Sat. June 19, Northwest Jr High 7-7

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Sat. June 19, Northwest Jr High 7-7

Post by greygoose »

I heard about this the other day, seems very early for Junior high teams to be working out though. Found it interesting though as now could we start seeing JR High teams doing more 7-7 work. I've heard there's several teams signed up for this should be fun for the kids probably be a bit rough given how early in the summer they're having it. Good Luck though love seeing the young kids getting the work in to prepare them for HS.

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Re: Sat. June 19, Northwest Jr High 7-7

Post by RollCoal »

It ended up being a nice little event once the storm passed. Coal Grove, Northwest, and Waverly participated.

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Re: Sat. June 19, Northwest Jr High 7-7

Post by greygoose »

RollCoal wrote: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:03 am It ended up being a nice little event once the storm passed. Coal Grove, Northwest, and Waverly participated.
Yeah I had to check in with my information guy on this one, he said it went on as planned without a hitch. For being early said the teams looked good given how much prep time each of them had probably had. Glad to hear it went well just don't hear about Jr high teams doing this stuff good way to see some young talent early on in the season. Congrats to the 3 teams that participated, heard there was some stand out players so that's always good.

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