Boys Southeast District Schedules/Scores 2021
Boys Southeast District Schedules/Scores 2021
Westfall 7 Madison Plains 5
Lynchburg Clay 1 Columbus Academy 0
Marietta 4 Warren 0
Gallia Academy 7 Circleville 1
Hamilton Township 2 Miami Trace 1
Zanesville Rosecrans 5 Morgan 1
Canal Winchester 2 Lancaster 0
Hillsboro 2 Waverly 2
Westfall 7 Madison Plains 5
Lynchburg Clay 1 Columbus Academy 0
Marietta 4 Warren 0
Gallia Academy 7 Circleville 1
Hamilton Township 2 Miami Trace 1
Zanesville Rosecrans 5 Morgan 1
Canal Winchester 2 Lancaster 0
Hillsboro 2 Waverly 2
Last edited by a_c_m on Wed Aug 18, 2021 9:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Boys Southeast District Schedules/Scores 2021
1 Zane Trace at Logan Elm 0
Westfall at Sheridan
London at Washington Court House
Goshen at Eastern Brown
4 Ironton St.Joe at Fairland 0
4 Miami Trace at London 2
13 Zanesville Rosecrans at New Lexington 3
0 Warren at Gallia Academy 1
0 Dresden Tri Valley at Marietta 11
2 Zane Trace at North Adams 0
0 Logan at Athens 0
3 Fairfield Union at Lancaster 1
2 Jackson at Circleville 0
1 Big Walnut at Chillicothe 2
2 McClain at Logan Elm 1
0 Clinton Massie at Fairfield 4
0 Lynchburg Clay at Grandview Heights 3
2 Eastern Brown at Hillsboro 3
0 Southeastern at South Point 3
West at Piketon
1 South Webster at Valley 2
3 New Boston Glenwood at Minford 6
Chesapeake at Ironton St.Joe (postponed)
7 Valley at Northwest 1
Western at Fairfield (cancelled/no make up date yet)
5 West Union at Ripley 1
3 North Adams at Eastern Brown 2
4 Lynchburg Clay at Peebles 2
0 Washington Court House at Yellow Springs 10
7 Logan Elm at Westfall 0
7 Portsmouth - Ohio Valley Christian 1
0 New Boston Glenwood at Northwest 4
4 Unioto at Hillsboro 0
0 West at Wheelersburg 15
South Webster at Waverly (postponed - heat)
10 Rock Hill at Piketon 2
1 Sheridan at John Glenn 10
9 Logan at Columbus Briggs 1
2 Alexander at Gallia Academy 2
1 Athens at Marietta 7
6 Caldwell at Belpre 5
0 New Lexington at River View 16
6 Morgan - Tri Valley 3
2 Jackson at Minford 5
6 Zane Trace at West Union 1
0 Lynchburg Clay at Wilmington 1
Madison Plains at Fairfield
Circleville at Liberty Union
Logan Elm at Fairfield Union
10 Bloom Carroll at Amanda Clearcreek 0
Belpre at New Boston Glenwood (cancelled)
10 North Adams at Clay 2
0 West Union at Western 3
5 Marietta at Dover 1
5 Wheelersburg at South Webster 3
10 Minford at West 0
Waverly at Northwest (Postponed)
6 Chesapeake at Rock Hill 8
1 Ripley, WVa. at Athens 5
1 Alexander at South Point 0
New Richmond at Eastern Brown
Westfall at Miami Trace
2 Unioto at Chillicothe 2
Gallia Academy at Jackson
7 West Muskingum at Sheridan 0
Parkersburg South, WVa. at Warren
6 Coshocton at New Lexington 2
4 Hillsboro at Southeastern 0
3 Fairland vs Portsmouth 0
Peebles at Ironton St.Joe (Postponed)
3 Madison Plains at Western 0
Wheelersburg at Zane Trace (Postponed, rescheduled for 9/18 at 2:00)
4 Wilmington at Hillsboro 0
2 South Webster at Jackson 0
Rock Hill at Southeastern
3 Alexander at Lynchburg Clay 1
Miami Trace at Fairfield (postponed)
0 Circleville at Logan 8
1 Sheridan at Liberty Union 9
0 New Lexington at Fairfield Union 11
9 Athens at Williamstown, WVa. 4
2 North Adams vs Western Brown 1
Zane Trace vs New Boston Glenwood at West (cancelled)
2 Fairfield Union at Unioto 1
0 Fayetteville at Lynchburg Clay 6
Fairfield at Eastern Brown (Postponed till 8/31)
North Adams at West Union
4 Wheelersburg at Waverly 3
4 Southeastern vs Rock Hill 3
Ironton St.Joe at West (Postponed)
Valley at Western Pike (Postponed)
2 Miami Trace at Hillsboro 1
5 Gallia Academy at South Point 1
Fairland at Chesapeake
McClain at Chillicothe (Postponed)
Sheridan at River View
Warren at Athens
5 Marietta at New Philadelphia 2
Belpre at Wellston
2 Tri Valley at New Lexington 1
2 Morgan at Coshocton 5
0 Northwest at Minford 5
