Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

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Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by gotigers98 »

The Ohio State recruiting blog post is up now on our ETS college sports blog at elitetristatesports.com . Just click blogs and then the ETS college sports blog.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by Peake »

Sorry but this blog imo is not very informative. It is full of non-factual information. Look up how many offers have went out, nearly 100 from OSU and you claim "Ohio State Could have more commits but Urban Meyer is being very selective with who he is recruiting right now because they are expected to only sign about 15-20 recruits on National Signing Day."

Dubs does a fantastic job with recruiting on here, my advice is ask him for pointers to improve a sloppy blog.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by seofan_via_dublin »

Well, technically he has asked. I've just been too busy to contribute with my writing!

Hoping to remedy that on Friday morning.

I haven't even had time to read the recruiting post, but I'm sure there is good stuff in there too.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by gotigers98 »

Hey peaked thanks for your honest opinion. Although it is very informative they do have 100more offers out but there is a difference between a offer and a committable offer. They offer everybody to set their foot in the door. Some prospects wont talk to you unless they get an offer. Maybe you should do a little more research. And it doesn't bother me that you don't like my blog or don't like my blog just don't visit or read it any more. Believe me it wont hurt my website and I wont lose any sleep. Because I know some people do like the blog and the website. You talk to an osu fan in the know and they will say my blog was on point. Sloppy blog
Lollll. Smh! !!!!

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by tigerfan98 »

Hey Peak you send out 100 to get a chance to get the top talent in the country. When the big recruits fall through, you settle for the next best recruit who doesn't feel cheated because you offered him too. Ohio State lost scholarships plus already have a young team in place. You make absolutely no point. Look at Ohio States recruits so far. 4 star, 5 star, 4 star ............ Notice a trend.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by Peake »

Guys relax. It is my opinion, deal with it. Btw, I wrote for scout and was a recruiting coordinator for a year for Marshall. I am well aware of how it all works. I am telling you that your sight looks like every other sight. Just saying. If you want to be taken serious I would try finding quotes, getting interviews, etc. simply putting up an over view is lazy IMO. There are 100 sites out there that do exactly what you do if not more.

I am not saying these things because I am a Michigan fan, I am saying as someone who has worked in the recruiting business. It is white noise. You at simply putting up kids who are committed and saying some pretty general information. If I were you I would do a lot more research and get info from credible recruiting service about what type of player they are, strengths, weaknesses or where they need to improve, maybe compare them to a former player, put up video, get interviews, putmup multiple rankings from seveeral sites, maybe who else they have offers from etc.

Try getting a little thicker skin too, it helps to be able to take constructive criticism.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by Peake »

Just to add a little to that here is a list of things I would consider adding.

1. All available rankings (ESPN, 247, Rivals, Scout).
2. What other schools offered.
3. All-Star game selection if they have (Army AA, Under Armour, Semper Fi).
4. Information about recruit from sources.
5. Video
6. Interview or steal an interview from someone (of course cite it).
7. Strengths, areas of improvement
8. Compare to former buckeye
9. Who else OSU is in on, who is favoring them, long shot, etc.
10. What position are they full at, needs, etc.
11. stats

Here are some great sites to start with.
http://espn.go.com/college-sports/footb ... ting/index

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by tigerfan98 »

I dont remember anyone asking for help. 2nd nobody knows who you are and nobody will ever hire you to evaluate their blog page. Information is the key. Provide info thats the objective. We do multiple things we have had college info up for less than a week and already a hater lmao. Im not sure how smart you are since you don't realize we are a high school sports page and we are trying to reach a larger audience. Who cares about your pointers. Nobody. We are not a college scout site we have friends who are. Example 11 Warriors.com They know enough info to make you jump off a bridge. Dont waste your time being a hater it will get you know where. If you know so much MAKE YOUR OWN WEBSITE.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by tigerfan98 »


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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by gotigers98 »

Peake, First off I don't care where you worked or who you worked for. I know about all those sites I like them . I also like this site, I like alot of sports sites because I like sports. I do understand that our site is like alot of other sports sites because they are sports sites. My blog was not like scout or rivals because we are scout or rivals. We are elitetristatesports.com . We cover a little bit of everything high school, college, pros, interviews, podcast, Blog, and more stuff to come in the future. My Ohio State recruiting blog was what I meant it to be a simple Ohio State Recruiting breakdown of the commits they have so far. Maybe in future post I will go more in depth, that was a quick simple blog, sorry it didn't reach your standards of greatness. Even though you are a michigan fan. I thought some of my ohio state fans would like the post and they did. Also I know you probably dont like our podcast or haven't listened to it, and thats fine to, we don't care. But, a couple of episodes ago we had alex the recruiting analyst from elevenwarriors.com on and he has alot of great info about ohio state recruiting and gave us alot of info, so if you want you can add that website to your list of websites . So if you decide that you want to read and break down our next blog, I can't wait to see if it meets your standards. Also if you want to you can write on our college blog and show us how its done.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by Peake »

Guys guys guys. I didn't know you were high school kids, most people on the college forum are adults. I apologize if I came off a little harsh. Had I known you were not adults I would have been a little easier on you.

