Ironman92 wrote: Tue Mar 09, 2021 7:12 pm
hawkeyepierce wrote: Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:07 pm
The whole seating thing is sad...really. We hilljacks, would have put five thousand plus camo and blaze orange butts in that place and although I may have graduated from Vinton County, math is correct... 5,000 x $16.00 = $80,000. That is for one game, from one school.
I don’t know and not looking to argue but you think 5000 people of Vinton county would be there? Is that like a 1/3 of the county? I do believe you’d have 5000 fans but you’d have a number of folks from TVC, Logan, Jackson, Wellston and other SE district folks there cheering on, as part of the 5000.
Yes, I believe that there could be as many as... I based that on I know that we had 4,000 at the Convo in 2017 for the boys' regional final against Eastmoor Academy. The one thing you can say for sure about us, is that we travel extremely well. These are extraordinary circumstances, something for us hilljacks that has never have happened before, therefore, I may have taken liberties at the number, but ask Coach Combs how busy he has been answering his phone for people wanting tickets. If we were able to go, under regular circumstances, our school district would close and those students that wanted to go, would go. Again, us hilljacks, are not use to this and I am not sure how we would have handled it. But, I would like to think the Lady Vikings would be greatly supported as they have always been. Nonetheless, we will may never know.