Piketon at West Union
Fairfield at Peebles
1 Fairfield Union at Bloom Carroll 0
Southeastern at North Adams
2 Teays Valley at Logan Elm 3
1 Fairland at Rock Hill 5
6 Westerville South at Lancaster 0
Western Pike at Ironton St.Joe (Postponed)
4 Chillicothe at Hillsboro 0
0 Northwest at Wheelersburg 5
0 West at South Webster 9
Rock Hill at Fairland
5 South Point at Portsmouth 0
0 Chesapeake at Gallia Academy 10
1 Western Brown at Lynchburg Clay 5
1 Jackson at Miami Trace 1
1 Alexander at Athens 3
Williamstown, WVa. at Belpre
3 Fairfield at Eastern Brown 3
0 Franklin Heights at Logan 7
3 Waverly at Minford 5
Peebles vs Eastern Brown
12 North Adams at Ripley 1
1 Hillsboro at Western Brown 5
2 Miami Trace at Circleville 1
1 Groveport Madison at Chillicothe 5
3 Amanda Clearcreek at Westfall 0
2 Logan at Teays Valley 1
4 Marietta at Unioto 2
0 Lancaster at Athens 4
2 New Philadelphia at Warren 1
1 Clay vs New Boston Glenwood 4 (at West)
Clay at Western Pike (Postponed)
0 Wheelersburg at Valley 3
Miami Trace at Southeastern
3 Minford at South Webster 0
3 Athens at Waverly 3
0 West at Northwest 10
Canal Winchester at Chillicothe
0 Westfall at Hamilton Township 4
5 Coshocton at Sheridan 1
3 Pickerington Central at Logan 0
2 Wellston at Piketon 7
1 New Lexington at West Muskingum 12
3 Portsmouth at Chesapeake 8
0 Fairland at Gallia Academy 5
8 River View at Morgan 1
0 Ironton St.Joe at South Point 2
1 Cambridge at Warren 1
3 Zane Trace at Amanda Clearcreek 4
5 Fairfield Union at Liberty Union 0
6 Logan Elm at Circleville 1
Peebles at North Adams
Fayetteville at West Union
3 Ironton St.Joe vs New Boston Glenwood 2 (at West)
9 Valley at Clay 3
2 Western Pike at Piketon 2
3 Northwest at South Webster 3
3 Gallia Academy at Rock Hill 0
Southeastern at West Union
0 Jackson at Alexander 5
2 Sheridan at Granville Christian 4
5 Unioto at Wilmington 1
Warren at Dover
Belpre at Monroe Central
2 South Point at Fairland 1
2 Peebles vs Eastern Brown 1
2 New Boston Glenwood at Southeastern 3
Belpre at Clay
Williamsburg at Eastern Brown
2 Circleville at Sheridan 1
0 Fairfield Union at River View 0
2 Logan at Canal Winchester 6
1 Amanda Clearcreek at Alexander 7
5 Marietta at John Glenn 0
Philo at New Lexington
3 Grace Christian, WVa, at South Point 4
2 Jackson vs Rock Hill 1
1 South Point vs Johnson Central, Ky. 1
1 Southeastern at Unioto 6
7 Zane Trace at Westfall 2
10 Eastern Brown at West Union 0
2 Piketon at Rock Hill 10
1 Peebles at Valley 3
0 Clay at Ironton St.Joe 8
2 Minford at Wheelersburg 1
0 Northwest at Waverly 1
4 Rock Hill at Portsmouth 1
4 South Point at Chesapeake 3
0 Eastern Brown at Clermont Northeastern 3
2 McClain at Jackson 4
4 Chillicothe at Miami Trace 1
5 Zanesville Maysville at Sheridan 1
0 Dover at Marietta 5
Ripley, WVa. at Warren
Madison Plains at Wellston
Morgan at New Lexington
3 Gallia Academy at Athens 1
0 Belpre vs New Boston Glenwood 1 (at West)
0 Zane Trace at Logan 5
0 Teays Valley at Fairfield Union 1
New Lexington at Sheridan
0 Circleville at Bloom Carroll 9
Westfall at Wellston
Fairfield at North Adams
3 Unioto at Lynchburg Clay 1
2 Peebles at Fayetteville-Perry 1
West Union at Felicity Franklin
1 Ironton St.Joe at Valley 6
4 Miami Trace at McClain 2
6 Wheelersburg at Fairland 1
0 Waverly at South Webster 3
3 South Point at Rock Hill 0
1 Jackson at Hillsboro 0
0 Alexander at Marietta 9
1 Athens at Warren 1
5 Gallia Academy at Portsmouth 0
1 Fairfield at North Adams 2
10 Chesapeake vs West 0
Ripley at Eastern Brown
13 Lynchburg Clay at West Union 0
8 New Boston Glenwood at Western Pike 0
7 Fairfield vs Peebles 2
0 Clay at Fairfield 5
0 McClain at Athens 8
1 South Webster at Unioto 3
1 Waverly at Gallia Academy 3
1 Peebles at Felicity Franklin 2
Circleville at Westfall
0 Groveport Madison at Logan 1
0 Southeastern at Logan Elm 6
10 Marietta at Morgan 2
Warren at Parkersburg, WVa.
