wobycat wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:40 pmYou will never find any year of transfers like what we are seeing now. Anyone who doesn’t see it, just pouring it on burg. I get it.bbjunky81 wrote: Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:36 pm I’m perfectly fine questioning the transfers of Ironton being dirty or not dirty… but wobycat you Burg folks have no business even mentioning it with the abundance of transfers you all have received over the years.
Ironton just decided to do what Burg’s done for many years except do it even better and yes, probably a little dirtier.
Woby, I like ya buddy. I do. I tend to agree with the majority of stuff you post on Preps. You’re definitely a guy I’d like to have a beer with.
But you let your blinders take over when it comes to these conversations.
Yes, Ironton has several transfers. We’re they all coincidence? I’m sure not. Were some probably a little bit dirty in terms of being recruited? Yeah, probably. But Burg has been the #1 receiver of transfers in Scioto County for decades now. Let’s not act like all of them were perfectly clean transfers either. Might want to look into a few of your boosters as well as one of your board members who I know FOR A FACT goes outta there way to try and recruit some kids each year…
Just because Ironton has beat you to the punch doesn’t mean they’re any more guilty than the team you love so dearly.