyd

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

The report on ESPN stated that ge has been suspended, but seems as though it's a suspension that will eventually result in him rejoining the team before the season.

The way I read the report, he'll muss spring and a good amount of summer, but if he meets requirements, he'll be back.

It's his 3rd issue with an alcohol related police issue.

Maybe some new info has came up since I last read the report.

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Re: Notre Dame loses star Wide Receiver Michael Floyd

Post by Peake »

I seriously doubt he is kicked off, though he should be.

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Re: Notre Dame loses star Wide Receiver Michael Floyd

Post by therepublican »

I agree he should be kicked off (and that is coming from a true fan). I want the program to stay as clean as possible. Peake, as for doubting, the admin stated he would receive the same punishment that two guys received last year (Ian William-Star Linemen in the country) and one other (not sure of the name)- which is a one year suspension from the team and the university (yes they can't even go to class). Then after the year suspension they are allowed to come back if they choose. Since Floyd was already staying an extra year, I will assume he will go into the draft..unless the lockout changes his mind.

Dub-where did you see had three offenses? I am only aware of two and that is all I have ever read in the press is about two offenses? One was last year in the summer when he was invloved in a fight, and when the police arrived they found Floyd was underage drinking. Then this new DUI..

ND should suspend him and he shouldn't be allowed to participate in the the next year's season. As much as I hate to see him off the roster, and his captainship, he deserves to be punished like everyone else. And Tailer Jones will pick up the slack (some of it)..there will be a gap though.

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Re: Notre Dame loses star Wide Receiver Michael Floyd

Post by JChipwood »

As far as schooling is concerned, I think they should stick with the bi-laws binding all students at the university and I certainly don't know ND's policy for this behavior. If the bi-laws allow him to remain on campus as a student then I think he will be allowed to play ball at some point in the season and getting caught now is better than in the summer or fall. He definitely is no captain of the team in the future. Seems to me that a tougher lesson could be learned and humility gained by being suspended for a time then given the opportunity to work his way back into the mix and I would figure the "work" would be pretty extensive, again IF he is allowed by the bi-laws set forth by the university.

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Re: Notre Dame loses star Wide Receiver Michael Floyd

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

May 15, 2009: underage consumption
June 8, 2010: underage consumption (Minnesota)
This offense (DUI) makes 3.

Every article Espn has on the matter lists all three.

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Re: Notre Dame loses star Wide Receiver Michael Floyd

Post by therepublican »

Dub- I did forget. I don't spend my time reading through all these articles because they are redundant. I actually forgot about the 2009 incident. I believe that was a house party (also Jimmy Clausen was invloved at the time) that took place off-campus. I wasn't aware or atleast forgot Floyd was invloved with that. Thanks for catching that.

Fact is, we all could say "it happens everywhere" but at some point these clowns have to be held responsible for what they dow and everybody stops saying "they are just kids." Floyd is 21..he should pay the price just like me or anyone else would if we got caught driving home from the nearest bar a little tipsy. As far as I am concerned, he was caught two other times at ages 19 and 20 and he was a grown up then too...but legally he was a minor (pertaining to alcohol) so he got minor implications for it. Maybe if he was punished the first time he would have learned. A slap on the wrist usually doesn't work.

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Re: Notre Dame loses star Wide Receiver Michael Floyd

Post by seofan_via_dublin »


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Re: Notre Dame loses star Wide Receiver Michael Floyd

Post by The Flying Dutchman »

Best case scenario for Floyd is back by October. Worst case scenario is out for entire 2011 season, if that happens he will withdraw from ND , go home and make himself ready and available for the supplemental draft in June. I hope he grows up. Driving a car with a BAL of .19 is both dangerous and stupid.

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Re: Notre Dame loses star Wide Receiver Michael Floyd

Post by 2trap_4ever »

If there is anything good to take out of this is that Brian Kelley is wanting Floyd to get himself right before he even thinks about coming back to the team. Will this be a huge void for the offense, of course but most of us Irish fans didn't even expect to have Floyd back at all this year(was sure he would have went into the draft). As a die hard Notre Dame fan I want the program to stay as clean as possible and I truly believe that Floyd needs to prove himself to his teammates, his coaches, and to the university before he is allowed to put in the golden helmet again.

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Re: Notre Dame loses star Wide Receiver Michael Floyd

Post by Peake »

ESPN saying the word on Floyd coming soon and likely only to get two game suspension.

Double standard anyone.

Good job domers, and everyone still hates you.

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Re: Notre Dame loses star Wide Receiver Michael Floyd

Post by The Flying Dutchman »

No mention of this on any ND board. Stop paying attention to ESPN and please explain the double standard and why you even give a s**t.

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Re: Notre Dame loses star Wide Receiver Michael Floyd

Post by Peake »

So just so I get this straight, I am not aloud to care about anything going on with any other team then I cheer for? Ok. ... 5/SPORTS03

I read the Michigan board from a ND alum that he thinks 2 games. He could be wrong.

It would be a double-standard because this is strike 3 and if he is not dismissed then that sets a very bad example.

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Re: Notre Dame loses star Wide Receiver Michael Floyd

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

If a ND student gets a DUI, out for a semester.
If "non-essential" ND players get the same, they actually get a similar penalty.
--Bravo, good for keeping to standards.

If Floyd gets 2 games for HIS THIRD offense, then this is the DEFINITION of the double standard that you need to have explained.

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Re: Notre Dame loses star Wide Receiver Michael Floyd

Post by The Flying Dutchman »

Peake, did not know you cheered for ND, sorry. Dub, in the past you are correct. In fact I think they have been too strict in the past. The reason people think Floyd will not be dismissed is Reslife has changed on campus. I still think he will dismissed as he should but in the end it only hurts the team because Floyd could jump to the CFL or declare for the NFL supplemental draft.

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Re: Notre Dame loses star Wide Receiver Michael Floyd

Post by Peake »

I obviously cheer for Michigan, but I try and stay as informed as possible. Sorry that I haven't joined the rest of the ignorant non-educated world of sports fans. Shame on me.

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Re: Notre Dame loses star Wide Receiver Michael Floyd

Post by Peake »

Georgia uses a 1st offense-10% of season, 2nd offense-50%, 3rd-gone ... eorgia-dui

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Re: Notre Dame loses star Wide Receiver Michael Floyd

Post by Peake »

Dunlap at Florida suspended for SEC Title game for 1st offense.

Coaches are fired for DUI's.

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Re: Notre Dame loses star Wide Receiver Michael Floyd

Post by Peake »

Ohio State has a 2 minimum suspension after 2nd criminal offense.

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