4 Wheelersburg at Zane Trace 0
Russell, Ky. 7 Chesapeake 2
0 Valley at Minford 3
18 McClain vs Wellston 0
0 Southeastern at Alexander 7
0 Piketon at Zane Trace 9
2 Athens at Faifield Union 1
0 Sheridan at Lakewood 8
0 Westfall at Unioto 7
9 Fairfield at Ripley 2
3 Lynchburg Clay at Hillsboro 2
8 Peebles at Western Pike 0
Mason Co.,Ky. at Eastern Brown
1 West Union at Northwest 8
0 New Boston Glenwood at Valley 4
2 Northwest at Clay 0
3 Hillsboro at McClain 1
South Webster at Wheelersburg (Postponed)
8 Waverly at West 0
4 Russell, Ky. at Rock Hill 3
8 Chillicothe at Jackson 0
2 Sheridan at Morgan 9
0 Logan at Warren 0
1 New Philadelphia at Marietta 6
3 New Lexington at Philo 4
4 Portsmouth vs Western Pike 2
12 Peebles at West Union 0
Lynchburg Clay at Eastern Brown (Postponed)
Piketon at Westfall
0 Circleville at Teays Valley 5
Hamilton Township at Fairfield Union
0 Athens at Unioto 6
0 West at New Boston Glenwood 3
0 Clay at South Webster 8
West Union at Ironton St.Joe
0 Western Pike at Valley 7
6 Chillicothe at McClain 0
1 Waverly at Wheelersburg 5
3 Minford at Northwest 2
7 Peebles at Southeastern 0
1 Fairfield at Fayetteville-Perry 2
3 Hillsboro at Miami Trace 1
0 New Lexington at Zane Trace 8
Piketon at Wellston
1 Warren at Alexander 2
Cambridge at Marietta
4 Rock Hill vs Chesapeake 4
Fairland vs Portsmouth
2 Lynchburg Clay at Eastern Brown 0
East Carter, Ky. at Ironton St.Joe
Westfall at Clay
6 Ironton St.Joe at Belpre 1
0 Zanesville Maysville at Logan 3
1 Minford at South Point 0
9 Alexander at Eastern Brown 6
1 Fairfield at Southeastern 1
10 Unioto at Circleville 0
Logan Elm at Wellington
1 South Webster vs Lynchburg Clay 1
0 Ohio Valley Christian at Portsmouth 0
3 Zane Trace at Southeastern 0
7 Fairfield Union at Sheridan 0
1 Westfall at Piketon 0
13 North Adams vs West Union 1
0 Logan Elm vs Wellington 2
0 Western Pike at Ironton St.Joe 7
New Boston Glenwood at Clay (Postponed til 9/29)
9 Ironton St.Joe at Western Pike 0
0 North Adams at Valley 2
1 Peebles at Northwest 4
South Point at Gallia Academy
5 Fairland at Chesapeake 0
0 Hillsboro at Chillicothe 4
1 Miami Trace at Jackson 2
6 Tri Valley at Sheridan 2
3 Alexander at Logan 2
1 Marietta at Warren 1
0 Wellston at Belpre 12
0 New Lexington at Zanesville Maysville 7
New Boston Glenwood at Clay (Postponed)
3 Lynchburg Clay at Fairfield 1
1 Westfall at Zane Trace 3
Fairfield at Circleville
1 Liberty Union at Logan Elm 4
4 Piketon vs West Union 4
2 New Boston Glenwood at Peebles 2
1 Western Pike at Clay 2
0 West Union at Valley 9
3 Jackson at McClain 0
4 Wheelersburg at Northwest 0
Fairland at Rock Hill
0 Portsmouth at South Point 4
2 Miami Trace at Chillicothe 5
0 Belpre at Alexander 11
North Adams at Unioto
2 Minford at Waverly 1
0 Ohio Valley Christian at Wellston 0
Clay at West
9 McClain at Circleville 0
0 Lynchburg Clay at Wheelersburg 4
7 Alexander at South Webster 4
8 North Adams at Westfall 0
0 Amanda Clearcreek at Fairfield Union 7
2 Logan at Lancaster 0
22 Athens at New Lexington 1
Warren at Morgan
1 Logan Elm at Hamilton Township 3
1 Chillicothe vs Canal Winchester 1
4 Ironton St.Joe at Chesapeake 2
5 Chillicothe at Marietta 5
0 New Lexington at Logan Elm 11
Southeastern at Piketon
0 Zane Trace at Unioto 4
Hebron Lakewood at Sheridan
Wellston at Westfall
Peebles at Ripley
1 West Union at Fairfield 7
1 New Boston Glenwood at Ironton St.Joe 3
0 Clay at Valley 8
1 McClain at Miami Trace 6
1 South Point at Wheelersburg 7
1 Waverly at Alexander 7
9 Northwest at West 0
Chesapeake at Portsmouth
1 North Adams at Lynchburg Clay 2
1 Hillsboro at Jackson 0
Sheridan at New Lexington
Franklin Heights at Logan
Belpre at Athens
0 South Webster at Minford 2
1 New Boston Glenwood at Wheelersburg 4
0 Fisher Catholic at Fairfield Union 7
1 Amanda Clearcreek at Logan Elm 1
1 Miami Trace at Fairfield 2
9 Valley vs Western Pike 0
11 Ironton St.Joe at Clay 5
0 McClain at Hillsboro 2
8 South Webster at West 0
1 Waverly at Unioto 6
3 Chesaapeake at Northwest 8
0 Rock Hill at Gallia Academy 5
1 Fairland at South Point 3
2 Eastern Brown at Fayetteville Perry 0
0 Lynchburg Clay at Georgetown 2
0 Point Pleasant, WVa. at Alexander 0
3 Marietta at Indian Creek 2
1 Dover at Warren 0
Monroe Central at Belpre
Wellston at North Adams
2 Athens at Minford 1
3 Miami Trace at Southeastern 4
6 Fairfield 6 Westfall 0
4 Peebles vs North Adams 4
2 New Boston Glenwood at Clay 1
1 Warren at New Philadelphia 2
1 Logan at Newark 1
2 John Glenn at Fairfield Union 4
5 Columbus DeSales at Chillicothe 1
2 Southeastern at McClain 3
6 Fairfield at West 1
2 South Webster at Wheelersburg 1
3 Minford at Rock Hill 0
2 Miami Trace at Waverly 3
1 Eastern Brown at Clinton Massie 3
2 Southeastern at Westfall 0
0 Circleville at Zane Trace 4
0 Piketon at Unioto 14
2 Wood Co. Christian, WVa. at Belpre 1
Ohio Valley Christian at Wellston
0 Hamilton Township at Fairfield Union 3
0 Hillsboro at Logan Elm 2
12 Peebles at Ripley 0
0 Chesapeake at Ironton St.Joe 8
0 Parkersburg, WVa. at Warren 3
2 Western Pike vs West Union 1
