mister b
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Post by mister b »

Luke Fickell to serve as interm coach for this upcoming season.

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Post by ManitouDan »

bunch of lying crooks. in a bad league. lol MD

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Post by hoot »

Did Tressel confer with Pryors mentor before making this decision?

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Post by mister b »

Now, let me add my thoughts to this matter as a WVU fan first and a college football fan second...

I hope that the mainstream media (ESPN, Yahoo, SI etc) and social media outlets are happy. (Sarcasm intended). Sports scribes, who probably were never any good at sports on any level, have become insanely jealous of the athletes, coaches and programs that they cover to the point that they feel it is within their realm to build up individuals, players, coaches etc and then tear them down in the name of "good journalism" as they continously try to uncover the next "Watergate".

It used to be that the reporters covered sports and reported on the outcome of the games. A few trusted reporters were allowed inside access to the lockerrooms, team transportation etc and in return, if they found the athletes doing something they shouldn't, they reported it to the coaches to handle. That is not the case today as we tend to believe everything we read or is reported before there is solid proof. We have become a nation that is quick to try and convict others in an effort to make ourselves feel better about our own shortcomings.

I would also like to offer my congratulations to today's college professors of journalism who teach nothing more than "yellow journalism" in the name of factual reporting.

What went on at Ohio State, and it will continue regardless of who the coach is, happens at almost 100% of the colleges who offer sports, be it NCAA, NAIA, D-1 to D-3. The reason for this is because the trade-off for doing well and getting rewarded for such, starts at the earliest of ages. Even if dad rewards his son with $10 for every TD he scores or homerun he hits or every basketball game he scores 20+ points, the seed is being sown for later and much greater rewards that are outside the rules and expected by most of the athletes that are being recruited. They see nothing wrong with the outside reward system as they have been exposed to it at the earliest stages of their sports playing careers.

AAU sports are littered with shadowy characters that reward players. Many of the same characters are their very coaches who seek a name for themselves via the players that obtain success at the next or highest levels. Clothing companies such as Nike are as guilty as any as they continue to treat these players as whores to sell their products.

What many of the OSU players did was wrong and I know from day 1 they were told as much, but they are too used to the reward based system to stay away from it for very long. Everyone has their hand in the cookie jar. Does that make it right? No, but the NCAA, the school presidents and ADs are just as guilty as the players because they turn a blind eye and hope nobody gets caught on their watch so they can add millions of dollars to their coffers.

Personally, the coaches are overpaid. But, I don't blame them for taking every stinking dollar thay can get from the "man" while they can because the pressure to perform, win games, make sure every player goes to class AND conducts themselves in a professional manner while still being an "amateur" is a 365 a day job. While the university employs dozens, if not a hundred people to keep all the athletes on track, someone, somewhere will step outside the rules and smear innocent people who don't.

Tressell's big mistake, from my viewpoint, is that he ignored the problem for too long in hopes that it would just go away. I am sure that there were problems at YSU when he was there but it was a much smaller problem to manage.

It is my belief that Tressell threw himself on the sword, at OSU's request, so the NCAA will give a much less harsher punishment now that the coach who was "on watch" during this time, is gone. I am sure JT will be well compensated for his sacrifice.

For the Buckeye faithful that laughed at the troubles of Pete Carroll and USC and others, it is your turn to be the fish in the barrell and the people standing over you have their guns loaded. Sit back and take it.

To the colleges that haven't been caught yet, just hope your programs aren't next in the sights of the nation media.
Last edited by mister b on Mon May 30, 2011 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by BigBlueNation »

That is awesome best news I have heard for awhile I might even start liking them.

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Post by Charley Hustle »

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Post by KVDW »

gahs4ever wrote:
The NCAA rules put people and athletes in financial straits and then come after them when they do what they need to do to "pay the rent." Having said that, I acknowledge that selling memorabilia for tats and having car use privileges has nothing to do with the rent.

I think it was former OSU running back Robert Smith who said that he was always on the prowl for those FREE food offers from Wendys on game ticket stubs. Now that is pathetic.

