Raider6309 wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2019 7:25 pm
TRENCHFOOT wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2019 3:05 pm
kantucky wrote: Tue Oct 29, 2019 11:04 am
Ruger LCP 380, no, it's not the most ideal personal carry but my its easy to carry. Drop in front pocket and I forget it's there
Also, I like the ability to palm it in my hand and keep it concealed. I've done that a couple times when I've been approached in an isolated area and alone. First thing someone would want to do is gain your trust and then knock you to the ground. With it in your palm, the next thing they'd experience is that man shooting them while on his back in their gut.
I like those little 380's. Handy and fits the hand like a glove. No knock down power, but will get the job done when in time of need. If not, fire again. My neighbor has one and I loved the way it felt in my hand. I know where you are coming from, Kantucky. Feels good and comfy in your hand.
I like Rurger’s cheap compact guns
Ruger makes some nice guns at a good price. I haven't got my CCW, but if I ever do it will be something compact in a 9mm.