0 McClain at Chillicothe 9
Western Pike at New Boston Glenwood (changed to 10/13 at West)
1 Clay at Peebles 6
3 Valley at Ironton St.Joe 1
Westfall at McClain
9 Wheelersburg at West 1
0 South Webster at Northwest 1
Portsmouth a Rock Hill
0 Chesapeake at South Point 2
8 Logan at Jackson 1
3 Philo at Sheridan 2
1 Pt.Pleasant, WVa at Marietta 5
New Lexington at John Glenn
1 Southeastern at North Adams 1
0 Western Pike vs New Boston Glenwood 2 (at West)
3 Eastern Brown at North Adams 2
0 Ripley at Lynchburg Clay 10
1 Miami Trace at Zane Trace 3
2 Hamilton Township at Circleville 0
2 Bloom Carroll at Logan Elm 2
2 Waverly at Northwest 0
Fairland at Wellston
1 New Boston Glenwood at Valley 4
1 Unioto at Alexander 2
0 West at Waverly 9
1 Fairfield at McClain 0
1 Rock Hill at South Point 2
0 West Union at Peebles 5
3 Chillicothe at Athens 3
0 Fairfield Union at Marietta 4
St. Marys, WVa. at Belpre
0 Portsmouth at Gallia Academy 13
1 Wheelersburg at Minford 3
Fairland at Ironton St.Joe
Logan at Marietta
2 John Glenn at Warren 3
4 Zane Trace at Jackson 2
0 Unioto at Valley 0
Tournament Schedule
10/19 Division I
4 Logan at Whitehall Yearling 3 (S/O)
10/19 Division II
New Lexington at Sheridan (Sheridan won)
1 West at Circleville 9
10/19 Division III
3 Eastern Brown at New Boston Glenwood 1
0 Wellston at South Webster 8
0 West Union at Ironton St.Joe 6
0 Piketon at Peebles 10
1 Westfall at Fairfield 3
2 Portsmouth at Fairland 3 (OT)
0 Western at Northwest 7
3 Belpre at Southeastern 2 (OT) (Upset)
1 Clay at Rock Hill 0 (Upset)
10/21 Division III
1 Eastern Brown at #1 Minford 5
2 Ironton St.Joe at South Webster 4
1 Peebles at #4 Lynchburg Clay 0
1 Fairfield at #5 South Point 0
0 Fairland at #2 Valley 2
2 Northwest at #7 North Adams 1
0 Belpre at #3 Wheelersburg 10
0 Clay at # 6 Zane Trace 6
10/20 Division II
0 Sheridan at #1 Marietta 11
1 Logan Elm at Hillsboro 3
0 Waverly at Unioto 6
0 McClain at Alexander 7
0 Circleville at #2 Gallia Academy 16
4 Miami Trace at Jackson 2
1 Chesapeake at Fairfield Union 10
1 Warren at Athens 2
10/21 Division I
0 Logan at St.Charles 6
0 Reynoldsburg at Chillicothe 1 (2 OT)
10/26 Division II
2 Hillsboro at Marietta 6
0 Alexander at Unioto 1
0 Miami Trace at Gallia Academy 8
Athens at Fairfield Union (Athens won)
10/26 Division III
0 South Webster at Minford 2
0 Fairfield at Peebles 1
0 Northwest at Valley 5
1 Zane Trace at Wheelersburg 4
10/26 Division I
Chillicothe at #1 New Albany (New Albany won)
10/28 Division II (District Final) at Zane Trace
2 #6 Unioto vs #1 Marietta 1
1 #6 Athens vs #2 Gallia Academy 0
10/30 Division III (District Final) at Waverly
2 #13 Peebles vs #1 Minford 3
2 #3 Wheelersburg vs #2 Valley 1
0 Minford vs Berlin Hiland 1 at Grove City
0 Wheelersburg vs Grandview Heights 1 at Zane Trace
11/3 Division II
3 Unioto vs St.Clairsville 2 at Cambridge
5 Athens vs Dover 3 at West Muskingum
11/6 Division II at West Muskingum
1 Athens vs Unioto 2
11/10 Division II at Teays Valley
6 Cincinnati Wyoming vs Unioto 1
1 Zane Trace at Logan Elm 0
Westfall at Sheridan
London at Washington Court House
Goshen at Eastern Brown
4 Ironton St.Joe at Fairland 0
4 Miami Trace at London 2
13 Zanesville Rosecrans at New Lexington 3
0 Warren at Gallia Academy 1
0 Dresden Tri Valley at Marietta 11
2 Zane Trace at North Adams 0
0 Logan at Athens 0
3 Fairfield Union at Lancaster 1
2 Jackson at Circleville 0
1 Big Walnut at Chillicothe 2
2 McClain at Logan Elm 1
0 Clinton Massie at Fairfield 4
0 Lynchburg Clay at Grandview Heights 3
2 Eastern Brown at Hillsboro 3
0 Southeastern at South Point 3
West at Piketon
1 South Webster at Valley 2
3 New Boston Glenwood at Minford 6
Chesapeake at Ironton St.Joe (postponed)
7 Valley at Northwest 1
Western at Fairfield (cancelled/no make up date yet)
5 West Union at Ripley 1
3 North Adams at Eastern Brown 2
4 Lynchburg Clay at Peebles 2
0 Washington Court House at Yellow Springs 10
7 Logan Elm at Westfall 0
7 Portsmouth - Ohio Valley Christian 1
0 New Boston Glenwood at Northwest 4
4 Unioto at Hillsboro 0
0 West at Wheelersburg 15
South Webster at Waverly (postponed - heat)
10 Rock Hill at Piketon 2
1 Sheridan at John Glenn 10
9 Logan at Columbus Briggs 1
2 Alexander at Gallia Academy 2
1 Athens at Marietta 7
6 Caldwell at Belpre 5
0 New Lexington at River View 16
6 Morgan - Tri Valley 3
2 Jackson at Minford 5
6 Zane Trace at West Union 1
0 Lynchburg Clay at Wilmington 1
Madison Plains at Fairfield
Circleville at Liberty Union
Logan Elm at Fairfield Union
10 Bloom Carroll at Amanda Clearcreek 0
Belpre at New Boston Glenwood (cancelled)
10 North Adams at Clay 2
0 West Union at Western 3
5 Marietta at Dover 1
5 Wheelersburg at South Webster 3
10 Minford at West 0
Waverly at Northwest (Postponed)
6 Chesapeake at Rock Hill 8
1 Ripley, WVa. at Athens 5
1 Alexander at South Point 0
New Richmond at Eastern Brown
Westfall at Miami Trace
2 Unioto at Chillicothe 2
Gallia Academy at Jackson
7 West Muskingum at Sheridan 0
Parkersburg South, WVa. at Warren