Change the rules!
with all due respect, sir, i call BS on this.

do college athletes (especially football players at OSU) no longer get free tuition; free room and board; free books; etc., etc. ? can they no longer find jobs.... even menial jobs on campus during their spare time and/or off season? can their parents not even help them a LITTLE?

this reminds me of the family heads these days that strike for higher pay or say that both parents must work two jobs "to make ends meet" when they have 2 SUVS and a mustang for each kid in the driveway of their $200K home along with a $40,000 bass boat and a motor home. they have the "ends" stretched out there so far that it is almost impossible to meet them.... then call "poor mouth".
if these folks you're talking about could restrain themselves a little and try to live a little more "normal" life like most of the kids on campus they could get by just fine.

so, if somebody wants to call "poor mouth" on this,...... i'll call "BS" !! :mrgreen:

leave the rules alone and get off your duff...... and RESPECT the rules.

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Post by dazed&confused »

For anyone who would dance on Tressel's grave, would you rather go 7-5 and lose to Navy in the Liberty Bowl? He made an honest mistake, not out of malicious intent but out of regard (misdirected) for his players. As usual, the lying and cover-up is worse than the original crime. Probably no other way this could have ended although I'm still sorry to see him go. If I were Fickell, I'd meet with the tatoo 5 and lay it on the table. Your scholarships will be honored and you will be athlete-scholars but in the strictest sense. You will serve your 5-game suspensions and upon return, you will sit behind those who played. You may never hit the field again. If you wish to leave/transfer, you may do so with our blessing. But just as Coach Tressel left for the good of the program, you might wish to consider the same thing.

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Post by Bleeding Red »

He shouldnt have resigned......plain and simple. He should have waited until the NCAA completed their investigation, and if he resigned then, they would have still been in the same situation with Fickell at the helm.

For the OSU haters, get a life. Mark my words you are going to see this happen at many more "premiere" NCAA football programs. I think this is scratching the surface and unfortunately it happened to Ohio State.

Furthermore, I have a gut feeling that Pryor was the "ring leader" (No pun intended) and should be kicked off the team. They didnt care about the team when they intentionally broke the rules, they should not be allowed to play.

I will also say that I enjoyed the JT era at OSU, especially the BEATINGS they gave TSUN. He was a successful coach, I think he made a mistake for the right reasons, and I wish him the best.

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Post by 2trap_4ever »

dazed&confused wrote:For anyone who would dance on Tressel's grave, would you rather go 7-5 and lose to Navy in the Liberty Bowl? He made an honest mistake, not out of malicious intent but out of regard (misdirected) for his players. As usual, the lying and cover-up is worse than the original crime. Probably no other way this could have ended although I'm still sorry to see him go. If I were Fickell, I'd meet with the tatoo 5 and lay it on the table. Your scholarships will be honored and you will be athlete-scholars but in the strictest sense. You will serve your 5-game suspensions and upon return, you will sit behind those who played. You may never hit the field again. If you wish to leave/transfer, you may do so with our blessing. But just as Coach Tressel left for the good of the program, you might wish to consider the same thing.

He covered up for his players and tried to hide all of this from the NCAA,,,I believe that falls under the definition of malicious.

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Post by seofan_via_dublin »

I'm busy celebrating the memory of our soldiers to give this thread any proper attention. I'll hit you guys back up tomorrow.

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Post by ManitouDan »

will the domination of the MAC continue without the vest ?

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Post by Bleeding Red »

gahs4ever wrote:Red....Im not sure he had the option. The inference was he was called in last night from his vacation and told to either resign or........................ At least that's the way I took it.

I dont recall OSU beating any MAC team in any of the National Championship games the Bucks played in, and in reality, comparing schedules of the top programs has other schools playing worse than small DI programs.

I guarantee you everey one of those cash strapped MAC schools would get down on their knees and kiss tOSUs hind parts for the payday they received for playing the Bucks! Ever think of that aspect?

I dont think the idiot thinks about much before posting......lol.

I think Gene Smith and President Gee looked very foolish making the statements they did a couple of months ago. Maybe they were buying time to see what developed? Who knows. We will never know exactly what was said behind those closed doors.

