Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by Peake »

Again, it is obvious you don't operate in the real world. You don't insult your readers nor do you tell them they have no clue what they are talking about when you turn around and admit you have no clue what you are doing.

I know who I am, I have been around for a very long time, and I have had a lot of great conversations and debates with a lot of great people on here. To be fair, no one knows who you are. I have been here for years, and know most people on here, you have been here for less then a year.

You put up a link saying check out my blog, so I did, and it isn't very good. This isn't me liking or disliking you or your site, this is about attracting readers to your site and you doing a piss poor job of it. That is your main objective I am assuming, to attract readers? You don't attract readers by telling them "you don't care what they think" etc. It is very classless and unprofessional to act that way.

I can keep the conversation going all day. You didn't try to be nice you tried to be insulting and attack me by saying "no one knows who I am", "no one would ever hire me", and so on. You are running an amateur blog, no disrespect but I worked in the business professionally. So no one knows who you are, no one would look at your blog and realistically think of making you apart of their professional websites. If you were really concerned about making your blog attractive and professional you would listen rather then what you are doing now.

Again, it shows how immature and classless you and your operation is.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by gotigers98 »

Loooooooooolllllllllllll, im done with you and I didn't say I didn't care what my readers think, If they something that makes sense to me I will listen. I said I don't care what you think because your first statement was something about ohio state had a 100 offers out and then we corrected you on that and on your next post you agreed and said you know how it works. Like I said before I am not perfect and will always listen to criticsm I can learn from but you make no sense to me. So i'm done im going to let you go on being the king of this great forum because I don't have time to listen to you all day.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by Peake »

Ok, so commitable offers is your hang up? I know exactly how it works, I DID IT for a year! I was out evaluating kids, I know how college football works, I worked in it for four years at Marshall. Yes the first wave of offers that go out are simply to get a feel for who is interested and who is not. The first calls you make on signing day are to next years kids you feel confident about. Next you try and get these kids on campus. Here is another thing, try telling your readers who is set to visit campus when, or for what camps.

You do realize #2 and #3 kids out of Ohio are headed North correct? You do realize several of the top midwest kids are already off the board? The top 2 in Pennsylvania are gone, top 2 in Ohio are gone, top 2 in Michigan are gone, top 2 in Illinois are very close to gone. So this is why I have a problem with your "being selective" bit. Your latest commit was not highly sought after, and if OSU was being selective they wouldn't have offered. Rather, they finally got the hint that Dynomite Thomas is not going to commit to them, so they finally moved on.

If all of the suggestions I gave you on improving your site aren't "making sense to you" then I suggest you try something else. The best blog sites all have these things incorporated into their sites, pretty universal concept. But I am sure you already knew that.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by Peake »

I also enjoy how you are on here for the sole purpose of soliciting Seop for members to come read your site. Class.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by gotigers98 »

I don't come here and just solicited to get people to come to my site. I do from time to time start a thread telling people about a new post we have up or an interview. We also have a link up on our links page to this website. Because I like the site and visited it before I had a website. I do commit on other post and met some great people in this forum. Stay classy peake.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by Peake »

Exactly, what you are doing is the definition of soliciting. You come on here to promote you site, meanwhile insulting members of the site you are trying to pull an audience from. Let me check the rules here, I don't know if solicitation is allowed.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by VegasEagle »

Come on guys give it a rest will ya for crying out loud....... Its Friday and its Lobster Fest at Red Lobster

JV Team
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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by gotigers98 »

Lollllllll. I do like red lobster.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by VegasEagle »

gotigers98 wrote:Lollllllll. I do like red lobster.
Classy place for a Classy Gentleman lol.......... Ultimate Feast Yeah!!!!!!!

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by tigerfan98 »

Peake you argue for the sake of arguing. You make no points accept the fact that we aren't actual recruiters. Your not dealing with kids your dealing with 2 graduates who received bachelor's degrees, an associates degree plus minors in gerontology and psychology. We have wasted our time talking to you since you know everything smh. I'm done on this quote here. "Don't argue with fools because from a distance you can't tell who is who"

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by Peake »

Am I supposed to be impressed with two BA's that have nothing to do with technology or sports? I make plenty of points, you choose to ignore them because your inability to admit that you come onto SEOP to solicit, meanwhile you insult members of this page who have been here for a long time and your buddy has been here for a year for the sole purpose of promoting your own site on another. If I were a Mod I would have kicked you off a long time ago.

I am currently working on an MBA from Michigan. Everyone cheer for me because I am edumacated.

Again, you have piss poor skills in a business sense by insulting your readers and telling them you don't care what they think, all the while admitting you have no clue what you are doing. I always enjoy a great attitude when it comes to customer service, and when the customer says I'd like to see X,Y, and Z you follow it up with we don't care what you want. Genius! You guys are going to go far!

BTW, Dubs already does a OSU recruiting on here, and in much more detail, as well as updates for spring. As a reader less information v more information, usually more information wins every time.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by Satelite »

I see another subject has been hijacked by peake. You guys have nothing to worry about with soliciting. One of the staff members of this site promotes his own site over in the basketball, football, baseball, and girls sports threads. Your site is informative to those who want to read the information. Peake only wants to hear himself. That is why he toots his own horn, instead of others informing you of who he is, what he does, and where he's been. And if you have not noticed, his little subjects are mostly posted in by himself and MAYBE 2 or three other posters (like I said, "those who want to read). By the way Peake...whoops, that's a little "p"....peake, if you write for other websites I sure do hope you proofread.

Sue E. Side
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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by Sue E. Side »

Satelite wrote:I see another subject has been hijacked by peake. You guys have nothing to worry about with soliciting. One of the staff members of this site promotes his own site over in the basketball, football, baseball, and girls sports threads. Your site is informative to those who want to read the information. Peake only wants to hear himself. That is why he toots his own horn, instead of others informing you of who he is, what he does, and where he's been. And if you have not noticed, his little subjects are mostly posted in by himself and MAYBE 2 or three other posters (like I said, "those who want to read). By the way Peake...whoops, that's a little "p"....peake, if you write for other websites I sure do hope you proofread.

:122245 This.....

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by Peake »

I can leave again it is no problem. This page will turn into a few Ohio state threads with the same things being posted and reposted. You don't want actual information, that's fine. Ignorance really is bliss to some.

Btw, when you write professionally you have what are called editors. ;-)

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by Satelite »

Hope your editors are paid well....I assumed that professionals could write better. I guess that old saying about "assume" is correctly applied here.

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Re: Ohio State Recruiting update breakdown blog post up

Post by Peake »

I am curious what it is exactly that you contribute? All of your mind blowing 20 posts I am sure have been captivating and full of useful information. You have posted a total of 12 times on college threads with little insight to add. You seem to be a guy with the scoop on Eastern athletics, outside of that I have not found a single post made on the college threads that have been constructive. To be precise, four of them are you writing at me, meanwhile contributing little to nothing.

So you think I am a bad writer, ok, so what? I would estimate that 99% of actual format and sentence structure on a public CHAT FORUM would not pass 9th grade level writing. However, we are writing in a public chat forum, not really a place of scholarly bliss. Not to mention a good majority of my posts (outside of UM) come from my phone.

BTW, if you are going to talk about grammar, might not want to add four dots in your ellipsis when complaining about the quality of someone's writing. Should you try focusing on content in a chat forum v scholarly writing? How many people take things on this site and don't properly cite them? Should all posters be required to use in text citation and a resource page too? Exactly. Good day.

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