6 Coshocton at New Lexington 2
4 Hillsboro at Southeastern 0
3 Fairland vs Portsmouth 0
Peebles at Ironton St.Joe (Postponed)
3 Madison Plains at Western 0
Wheelersburg at Zane Trace (Postponed, rescheduled for 9/18 at 2:00)
4 Wilmington at Hillsboro 0
2 South Webster at Jackson 0
Rock Hill at Southeastern
3 Alexander at Lynchburg Clay 1
Miami Trace at Fairfield (postponed)
0 Circleville at Logan 8
1 Sheridan at Liberty Union 9
0 New Lexington at Fairfield Union 11
9 Athens at Williamstown, WVa. 4
2 North Adams vs Western Brown 1
Zane Trace vs New Boston Glenwood at West (cancelled)
2 Fairfield Union at Unioto 1
0 Fayetteville at Lynchburg Clay 6
Fairfield at Eastern Brown (Postponed till 8/31)
North Adams at West Union
4 Wheelersburg at Waverly 3
4 Southeastern vs Rock Hill 3
Ironton St.Joe at West (Postponed)
Valley at Western Pike (Postponed)
2 Miami Trace at Hillsboro 1
5 Gallia Academy at South Point 1
Fairland at Chesapeake
McClain at Chillicothe (Postponed)
Sheridan at River View
Warren at Athens
5 Marietta at New Philadelphia 2
Belpre at Wellston
2 Tri Valley at New Lexington 1
2 Morgan at Coshocton 5
0 Northwest at Minford 5
Piketon at West Union
Fairfield at Peebles
1 Fairfield Union at Bloom Carroll 0
Southeastern at North Adams
2 Teays Valley at Logan Elm 3
1 Fairland at Rock Hill 5
6 Westerville South at Lancaster 0
Western Pike at Ironton St.Joe (Postponed)
4 Chillicothe at Hillsboro 0
0 Northwest at Wheelersburg 5
0 West at South Webster 9
Rock Hill at Fairland
5 South Point at Portsmouth 0
0 Chesapeake at Gallia Academy 10
1 Western Brown at Lynchburg Clay 5
1 Jackson at Miami Trace 1
1 Alexander at Athens 3
Williamstown, WVa. at Belpre
3 Fairfield at Eastern Brown 3
0 Franklin Heights at Logan 7
3 Waverly at Minford 5
Peebles vs Eastern Brown
12 North Adams at Ripley 1
1 Hillsboro at Western Brown 5
2 Miami Trace at Circleville 1
1 Groveport Madison at Chillicothe 5
3 Amanda Clearcreek at Westfall 0
2 Logan at Teays Valley 1
4 Marietta at Unioto 2
0 Lancaster at Athens 4
2 New Philadelphia at Warren 1
1 Clay vs New Boston Glenwood 4 (at West)
Clay at Western Pike (Postponed)
0 Wheelersburg at Valley 3
Miami Trace at Southeastern
3 Minford at South Webster 0
3 Athens at Waverly 3
0 West at Northwest 10
Canal Winchester at Chillicothe
0 Westfall at Hamilton Township 4
5 Coshocton at Sheridan 1
3 Pickerington Central at Logan 0
2 Wellston at Piketon 7
1 New Lexington at West Muskingum 12
3 Portsmouth at Chesapeake 8
0 Fairland at Gallia Academy 5
8 River View at Morgan 1
0 Ironton St.Joe at South Point 2
1 Cambridge at Warren 1
3 Zane Trace at Amanda Clearcreek 4
5 Fairfield Union at Liberty Union 0
6 Logan Elm at Circleville 1
Peebles at North Adams
Fayetteville at West Union
3 Ironton St.Joe vs New Boston Glenwood 2 (at West)
9 Valley at Clay 3
2 Western Pike at Piketon 2
3 Northwest at South Webster 3
3 Gallia Academy at Rock Hill 0
Southeastern at West Union
0 Jackson at Alexander 5
2 Sheridan at Granville Christian 4
5 Unioto at Wilmington 1
Warren at Dover
Belpre at Monroe Central
2 South Point at Fairland 1
2 Peebles vs Eastern Brown 1
2 New Boston Glenwood at Southeastern 3
Belpre at Clay
Williamsburg at Eastern Brown
2 Circleville at Sheridan 1
0 Fairfield Union at River View 0
2 Logan at Canal Winchester 6
1 Amanda Clearcreek at Alexander 7
5 Marietta at John Glenn 0
Philo at New Lexington
3 Grace Christian, WVa, at South Point 4
2 Jackson vs Rock Hill 1
1 South Point vs Johnson Central, Ky. 1
1 Southeastern at Unioto 6
7 Zane Trace at Westfall 2
10 Eastern Brown at West Union 0
2 Piketon at Rock Hill 10
1 Peebles at Valley 3
0 Clay at Ironton St.Joe 8
2 Minford at Wheelersburg 1
0 Northwest at Waverly 1
4 Rock Hill at Portsmouth 1
4 South Point at Chesapeake 3
0 Eastern Brown at Clermont Northeastern 3
2 McClain at Jackson 4
4 Chillicothe at Miami Trace 1
5 Zanesville Maysville at Sheridan 1
0 Dover at Marietta 5
Ripley, WVa. at Warren
Madison Plains at Wellston
Morgan at New Lexington
3 Gallia Academy at Athens 1
0 Belpre vs New Boston Glenwood 1 (at West)
0 Zane Trace at Logan 5
0 Teays Valley at Fairfield Union 1
New Lexington at Sheridan
0 Circleville at Bloom Carroll 9
Westfall at Wellston
Fairfield at North Adams
3 Unioto at Lynchburg Clay 1
2 Peebles at Fayetteville-Perry 1
West Union at Felicity Franklin
1 Ironton St.Joe at Valley 6
4 Miami Trace at McClain 2
6 Wheelersburg at Fairland 1
0 Waverly at South Webster 3
3 South Point at Rock Hill 0
1 Jackson at Hillsboro 0
0 Alexander at Marietta 9
1 Athens at Warren 1
5 Gallia Academy at Portsmouth 0
1 Fairfield at North Adams 2
10 Chesapeake vs West 0
Ripley at Eastern Brown
13 Lynchburg Clay at West Union 0
8 New Boston Glenwood at Western Pike 0
7 Fairfield vs Peebles 2
0 Clay at Fairfield 5
0 McClain at Athens 8
1 South Webster at Unioto 3
1 Waverly at Gallia Academy 3
1 Peebles at Felicity Franklin 2
Circleville at Westfall
0 Groveport Madison at Logan 1
0 Southeastern at Logan Elm 6
10 Marietta at Morgan 2
Warren at Parkersburg, WVa.