ESPN is now reporting the both the university and the NCAA will be completing their own investigation on Pryor. From the university standpoint, if you are going to force out JT, they should go ahead and get rid of Pryor before summer workouts and the August NCAA hearings. I believe they are going to make a strong statement to the NCAA before the NCAA makes a stronger statement to the university. From a football standpoint, Braxton Miller looked solid in the spring game. They are already burning up his freshman redshirt due to Pryor's mistakes, why not eliminate the position Fickell will be in once Miller plays very well the first 5 games and then Pryor comes back and all of a sudden there is turmoil over who should be the starting QB?

Pryor has been a thug all along. Along with a few others who think they are above the program, Fickell will be better off letting the university clean house now so he can focus on coaching the young men who are going to be around for the long haul.

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Post by seofan_via_dublin »

They are investigating Pryor.

Fickle had a team nesting at the Woody Hayes Center this evening at 6:00. Pryor showed up driving a brand new Nissan sports car with black out windows and Dealer Tags.

I said 4 years ago, when he delayed his descision, that he would be more trouble than what he may be worth. I hoped it would change, but I guess not!

I'd like to see some of these guys opt for the supplemental draft!

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Come on Dubs, at least spell Luke Fickell's name right. Good kid, went to DeSales back in the day with some friends kids. I met him a couple times at DeSales football games and at a mutual friends funeral and he is a genuine, humble and down to earth guy. I think if he proves himself this year then he might have a shot at keeping the job but we'll see. I'm glad he at least got a chance and who knows what will happen next. As far as Tress, he can collect his paycheck (much as O'Brien did) and ride off into the sunset a rich man. As Spielman said today on ESPN, when the story broke all Tress had to do was to take the fax, e-mail and other paperwork down the hall to the compliance office and turn it in when this all first happened and he would have been off the hook by doing his job but in the end it was all about winning and it hurt him.

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Post by KVDW »

gahs4ever wrote: There are more things wrong with the rules than are right, and Im not even talking about"poor mouth" athletes.
the "pathetic" vision of Robert Smith out all hours of the night scrounging through the neighborhood dumpsters in search of Wendy's coupons to keep from starving to death sounds a little like a "poor mouth" athlete to me.... and extremely laughable. :roll:
some of these boys lose a little weight when they first begin training for college football but it certainly isn't from malnutrition.... unless training table food has diminished considerably in the last few years. all college kids probably wish they had it so bad.
and if you think paying them to play is going to solve the (perceived) problem... consider this..... they can't even be controlled now and expected to go by the "rules" so just wait 'til BIG CASH starts getting involved and....... Katy Bar the Door !! Who is going to monitor THAT fiasco??
don't we already have enough multi-million dollar crybaby "professionals" ?
gahs4ever wrote:
I think it was former OSU running back Robert Smith who said that he was always on the prowl for those FREE food offers from Wendys on game ticket stubs. Now that is pathetic

Change the rules!

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Post by oldmo31 »

ESPN wins.I saw the great one with his car seo dubs.Made me sick.I can't understand why Tress caulded TP the way he did.Braxton Miller right now is a better QB.Hope they give Fickle a chance.Nobody heard of Urban Myer or Peterson at Boise ten years ago, and I guess they turnd out all right.Myer said he left Florida to spend time with his family and he's been on the road with the talking heads since.Probably more to leaving that was told.Anyway he's budying up with the talking heads so OSU might be in the clear if he is coach.

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Post by schenk11 »

I am tired of hearing the "he did it to protect his players" justification.

He was given information about rules violations within his program that he knew would hurt his chances of winning if he did "THE RIGHT THING" like he talked about extensively in his book "The Winner's Manual". He was more concerned about winning than doing the right thing.

Adversity brings out ones true character. Faced with adversity, he covered up, then lied.

Take off your scarlet covered glasses. If this same situation came out about this school from up north, you would be ripping the school, and coach.

Take emotion out of and think with a clear head.

He lied and covered up obvious rules violations, regardless of whether the rules are right or not, he broke rules to cover up broken rules. A pattern of behavior going back to his days as an assistant at Ohio State when he first began coaching.

Read the SI story, very enlightening.

http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/m ... =hp_t11_a2

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Post by froggy48 »

Very well put schenk11 !!!

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Post by Chieftain »

More "revelations" coming and another investigation. Some players are done at OSU. And maybe more coaches.

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