bman wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 11:47 pm
formerfcfan wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 8:17 pm
Raider6309 wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 7:44 pm
He gets Pick Central and will like it
I respect that he does what he thinks is in the best interest of his school, and in the best interests of the league.
That said, I feel that he lacks awareness at times when he talks.
“I know speaking as the commissioner of the MSL that our other two divisions would like to have the chemistry that the Buckeye Division schools have."
Like, yeah, man, the Cardinal and Ohio Divisions are pretty dysfunctional. That's what happens when you add schools who have no history and few, if any, common denominators to compete into those divisions.
If the Buckeye schools did talk and said "yeah you know we want to just stay at 7", all good. No complaints from me. I do doubt that happened, already, however, but if it did then I get it. The way it sounds in Brad's article, it reads as if Jim himself poured cold water on that idea.
Has he ever considered why BU/FC keep getting brought up over the years, online and in circles, as a speculated candidate for the Buckeye? As in, maybe the league they got steered into 9 years ago became a boondoggle with lots of problems that are pretty much not fixable?
Jim tries to be as flexible as he can with the membership and he was basically throwing the ball into the Buckeye Division's court. He's fine if they want to go to eight or stay at seven, but he doesn't see many available schools that would really fit in the Buckeye Division. Maybe that will change.
As far as Fisher and Berne Union go, I doubt the Cardinal Division could survive if it lost those two schools. I also don't believe those schools make sense for the Buckeye Division. It's very easy to operate a seven-school division until you can find an eighth with the exception of football. So, if it comes down to a football decision, does it make sense to add a Division VII school that is going to get waxed by two-thirds of the league?
Ultimately, the issues of the league go back 15 years ago. when we basically had a Cold War between the Buckeye and Ohio Divisions. The Buckeye won the Cold War, but losing all of the Licking schools hurt the other two divisions.
If the Cardinal today had Newark Catholic, Liberty Union and Grandview Heights to go with Berne Union and Fisher Catholic, it would be a much stronger division. To keep the Ohio Division viable after all the Licking schools left, they had to try the Madison County expansion and after that didn't work, they had to move LU to the Ohio for football temporarily,, send Harvest Prep for football-only and then take in Ready and Buckeye Valley.
My man, thanks for taking the time to respond. Appreciate you -- your work, consideration and kindness.
re: flexibility of membership -- league really just got too large (24 schools, counting Teays Valley along with CSG in the Ohio) with too wide of a footprint and too much diversity of school size/composition/status/resources, IMO. That said, your "Cold War" comment hit the hammer on the head of the nail. Full disclosure: we are very upset at the possibility of a ninth school being added to the Cardinal, which will be taken to a vote in December, and unfortunately I have no idea why Jim thought it was even a remotely good idea for it to get this far to where it will be voted upon.
re: Buckeye -- I'm convinced we would have at least three possible "yay" votes out of the 7. I'm convinced that BU also has at least three possible "yay"s but they may not be from the same schools. 3 is obviously not 7, not even close. I'm
really curious if another Buckeye school may leave. That would dramatically change the calculus of the discussion.
I think one concern the Buckeye schools are going to have to square away down the road is if people start kvetching about it being a '7' team league. If it somehow became a 6-team league, yikes. But that's another discussion for a different day. Buckeye is at 7, currently.
I would kill for the Cardinal of yesteryear. Any iteration. Your mention of NC, LU, and GH warms the cockles of my heart. It does.
It disappoints me that both BU and FC are two communities who tirelessly work their collective asses off in their respective sports-spheres (facilities, programs health) and they're basically the only kindred spirits in the Cardinal. It frustrates me, to an extent, that either of our schools could get passed over in favor of an unfilled spot in the Buckeye. However, I know that the administrations at the Buckeye schools are consummate professionals who are trying their hardest -- tirelessly -- to look out for their students and sports-school communities. I would not want either of our schools to be invited out of pity.
Let it be known that nothing is off the table in the eyes of FC. Doesn't mean we're automatically making a move, mind you. It does mean that there will be very thorough examination and discussion to see if the Cardinal provides both the best opportunities for our kids and the means to make those opportunities possible (take a
good guess what I'm saying here.) That's even without an imaginary invite to the Buckeye.
In a hypothetical, just for S's and G's, if Berne were to get an invite to the Buckeye but not us, I would have nothing but the utmost appreciation and respect for both parties. I think everyone in FC land would feel the same way. We'd want to see Berne take it, if they want it. It'd be an awesome opportunity for their community and kids. No resentment, no jealousy... we may be bitter rivals but when we look at the tea-leaves I think both schools want to see each other eat if there's food in the bowl. As for us in that situation, I think I know what will happen. And I'm excited by that possibility.
It's no secret we need the Buckeye {or at least something else} way more than the Buckeye needs us. But, darn, how awesome would that look?