4 Wheelersburg at Zane Trace 0
Russell, Ky. 7 Chesapeake 2
0 Valley at Minford 3
18 McClain vs Wellston 0
0 Southeastern at Alexander 7
0 Piketon at Zane Trace 9
2 Athens at Faifield Union 1
0 Sheridan at Lakewood 8
0 Westfall at Unioto 7
9 Fairfield at Ripley 2
3 Lynchburg Clay at Hillsboro 2
8 Peebles at Western Pike 0
Mason Co.,Ky. at Eastern Brown
1 West Union at Northwest 8
0 New Boston Glenwood at Valley 4
2 Northwest at Clay 0
3 Hillsboro at McClain 1
South Webster at Wheelersburg (Postponed)
8 Waverly at West 0
4 Russell, Ky. at Rock Hill 3
8 Chillicothe at Jackson 0
2 Sheridan at Morgan 9
0 Logan at Warren 0
1 New Philadelphia at Marietta 6
3 New Lexington at Philo 4
4 Portsmouth vs Western Pike 2
12 Peebles at West Union 0
Lynchburg Clay at Eastern Brown (Postponed)
Piketon at Westfall
0 Circleville at Teays Valley 5
Hamilton Township at Fairfield Union
0 Athens at Unioto 6
0 West at New Boston Glenwood 3
0 Clay at South Webster 8
West Union at Ironton St.Joe
0 Western Pike at Valley 7
6 Chillicothe at McClain 0
1 Waverly at Wheelersburg 5
3 Minford at Northwest 2
7 Peebles at Southeastern 0
1 Fairfield at Fayetteville-Perry 2
3 Hillsboro at Miami Trace 1
0 New Lexington at Zane Trace 8
Piketon at Wellston
1 Warren at Alexander 2
Cambridge at Marietta
4 Rock Hill vs Chesapeake 4
Fairland vs Portsmouth
2 Lynchburg Clay at Eastern Brown 0
East Carter, Ky. at Ironton St.Joe
Westfall at Clay
6 Ironton St.Joe at Belpre 1
0 Zanesville Maysville at Logan 3
1 Minford at South Point 0
9 Alexander at Eastern Brown 6
1 Fairfield at Southeastern 1
10 Unioto at Circleville 0
Logan Elm at Wellington
1 South Webster vs Lynchburg Clay 1
0 Ohio Valley Christian at Portsmouth 0
3 Zane Trace at Southeastern 0
7 Fairfield Union at Sheridan 0
1 Westfall at Piketon 0
13 North Adams vs West Union 1
0 Logan Elm vs Wellington 2
0 Western Pike at Ironton St.Joe 7
New Boston Glenwood at Clay (Postponed til 9/29)
9 Ironton St.Joe at Western Pike 0
0 North Adams at Valley 2
1 Peebles at Northwest 4
South Point at Gallia Academy
5 Fairland at Chesapeake 0
0 Hillsboro at Chillicothe 4
1 Miami Trace at Jackson 2
6 Tri Valley at Sheridan 2
3 Alexander at Logan 2
1 Marietta at Warren 1
0 Wellston at Belpre 12
0 New Lexington at Zanesville Maysville 7
New Boston Glenwood at Clay (Postponed)
3 Lynchburg Clay at Fairfield 1
1 Westfall at Zane Trace 3
Fairfield at Circleville
1 Liberty Union at Logan Elm 4
4 Piketon vs West Union 4
2 New Boston Glenwood at Peebles 2
1 Western Pike at Clay 2
0 West Union at Valley 9
3 Jackson at McClain 0
4 Wheelersburg at Northwest 0
Fairland at Rock Hill
0 Portsmouth at South Point 4
2 Miami Trace at Chillicothe 5
0 Belpre at Alexander 11
North Adams at Unioto
2 Minford at Waverly 1
0 Ohio Valley Christian at Wellston 0
Clay at West
9 McClain at Circleville 0
0 Lynchburg Clay at Wheelersburg 4
7 Alexander at South Webster 4
8 North Adams at Westfall 0
0 Amanda Clearcreek at Fairfield Union 7
2 Logan at Lancaster 0
22 Athens at New Lexington 1
Warren at Morgan
1 Logan Elm at Hamilton Township 3
1 Chillicothe vs Canal Winchester 1
4 Ironton St.Joe at Chesapeake 2
5 Chillicothe at Marietta 5
0 New Lexington at Logan Elm 11
Southeastern at Piketon
0 Zane Trace at Unioto 4
Hebron Lakewood at Sheridan
Wellston at Westfall
Peebles at Ripley
1 West Union at Fairfield 7
1 New Boston Glenwood at Ironton St.Joe 3
0 Clay at Valley 8
1 McClain at Miami Trace 6
1 South Point at Wheelersburg 7
1 Waverly at Alexander 7
9 Northwest at West 0
Chesapeake at Portsmouth
1 North Adams at Lynchburg Clay 2
1 Hillsboro at Jackson 0
Sheridan at New Lexington
Franklin Heights at Logan
Belpre at Athens
0 South Webster at Minford 2
1 New Boston Glenwood at Wheelersburg 4
0 Fisher Catholic at Fairfield Union 7
1 Amanda Clearcreek at Logan Elm 1
1 Miami Trace at Fairfield 2
9 Valley vs Western Pike 0
11 Ironton St.Joe at Clay 5
0 McClain at Hillsboro 2
8 South Webster at West 0
1 Waverly at Unioto 6
3 Chesaapeake at Northwest 8
0 Rock Hill at Gallia Academy 5
1 Fairland at South Point 3