Let me tell you as someone in the professional world, I would stop this we don't want your help, we don't need anyone's help, if you have anything to say to us we don't want to hear you are a hater. For high school kids you have a solid page, again I apologize thought I was dealing with adults, but in order to improve it you need to do some things. If you don't like my criticism, fine, but my suggestions will help your page. As I said previously, I worked for scout, you know one of the actual big three recruiting websites? I did at the professional level what you are doing on a amateur level. If I were writing about recruiting and someone who has done it before gave me suggestions on how to improve my site, information, or writing I would use it. I'd stop acting like little children who had their feelings hurt. You want your site to look like 99% of the sites out there, fine, but I wouldn't expect great feedback. This also has nothing to do with me being a Michigan fan, I read several recruiting websites, I love recruiting, I enjoy reading good information.

Great the guy from eleven warrios gave you info, why didn't you use it in your blog? Communications 101 here children. Quote him and use it in your blog, it will make it a hell of a lot more interesting then it currently is. Did the person from EW evaluate your blog? If so they didn't offer the same info I did? I seriously doubt it. Ok so someone knows more then me on how to successfully run a blog, great for them, I still assume they would tell you that the information (suggestions) provided are helpful.

If you want to give me the keys to the store I would love to write your first blog and show you how good it can look. PM me and I will surely do it. In all seriousness. Lastly, if you are going to be on an adult chat forum, please don't act like children when you are given a little constructive criticism. If you wanted to be treated like adults, act like adults.
Last edited by Peake on Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:14 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by Peake »

Go Tigers I do write for another website, www.gbmwolverine.com. This is not a hater thing (That is such an elementary term and unprofessional) anyways. Adults don't really use the word hater.

I also assume that you want higher traffic to your site, and by simply dismissing that you don't need other information to make it more interesting or to make the reader want to come back, then you won't be writing for long.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by VegasEagle »

Not a bad site at all guys I really like the Beaver Eastern post....

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by fightingtigers45 »


Peake is simply trying to help you guys out and provide some constructive criticism. He is right. Maybe he came off the wrong way, but he is right nonetheless.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by fightingtigers45 »

To add to my post above...

I really like what you are doing with the site and I hope it continues to grow.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by Peake »

Thanks ft45.

I was too harsh at first, I thought the site was created by adults. The site made by teenagers is solid. Again, I apologize and have a few times now.

I really like your high school pages and game previews. Very well done on those.

College recruiting portion needs work though.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by gotigers98 »

I'm tired of talking about it. Peake 1st of all we are adults and our site is still pretty young and we are still learning how to do things better we are not perfect. We are trying to do some different and positive things on our site. When I started the site I went in knowing that some people would like it and some people would not so it really doesn't bother me that you and tigers45 don't like the blog. I guess the point I was trying to make is we don't want to be like the sites you were prefering to. I mean we would like to be as successful as them but maybe go at it in a different way. Like I said before my recruiting blog was meant to be an overview to sort of get ohio state fans that didn't know how many commits they had caught up. I will go more in depth in the future. Thanks for the support vegas, socfan 1430 did a great job on that blog post. But like I said The recruiting blog is what it is Some liked it and some hated it. But it won't stop us from doing what we enjoy to do . I hope everyone likes our next post and if not let us know about it so we can continue to get better.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by fightingtigers45 »

For the record, I don't care about the blog quality. I don't follow Big Ten recruiting.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by Peake »

So you lied. So in order to defend yourself you felt it necessary to pose as high school students. Wow.

No one said they don't like it, we said it (in its current state) could be better. Your site does say at the top "The #1 Source for College Sports News". I would expect more then a general overview if you are the #1 site for college sports news. You don't want to be like other successful blogs? I am puzzled by your response to people trying to help you.

If you want people to read and continue reading, you don't turn people off by calling them names or dismissing their ideas. You simply say thank you for your insight or opinion and we will continue to try and improve. By doing what you did shows how little class you have and how unprofessional you really are.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by gotigers98 »

tigers45 if it wasnt the blog then let me be more specific I dont care what you dont like about the site. I tried to be nice about it. And I never lied Tell me where we said we were high school students. As for the tagline on the blog thats a standard tagline. I dont know who you think you are peake. It's like you think everybody has to check with you before they write a blog. I tried to be nice to end the convo about it but if you want to keep going we can. I don't know how I can put it another way if you don't like it fine but I know some people do. Like I said we are getting better and we are getting more bloggers on board so I hope you guys like are future post and if you don't thats fine to. But peake if you think our sites just to please you you are wrong their are alot more people that visit the site than you. I can't even be nice to you. I can't wait to see what you write next.

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