Pfloyd has his tickets for the Chicago meeting of the committee of one ... the Preseason Elite 8 should be coming sooner than later now as the FB season for MOST is coming to an end in the next couple of weeks ... Got a text from Coach Maddox this past week as well! The Warriors will be opening there NEW WarriorDome diggs this season! he's ready to get back in the NEW gym - the Warren TEAM will be "down" compared to TEAMS of the past BUT "down" at Warren doesn't have the same definition as at other schools - we'll see ... Tuesday January 25th mark your hoops calendars! Warren vs Marietta in the New Warrior Dome ... WHS is planning a Cancer Awareness Game - players will be dedicating the game to those who have/are fighting the fight by wearing names on their warmups ... the Warrior basketball family lost a member this past year - WHS basketball great Austin Cunningham's dad (Monte Cunningham) passed away this past summer from cancer HE will be honored at the Cancer Awareness game on Jan 25th as will all those who have/are battling this disease ... Coach Maddox asked if I would attend the game representing all of those in SEO who are fans of SEO hoops who are fighting/have fought the fight vs Cancer ... I didn't hesitate in answering that I would be honored ... I hope to see many of YOU at the new Warren High School January 25th ...
Trojandave ! Portsmouth will be in the top 20 in the preseason !!!!

Lots of things to be thankful for as we head into this Covid Season #2 ... more to come in the weeks leading up to Tip Off Nov.24th ... stay safe & healthy out there - pfloyd