2 Eastern Brown at Fayetteville Perry 0
0 Lynchburg Clay at Georgetown 2
0 Point Pleasant, WVa. at Alexander 0
3 Marietta at Indian Creek 2
1 Dover at Warren 0
Monroe Central at Belpre
Wellston at North Adams
2 Athens at Minford 1
3 Miami Trace at Southeastern 4
6 Fairfield 6 Westfall 0
4 Peebles vs North Adams 4
2 New Boston Glenwood at Clay 1
1 Warren at New Philadelphia 2
1 Logan at Newark 1
2 John Glenn at Fairfield Union 4
5 Columbus DeSales at Chillicothe 1
2 Southeastern at McClain 3
6 Fairfield at West 1
2 South Webster at Wheelersburg 1
3 Minford at Rock Hill 0
2 Miami Trace at Waverly 3
1 Eastern Brown at Clinton Massie 3
2 Southeastern at Westfall 0
0 Circleville at Zane Trace 4
0 Piketon at Unioto 14
2 Wood Co. Christian, WVa. at Belpre 1
Ohio Valley Christian at Wellston
0 Hamilton Township at Fairfield Union 3
0 Hillsboro at Logan Elm 2
12 Peebles at Ripley 0
0 Chesapeake at Ironton St.Joe 8
0 Parkersburg, WVa. at Warren 3
2 Western Pike vs West Union 1
0 McClain at Chillicothe 9
Western Pike at New Boston Glenwood (changed to 10/13 at West)
1 Clay at Peebles 6
3 Valley at Ironton St.Joe 1
Westfall at McClain
9 Wheelersburg at West 1
0 South Webster at Northwest 1
Portsmouth a Rock Hill
0 Chesapeake at South Point 2
8 Logan at Jackson 1
3 Philo at Sheridan 2
1 Pt.Pleasant, WVa at Marietta 5
New Lexington at John Glenn
1 Southeastern at North Adams 1
0 Western Pike vs New Boston Glenwood 2 (at West)
3 Eastern Brown at North Adams 2
0 Ripley at Lynchburg Clay 10
1 Miami Trace at Zane Trace 3
2 Hamilton Township at Circleville 0
2 Bloom Carroll at Logan Elm 2
2 Waverly at Northwest 0
Fairland at Wellston
1 New Boston Glenwood at Valley 4
1 Unioto at Alexander 2
0 West at Waverly 9
1 Fairfield at McClain 0
1 Rock Hill at South Point 2
0 West Union at Peebles 5
3 Chillicothe at Athens 3
0 Fairfield Union at Marietta 4
St. Marys, WVa. at Belpre
0 Portsmouth at Gallia Academy 13
1 Wheelersburg at Minford 3
Fairland at Ironton St.Joe
Logan at Marietta
2 John Glenn at Warren 3
4 Zane Trace at Jackson 2
0 Unioto at Valley 0
Tournament Schedule
10/19 Division I
4 Logan at Whitehall Yearling 3 (S/O)
10/19 Division II
New Lexington at Sheridan (Sheridan won)
1 West at Circleville 9
10/19 Division III
3 Eastern Brown at New Boston Glenwood 1
0 Wellston at South Webster 8
0 West Union at Ironton St.Joe 6
0 Piketon at Peebles 10
1 Westfall at Fairfield 3
2 Portsmouth at Fairland 3 (OT)
0 Western at Northwest 7
3 Belpre at Southeastern 2 (OT) (Upset)
1 Clay at Rock Hill 0 (Upset)
10/21 Division III
1 Eastern Brown at #1 Minford 5
2 Ironton St.Joe at South Webster 4
1 Peebles at #4 Lynchburg Clay 0
1 Fairfield at #5 South Point 0
0 Fairland at #2 Valley 2
2 Northwest at #7 North Adams 1
0 Belpre at #3 Wheelersburg 10
0 Clay at # 6 Zane Trace 6
10/20 Division II
0 Sheridan at #1 Marietta 11
1 Logan Elm at Hillsboro 3
0 Waverly at Unioto 6
0 McClain at Alexander 7
0 Circleville at #2 Gallia Academy 16
4 Miami Trace at Jackson 2
1 Chesapeake at Fairfield Union 10
1 Warren at Athens 2
10/21 Division I
0 Logan at St.Charles 6
0 Reynoldsburg at Chillicothe 1 (2 OT)
10/26 Division II
2 Hillsboro at Marietta 6
0 Alexander at Unioto 1
0 Miami Trace at Gallia Academy 8
Athens at Fairfield Union (Athens won)
10/26 Division III
0 South Webster at Minford 2
0 Fairfield at Peebles 1
0 Northwest at Valley 5
1 Zane Trace at Wheelersburg 4
10/26 Division I
Chillicothe at #1 New Albany (New Albany won)
10/28 Division II (District Final) at Zane Trace
2 #6 Unioto vs #1 Marietta 1
1 #6 Athens vs #2 Gallia Academy 0
10/30 Division III (District Final) at Waverly
2 #13 Peebles vs #1 Minford 3
2 #3 Wheelersburg vs #2 Valley 1
0 Minford vs Berlin Hiland 1 at Grove City
0 Wheelersburg vs Grandview Heights 1 at Zane Trace
11/3 Division II
3 Unioto vs St.Clairsville 2 at Cambridge
5 Athens vs Dover 3 at West Muskingum
11/6 Division II at West Muskingum
1 Athens vs Unioto 2
11/10 Division II at Teays Valley
6 Cincinnati Wyoming vs Unioto 1
Last edited by a_c_m on Wed Nov 10, 2021 9:41 pm, edited 112 times in total.
