Yea I would bet that he wont be a Trent Salyers, but I do think he will be better than what many think. It will be similar to that year in the sense of just getting the ball in your playmakers hands and not turning it over. If he does those things well, they will be just fine.spider2Ybanana wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 10:17 am [quote=yabbadabbadoo post_id=<a href="tel:1939603">1939603</a> time=<a href="tel:1627912847">1627912847</a> user_id=593]
Everyone saying Burg is going to be weak at QB but no one knows how good he is going to be.
Seems to me I remember Trent Salyers was unproven at QB going into his Junior year and that worked out pretty well for Burg that year.
In all fairness this guy doesn’t have Holden and Matthews to throw to and make plays
Completely different animal and questions on the line