Re: Boys Southeast District Schedules/Scores 2021
Minford 6 New Boston Glenwood 3 (Game was tied at 3-3 at the half with Preston Jackson for the Tigers having all three goals before a second half injury and he had to leave the game)
Miami Trace 4 London 2
Zane Trace 2 North Adams 0
Fairfield 4 Clinton Massie 0
Gallia Academy 1 Warren 0
Marietta 11 Tri Valley 0
Logan 0 Athens 0
Chillicothe 2 Big Walnut 1
Minford 6 New Boston Glenwood 3 (Game was tied at 3-3 at the half with Preston Jackson for the Tigers having all three goals before a second half injury and he had to leave the game)
Miami Trace 4 London 2
Zane Trace 2 North Adams 0
Fairfield 4 Clinton Massie 0
Gallia Academy 1 Warren 0
Marietta 11 Tri Valley 0
Logan 0 Athens 0
Chillicothe 2 Big Walnut 1
Last edited by a_c_m on Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2021 11:21 pm
- Freshman Team
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- Joined: Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:57 pm
Re: Boys Southeast District Schedules/Scores 2021
Valley 2 (Sommers, Ashkettle)
South Webster 1 (Zimmerman)
South Webster 1 (Zimmerman)
Re: Boys Southeast District Schedules/Scores 2021
Very unfortunate Red Card for south Webster (Zimmerman) they have two big league games this week against Waverly and Wheelersburg. I thought both Red cards (other was #8 for Valley) were rather soft and uncalled for by the official.
Re: Boys Southeast District Schedules/Scores 2021
I heard the red card for Webster was for "taunting" after a goal was scored and the one on Valley was for a spikes up slide tackle. I also heard the Eastern Brown keeper got a straight red for "dissent" (arguing with a ref about a call). I have no first hand knowledge of any of these plays, but it seems like the officials are much quicker to pull the red card on opening weekend!
I understand that "by the book" these could all be legit red cards, but without knowing more specifics, I would say they all could have been yellow card warnings.
I understand that "by the book" these could all be legit red cards, but without knowing more specifics, I would say they all could have been yellow card warnings.
- Freshman Team
- Posts: 239
- Joined: Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:04 pm
Re: Boys Southeast District Schedules/Scores 2021
Tonights Western at Fairfield game has been postponed. No Make up date announced yet
Re: Boys Southeast District Schedules/Scores 2021
Ironton St.Joe 4 Fairland 0
McCclain 2 Logan Elm 1
Hillsboro 3 Eastern Brown 2
North Adams 3 Eastern Brown 2
Lynchburg Clay 4 Peebles 2
Yellow Springs 10 Washington Court House 0
Ironton St.Joe 4 Fairland 0
McCclain 2 Logan Elm 1
Hillsboro 3 Eastern Brown 2
North Adams 3 Eastern Brown 2
Lynchburg Clay 4 Peebles 2
Yellow Springs 10 Washington Court House 0
Re: Boys Southeast District Schedules/Scores 2021
The New Boston Glenwood game with Northwest has been moved to Northwest this evening.
- SE
- Posts: 2299
- Joined: Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:52 am
Re: Boys Southeast District Schedules/Scores 2021
Assuming these scores are from 8/23
Portsmouth 7, Ohio Valley Christian 1
Valley 5, Northwest 1
Chesapeake at Ironton St. Joe — postponed
Portsmouth 7, Ohio Valley Christian 1
Valley 5, Northwest 1
Chesapeake at Ironton St. Joe — postponed
Re: Boys Southeast District Schedules/Scores 2021
Northwest 4 New Boston Glenwood 0
Unioto 4 Hillsboro 0
Wheelersburg over West
Logan 9 Columbus Briggs 1
Marietta 7 Athens 1
Morgan 6 Tri Valley 3
South Webster - Waverly (postponed - heat)
John Glenn 10 Sheridan 1
Alexander 2 Gallia Academy 2
Riverview 16 New Lexington 0
Minford 5 Jackson 2
Rock Hill 10 Piketon 2
Caldwell 6 Belpre 5
Northwest 4 New Boston Glenwood 0
Unioto 4 Hillsboro 0
Wheelersburg over West
Logan 9 Columbus Briggs 1
Marietta 7 Athens 1
Morgan 6 Tri Valley 3
South Webster - Waverly (postponed - heat)
John Glenn 10 Sheridan 1
Alexander 2 Gallia Academy 2
Riverview 16 New Lexington 0
Minford 5 Jackson 2
Rock Hill 10 Piketon 2
Caldwell 6 Belpre 5
Last edited by a_c_m on Wed Aug 25, 2021 11:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
- S
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- Location: Wheelersburg
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Re: Boys Southeast District Schedules/Scores 2021
Time once again for my annual post on the subject, but would someone please get West soccer out of SOC II and into SOC I? That game accomplishes nothing for Wheelersburg or West. Not saying anything else about it until around the same time next year.*
Re: Boys Southeast District Schedules/Scores 2021
It appears burg didn't miss a beat from last year.
Re: Boys Southeast District Schedules/Scores 2021
The Belpre at New Boston Glenwood game scheduled for tomorrow has been cancelled.
Re: Boys Southeast District Schedules/Scores 2021
Zane Trace 6 West Union 1
Wilmington 1 Lynchburg Clay 0
Bloom Carroll 10 Amanda Clearcreek 0
Zane Trace 6 West Union 1
Wilmington 1 Lynchburg Clay 0
Bloom Carroll 10 Amanda Clearcreek 0
Re: Boys Southeast District Schedules/Scores 2021
Minford 10 West 0
Alexander 1 South Point 0
West Muskingum 7 Sheridan 0
North Adams 10 Clay 2
Western Pike 3 West Union 0
Marietta 3 Dover 1
Coshocton 6 New Lexington 2
Hillsboro 4 Southeastern 0
Minford 10 West 0
Alexander 1 South Point 0
West Muskingum 7 Sheridan 0
North Adams 10 Clay 2
Western Pike 3 West Union 0
Marietta 3 Dover 1
Coshocton 6 New Lexington 2
Hillsboro 4 Southeastern 0
Last edited by a_c_m on Fri Aug 27, 2021 9:33 am, edited 2 times in total.